Queen Anne High School Course Choices for Session 2017 – 2018 Choice Forms: Mr Robertson S2 into S3 : Mrs Davie S3 into S4 : Mrs. Martin S4 into S5 : Mr Sinclair S5 into S6 : Mrs. Watson A copy of this presentation will be uploaded to qahs.org.uk
Key Points: • Do your research! www.ucas.com www.npfs.org.uk/nationals-in-a-nutshell/ • Broad General Education (S1 – S3): all curriculum areas • Senior Phase (S4 – S6): National Qualifications - started so you’ll finish! What else and so what? • Questions?
Design of the Choice Forms Mr Robertson DHT
Design of f the Choice Forms • Trial Run in December • Analysis of Trial Run Choice Forms • Putting courses in columns • Key principle – Give as many pupils as possible the choices they want, subject to resource availability. • 97.0% for pupils in S2 • 96.4% for pupils in S3 • 97.0% for pupils in S4 and S5
S2 into S3 Mrs Davie (S2 DHT)
The Curriculum • All pupils continue with a broad general education covering all eight areas of the curriculum • All pupils will continue to study English, Mathematics and the Modern Foreign Language studied for 3 periods per week in S2. • Religious and Moral Education, Physical Education and Personal and Social Education are compulsory and are part of the Core education. • Pupils choose 6 subjects to study in addition to the compulsory subjects. • Pupils must choose at least one subject from each of the following four areas to ensure a broad education • Sciences • Social Studies • Technologies • Expressive Arts • Pupils must choose two additional subjects which can be from any of the four areas above.
S3 into S4 Mrs Martin (S4 & S5 DHT)
The Curriculum • Religious, Moral and Philosophical Education, Physical Education and Personal and Social Education are compulsory and are part of the Core education. • Pupils continue with English and Mathematics and five other subjects from S3. • Pupils can choose one new course rather than continue with their fifth subject. The new courses are: • Administration & IT • Business Management • Computing Science • Creative Industries: Digital Technologies • Fife College Course • Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies • Sports Leadership
The Curriculum • Pupils will receive SQA Qualifications on successful completion of these seven courses at the end of S4. These will normally be at National 5 or National 4 or equivalent with the exception of some courses at Fife College.
Fife College • Some courses at Fife College will lead to an award for a single Unit at National level. • Fife College courses run on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. • Pupils are responsible for travelling to and from the college. • Pupils will miss two core periods as they need to travel to college during period 5 on Mondays and Wednesdays. • There is no guarantee that pupils will get a place at college so they must choose an alternative course in school.
S4 into S5 Mr Sinclair (DHT)
Research & Choose Wisely The qualifications your child achieves in S5 and S6 will determine post-school options Research what prospective university and college courses or specific jobs require before making choices • For most, the number and quality of passes is more important than the subjects you studied • A few have specific subjects that must be studied • What else? Must “add value” to stand out from others Find out as much as you can from teachers, universities, colleges, SDS (Careers) etc. before making choices www.myworldofwork.co.uk www.ucas.com
S5 Curriculum • Higher courses are taught for 6 periods per week. • National courses and equivalent are taught for 4 periods per week. • Pupils may choose a mix of Higher and National courses. • The choices must add up to either 28 or 30 periods per week. • If the choices add up to 28 periods then a 2-period per week option must be chosen. • Pupils in S5 (and S6) will get 1 period of Personal & Social Education and 1 period of Citizenship each week.
Progression Routes Achievement in S4 Level of Course in S5 National 3 Pass National 4 National 4 Pass National 5 or a similar subject at National 4 National 5 A to C Higher National 5 D A similar subject at National 5 If a pupil starts a course in June and does not gain the necessary entry qualifications for that course in the SQA exams then they must choose a different course at an appropriate level in August.
Combinations of Courses Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Column G Column H 4 Period 4 Period 4 Period 4 Period 4 Period 4 Period 4 Period 2 Period Courses Courses Courses Courses Courses Courses Courses Options (Nationals) (Nationals) (Nationals) (Nationals) (Nationals) (Nationals) (Nationals) Column I Column J Column K Column L Column M 6 Period Courses 6 Period Courses 6 Period Courses 6 Period Courses 6 Period Courses (Highers) (Highers) (Highers) (Highers) (Highers) Pupils can either choose Pupils can either choose Pupils can either choose 3 National courses from columns A to C 3 National courses from columns D to F 1 National course from Or Or column G and an Option 2 Higher courses from columns I and J 2 Higher courses from columns K and L from column H (One course from each column) (One course from each column) Or You cannot mix courses from A to C You cannot mix courses from D to F 1 Higher course from with courses from I and J. with courses from K and L. column M
How to Choose a Course Column G Column H To indicate the choice of course, draw an oval round the choice . Biology (N) Duke of Edinburgh (O) Chemistry (N) Ready, Study, Cook (O) French (N) Saltire Awards (O) History (N) Sign Language (O) Physics (N) Supervised Study (O) Practical cake Craft (N) Travel to College (O)
Leaving School If your child was born before 01.10.01 they can leave school after the exams in May 2017. If a pupil was born after 30.09.01 they must remain in full-time education until December 2017 . • They can choose to remain at QAHS for the full year/until the end of S6 • They can choose to remain at QAHS until December 2017 • They can choose to go to Fife College either until December 2017 or the full year (and beyond)
Leaving School If you are old enough to leave school your form will show this: Leaving School Please tick this box if you plan to leave school after your exams in May 2017.
Leaving School If you are not old enough to leave school your form will show this: Leaving School You are not old enough to leave school until December 2017 but you could choose to complete your compulsory education at college. Please tick this box if you wish your Guidance Teacher to help you go to college rather than attend school between August and December 2017.
S5 into S6 Mrs Watson (S1 & S6 DHT)
S6 Curriculum • Advanced Higher courses are taught for up to 6 periods per week. • Period allocations for other courses are the same as for S5. • Subject-Specific Study Classes • For pupils doing Advanced Highers only • 2 periods per week per Advanced Higher • 6 periods per week for Advanced Higher Art & Design
Progression Routes Achievement in S5 Level of Course in S6 National 3 Pass National 4 National 4 Pass National 5 or a similar subject at National 4 National 5 A to C Higher National 5 D A similar subject at National 5 Higher A to C Advanced Higher Higher D A similar subject at Higher If a pupil starts a course in June and does not gain the necessary entry qualifications for that course in the SQA exams then they must choose a different course at an appropriate level in August.
Saltire Awards / Volunteering Pupils in S6 may choose to volunteer either inside school (or outside school by prior arrangement). Pupils may either choose the Saltire Awards option in column H or use one other column instead of choosing a course. Pupils should use the reverse of this form to describe all voluntary activities outside school that they have organised or will organise by the end of May.
Key Events / Dates Dec 2016: Information Booklets on school website 16.01.17: Skills, Learning & Careers Festival 27.01.17: Example Choice Forms on school website 01.02.17: Course Choice Talks to Pupils Information Regarding Progress • Nov – Jan: Progress Reports published • Jan & Feb: Parents ’/Carers’ Evenings (not S3 ) 02.02.17: Issue of Choice Forms by 10.02.17: Return of Choice Forms
Questions? A copy of f this is presentation wil ill be uploaded to qahs.org.uk
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