quantitative texture analysis of shells palm canyon

Quantitative Texture Analysis of shells, Palm Canyon mylonites, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Quantitative Texture Analysis of shells, Palm Canyon mylonites, natural ice, metamorphic amphibolites and SCT-microquartz D. Chateigner - Laboratoire de Cristallographie et Sciences des Matriaux (CRISMAT) - Ecole Nationale Suprieure

  1. Quantitative Texture Analysis of shells, Palm Canyon mylonites, natural ice, metamorphic amphibolites and SCT-microquartz D. Chateigner - Laboratoire de Cristallographie et Sciences des Matériaux (CRISMAT) - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Caen (ENSICAEN)

  2. Outline • Textures of mollusc shells – Generalities – a - and c -axes patterns of aragonitic layers, twinning – Complex growth of layers: microstructure versus texture – global versus local probes – QTA and Mollusc's Phylogeny – QTA and calcitic fossils – QTA and Mollusc's prothaetics • Polyphased Mylonite (Palm Canyon, California) • Natural ice from the Greenland GRIP core • Metamorphic Amphibolites from Alps • Siliceous Crust-Type microquartz

  3. Textures of Mollusc Shells In collaboration with C. Hedegaard ( DGB Aarhus, Denmark ) H.-R. Wenk (DEPS Berkeley, USA ) L. Harper (DES Cambridge, UK) M. Morales (SIFCOM Caen, France)

  4. Generalities Reference frame in mollusc shells • Crystal: CaCO 3 , aragonite (Pmcn) or calcite (R c), for 3 M thousands of crystallites: . G . G N M N Euglandina sp.

  5. Typical x-ray diffraction pattern Mytilus edulis (common mussel) 600000 inner sheet nacre 121/012 500000 400000 112/022/031 113/141 Intensity 300000 231/023 002 200 130 200000 041/202 132 100000 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 2 θ °

  6. Crassostrea gigas (common oyster) outer foliated calcite 400000 202 300000 Intensity 122/10 10 124/208/119 113 200000 104 110 018/024 300 116 121 100000 215 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 2 θ ° Measured for around 1000 sample orientations, using x-rays, neutrons With electrons, around 3000 crystallites probed, provided flat surface

  7. Typical neutron diffraction pattern Belemnite rostrum 104 113 012 006 024/108 211/122 116 1010 110 202

  8. ODF-reliability (x-rays: point detector): Helix pomatia (Burgundy land snail: Outer com. crossed lamellar)

  9. OD-reliability (x-rays: PSD): Bathymodiolus thermophilus (deep ocean mussel: Outer Prismatic layer) 6.3 RP 0.05 = 25% RP 1 = 17% 1 m.r.d. S = - 1.9 Lin. scale F 2 = 13 m.r.d. 2 Eq. area proj. OD max = 63 m.r.d.

  10. a - and c -axes patterns of aragonitic layers, twinning c -axes texture patterns Nerita Fragum Cypraea Pinctada polita fragum testudinaria maxima ICCL ICCL ICCL ISN “polished “cockle” “turtle “gold pearl nerite” cowry” oyster” ⊥ ∠ ∀ ∨

  11. a -axes texture patterns Tectus Conus Nautilus Helix niloticus leopardus pompilius pomatia ICN ICCL ICN OCCL “commercial “leopard “new caledonia “burgundy top shell” cone” nautilus” land snail” ∗ | £ r Chateigner, Hedegaard, Wenk, J. Struct. Geol. 22 (2000) 1723-1735

  12. Proposal for a nomenclature for texture and microstructure types a, - 45 ISN ∗ ⊥ direction // ( G,M ) 25 angle from G a-axes distribution twin % Layer microstructure type c-axes distribution ISN: Inner Sheet Nacre ICCL: Inner Comarginal Crossed Lamellar ORCL: Outer Radial Crossed Lamellar ICN: Inner Columnar Nacre IPC: Inner Prismatic Calcite …

