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R& E R& E I ssu ssue 1 1: Cycle 3 Proj ect A Approvals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

R& E R& E I ssu ssue 1 1: Cycle 3 Proj ect A Approvals s I ssue 2 e 2: R& E Rules es Decem ber 6, 6, 2019 2019 Exhibit F 1 Sources of R&E Funding Surcharges and fees: Resident annual angling license: $4

  1. R& E R& E I ssu ssue 1 1: Cycle 3 Proj ect A Approvals s I ssue 2 e 2: R& E Rules es Decem ber 6, 6, 2019 2019 Exhibit F 1

  2. Sources of R&E Funding Surcharges and fees:  Resident annual angling license: $4  Ocean troll (salmon) permit: $65  Col. R. gillnet (salmon) permit: $74  Commercial poundage fee: $0.05 Estimated Revenue (approximate) Commercial landing fee - 5% $200,000 Commercial permits – 5% $200,000 Recreational license – 90% $4,100,000 REVENUES TOTAL $4,500,000 Sport and Commercial Spent in Proportion to Revenue

  3. Types of projects funded by R&E TO

  4. Types of projects funded by R&E

  5. Types of projects funded by R&E

  6. Types of projects funded by R&E TO TO

  7. RESTORATION ENHANCEMENT of Facilities of Fisheries R&E Boa r d 1 - Pub lic -At-L a rg e 3 - Co mme rc ia l 3 - Spo rt

  8. 2007-2017 R&E - $22.1 Million On $73.9 Million in pr oje c ts

  9. I ssue 1: R&E Project Recommendations 9

  10. I ssue 1: R&E Project Recommendations Statewide Enhancement Restoration 10

  11. Recommended Projects Project Number Project Name Activity Type S/C Cycle 19-3 Vote 19-022 ODFW Fishing Facility Improvements Bundle 2019-21 Angler Access E $323,320 7Y-0N 19-023 Mapping Habitat Focus Areas Fish Habitat E $61,797 5Y-2N 19-024 Port of Alsea Multi-Use ADA Platform / Float Angler Access E $100,000 7Y-0N TOTAL $485,117 11

  12. Port of Alsea Multi-Use ADA Platform / Float Boats and people Boats People 12

  13. R&E Budget Status 2019-2021 Biennium Previously Cycle 3 Remaining if Limitation Approved Recommendation Approved Projects $0 ≈ 50% $2,373,605 Restoration ≈ 50% Enhancement $485,117 $2,344,807 $485,117 $5,249,791 $4,718,412 $46,262 TOTAL 13

  14. Staff Recommendation: Approve R&E Board recommendations. 14

  15. I ssue 2: R&E Rulemaking Senate Bill 42  Removed the sunset date for the R&E program  Provided more flexible meeting scheduling  Broadened commercial salmon representation 15


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