  13. Microstructure versus Texture Inner sheet nacre of Anodonta cygnea (river mussel): no intra-mineral epitaxy 100 010 001 20 µ m N a, - 45 ISN ∗ ⊥ 25 G

  14. Bathymodiolus thermophilus (-2400m deep mussel): no inter-mineral epitaxy 100 001 c, 0 , 90 OFC ∠ Ι 10 µ m N 001 100 a, 90 ISN ∗ G ⊥ 38

  15. Euglandina sp.: different crystallite shapes, close orientations ! 001 100 a, 75 ORCL I ⊥ 100 µ m 001 100 N a, 80 ICCL I ⊥ G

  16. From ISN to OCCL layers of Cypraea testudinaria (cowry): no inter-layer epitaxy Organically driven growth

  17. Cyclophorus woodianus : different SEM grain orientations look like single crystal from diffraction ! 20 µ m 100 001 100 µ m N a, 20 IRCL I ⊥ G Texture parameters may deserve phylogenic analysis

  18. Twinning in aragonite ... α (110) Domain II Domain I a b α = 2 arctan(a/b) = 63.8°

  19. … forms nacre platelets ... ( 10) 1 (110) ( 10) 1 (110) ? ? Bragg, 1937 Mutvei, 1980

  20. … that rearrange ... >100 16 1 1 Pinctada margaritifera Haliotis cracherodi (black pearl oyster: ISN) (black abalone: ISN)

  21. Global versus Local probes Crassostrea gigas (common oyster: Inner foliated calcite) Electrons 2604 measured 700 only non-rejected RP 0.05 = 45% x-rays: MAD criterion: 0.3% RP 1 = 31% max = 85 m.r.d. max = 100 m.r.d. Kikuchi diagrams x-rays

  22. QTA and Mollusc's Phylogeny From 70 mollusc species (gastropods, bivalves and cephalopods), around 150 layers studied

  23. Closely related species, close textural characters, but significant variations: textural parameters can serve character analysis a, 20 ISN ∗ ⊥ Atrina maurea 44 a, 95 ISN ∗ Pinna nobilis ⊥ 25 a, 90 ISN ∗ ⊥ Lampsilis alatus 25 110 , 15 ICCL < > ∀ × Fragum fragum 50 110 , 15 ICCL < > ∀ × Glycymeris gigantea 50 110 , - 15 , 10 ICCL < > ∨ × Spondylus princeps 50 ICCL O , 20 OSiP O ⊥ ∠ Bivalvia Paphia solanderi a, 90 ISN ∗ ⊥ Neotrigonia sp. 12 a, 90 ISN ∗ ⊥ Pinctada margaritifera 8 a, 90 ISN ∗ ⊥ Pinctada maxima 14 a, - 30 ISN ∗ ⊥ Pteria penguin 15

  24. IN O Monoplacophora Neopilina galatheae ⊥ IN O ⊥ Rokopella zografi a, 75 ICN ∗ ⊥ Nautilus pompilius 61 a, 80 ICN ∗ ⊥ Cephalopoda Nautilus macromphalus 110 , - 10 , 25 IRCL < > ∨ × Scutellaster tabularis 50 ICCL × a, 60 ORCL O ⊥ ⊥ Conus leopardus 47 a, - 50 ICCL × ⊥ Muricanthus nigritus 47 a, 20 IRCL I ⊥ Cyclophorus woodianus a, 45 IP ∗ ⊥ Cypraea mus a, 10 , 15 ICCL I ∨ Cypraea testudinaria a, 30 OCCL × ⊥ Oliva miniacea 50 a, - 80 ICCL I ⊥ - Euglandina sp. a, 90 OCCL I ⊥ Helix aspera a, 90 OCCL I ⊥ Helix pomatia Gastropoda

  25. Gastropoda ICN O Entemnotrochus adansonianus ⊥ ICN O ⊥ Perotrochus quoyanus , 15 ICN O ∠ Haliotis cracherodi ICN O ⊥ Haliotis rufescens ICN O ⊥ Tectus niloticus , 15 OSP O ∠ Tectus pyramis OSP O ⊥ Turbo petholatus OICP O ⊥ Phasianella australis | | 110 , 20 ICoCL * < > ∨ \ \\ Fissurella oriens 55 a, 90 ICCL ∗ ⊥ Scutus antipodes 17 \ \\ a , 25 ICCL ∠ × Nerita polita 58 ICoCL O ⊥ Nerita scabricota ICCL O OCCL O , 15 OHC O ⊥ ⊥ ∠ Viana regina

  26. Phylogenic interest: nacre = ancestral (Carter & Clarck, 1985) 19 evolutionary events, from cladistics charactere analysis

  27. nacre not ancestral 9 events

  28. Calcitic fossils: trichites - Fragments of the large bivalve Trichites relatively abundant in shallow marine sediments from the Middle to Upper Jurassic of Europe, Asia and Africa - Entire individuals are rare and the palaeobiology of the genus is poorly understood because of this - Studied specimens are thick, some fragments up to 3 cm in thickness, composed of a coarse simple prismatic calcite - Taxonomic position of Trichites remains problematic: pinnoids ?

  29. Pinnoid and Pterioid prismatic layers Pinna nobilis c-axes // N a-axes at random Pteria penguin

  30. Mussels prismatic layers Mytilus edulis c-axes ∠ N a-axes single-crystal like c-axes ⊥ N, // G Bathymodiolus thermophilus

  31. Scallop and trichite prismatic layers Amussium parpiraceum (scallop) c-axes ⊥ N, // G a-axes single-crystal like Trichites (fossil) c-axes ∠ N a-axes random

  32. Texture Analysis results F 2 Layer ODF ODF min RP0 RP1 c-axis a-axis {001} Max - S (mrd 2 ) type Max (mrd) (%) (%) (mrd) (mrd) Pinna nobilis OP 303 0 50 29 // N random 68 29 2.3 Pteria penguin OP 84 0 29 15 // N random 31 13 1.9 Amussium OP 330 0 53 33 // G <110> // 20 31 2.6 parpiraceum M Bathymodiolus OP 63 0 25 18 // G // M 27 13 1.9 thermophilus Mytilus edulis OP 207 0 41 25 75° <110> // 23 21 2.2 from N M Trichites P 390 0 52 28 15° random 56 41 2.2 from N Crassostrea gigas IF 908 0 45 31 35° // M >100 329 5.1 from N No DNA is available on fossils like Trichites, but Trichite's textural parameters are close to the ones of pinnoids or pterioids : interesting for the classification of extinct species Materials Science Forum, 408-412 , 2002, 1687-1692

  33. Calcitic fossils: Belemnites c c Belemnita mucronatus c- axes perp. to the shell: as in other cephalopods

  34. Aragonite fossils: Baculities sp. Baculities c- axes perp. to the shell: as in other cephalopods, strong c -calcite to c -aragonite fossils interaction

  35. QTA and Mollusc's prothaetics Pinctada margaritifera, P. maxima and P. Nobilis nacres: Bio-compatible and bio-inductive layers for rabbit bones (E. Lopez (MNHN, Paris)

  36. a, 20 ISN ∗ ⊥ Atrina maurea 44 a, 95 ISN ∗ Pinna nobilis ⊥ 25 a, 90 ISN ∗ ⊥ Lampsilis alatus 25 110 , 15 ICCL < > ∀ × Fragum fragum 50 110 , 15 ICCL < > ∀ × Glycymeris gigantea 50 110 , - 15 , 10 ICCL < > ∨ × Spondylus princeps 50 ICCL O , 20 OSiP O ⊥ ∠ Bivalvia Paphia solanderi a, 90 ISN ∗ ⊥ Neotrigonia sp. 12 a, 90 ISN ∗ ⊥ Pinctada margaritifera 8 a, 90 ISN ∗ ⊥ Pinctada maxima 14 P. Margaritifera a, - 30 ISN ∗ ⊥ Pteria penguin 15


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