quantifying air sea interactions in the tropics

Quantifying Air-sea Interactions in the Tropics Jie He Gabe Vecchi, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Quantifying Air-sea Interactions in the Tropics Jie He Gabe Vecchi, Nat Johnson, Andrew Wittenberg Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Ben Kirtman University of Miami Air-sea interaction Outside the tropics: Atmospheric variability generated

  1. Quantifying Air-sea Interactions in the Tropics Jie He Gabe Vecchi, Nat Johnson, Andrew Wittenberg Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Ben Kirtman University of Miami

  2. Air-sea interaction Outside the tropics: Atmospheric variability generated internally within the atmosphere. In the tropics: SSTs regulate the atmosphere. El Niño http://forum.weatherzone.com.au/ubbthreads.php/topics/1050469/40

  3. How strong is the SST forcing of convection? “Although SSTs in excess of 27.5 o C are required for deep convection to occur, the intensity of convection appears to be insensitive to further increases in SST .” -- Graham and Barnett 1987, Science SST > 27.5 o C SST ~ 27.5 o C strong convection OLR W/m 2 weak convection SST o C

  4. Lack of SST forcing over warm pool? Lau et al. 1997, J. Climate Large-scale remote forcing? Waliser and Graham 1993, J. Climate ; Zhang 1993, J. Climate ; Waliser 1996 J. Climate clear sky Wa Warm Les Less War arm

  5. SST forcing in coupled systems P = P ( SST ) + F P Atmospheric intrinsic Ocean driven He et al. 2017 J. Climate

  6. SST forcing in coupled systems P = a ⋅ SST + F P dSST 1 c p ρ w H ( b ⋅ P + F SST ) = dt a=2 (mm/day)/ o C; b=-3 (W/m 2 )/(mm/day) If F P is large and F SST is small (e.g., ITCZ), it would appear in a coupled system that the SST forcing is much less than 2 (mm/day)/ o C.

  7. SST forcing in an uncoupled system Coupled GFDL-FLOR P = a ⋅ SST + F P SST anomalies dSST 1 c p ρ w H ( b ⋅ P + F SST ) = dt Atmosphere-only GFDL-FLOR run for 200 years Assume linearity and solve for regression coefficient, a . relative _ anomaly = anomaly std

  8. Coupled vs. Uncoupled

  9. Local vs. non-local SST forcing P = P ( local _ SST ) + P ( remote _ SST ) + F P • The point-wise regression largely reflects precipitation response to local SST forcing.

  10. Random SST forcing Apply a random SST forcing at each grid point ( i ) that is not correlated with the other grid points. y − y i x − x i SST i ( x , y ) = B i ⋅ cos 2 ( π ) ⋅ cos 2 ( π ) 2 y w 2 x w y w = 8 o ; x w = 15 o B i = WhiteNoise

  11. Random SST forcing • The point-wise regression is largely independent of the spatial structure of SST anomalies.

  12. What determines ∂ P/ ∂ SST ? ( Mc = P P = q sfc ⋅ Mc ) q sfc ⋅ ∂ q sfc ∂ SST = ∂ P ∂ P ∂ SST + ∂ P ∂ Mc ⋅ ∂ Mc ∂ q sfc ∂ SST ∂ SST = Mc ⋅ ∂ q sfc ∂ P ∂ SST + q sfc ⋅ ∂ Mc ∂ SST

  13. What determines ∂ Mc/ ∂ SST ? • Moist Static Energy Model (Neelin and Held 1987, J. Climate ) s = C p ⋅ T + Φ m = s + L ⋅ q ∫ ∇⋅ ( mV ) = F sfc − F TOA ∫ ∫ m ⋅ ( ∇⋅ V ) V ⋅ ( ∇ m ) ≈ F sfc − F + TOA p TOA =0 ∇⋅ V dp m T p sfc ∇⋅ V T ∫ ∇⋅ V B = = −∇⋅ V T p m p m g m B ∇⋅ V B Δ m = m T − m B p sfc −Δ m ∇⋅ V B ≈ F sfc − F TOA −∇⋅ V B ≈ F sfc − F TOA Δ m

  14. What determines ∂ Mc/ ∂ SST ? Mc ∝−∇⋅ V B ≈ F sfc − F TOA Δ m Mc ∝ F F F Δ m = ≈ s T + L ⋅ q T − s B − L ⋅ q B Δ s − L ⋅ q B q B = α ⋅ q sat ( T B ) ≈ 80% ⋅ q sat ( SST − 1.5 o C ) Δ s = 5.0 × 10 4 J / kg

  15. What determines ∂ Mc/ ∂ SST ? F Mc ∝ Δ s − L ⋅ q B ∂ q B ∂ SST = q B ⋅ 7% / o C ∂ SST ∝ F ⋅ L ⋅ q B ⋅ 7% / o C ∂ Mc ( Δ s − L ⋅ q B ) 2 • As the base SST increases, L ⋅ q B increases exponentially towards Δ s.

  16. Summary so far … * Simultaneous SST-convection relationships from coupled systems, including observation, are inadequate for quantifying SST forcing. * SST forcing of convection is a monotonically increasing function of the base SST . * Uncoupled simulations can be ideal tools for quantifying SST forcing. Coming next … * Is the uncoupled SST forcing consistent with what’s happening in coupled systems? ( P = a ⋅ SST + F P ) * What do these uncoupled air-sea relationships teach us about the coupled air-sea relationships?

  17. Quantifying Evap and SH sensitivity P = ∂ P ∂ SST ⋅ SST + F P E = ∂ E SH = ∂ SH ∂ SST ⋅ SST + F ∂ SST ⋅ SST + F SH E dSST dt Estimate Evap sensitivity from uncoupled run based on regression (SST , Evap).

  18. Coupled vs. Uncoupled SST forcing & Evap feedback SST forcing only

  19. What determines ∂ E/ ∂ SST ? E = L ⋅ ρ a ⋅ C D ⋅ U ⋅ [ q sat ( SST ) − rh ⋅ q sat ( SST − dT )] γ = L / ( R v ⋅ SST 2 ) E = L ⋅ ρ a ⋅ C D ⋅ U ⋅ (1 − rh ⋅ e − γ ⋅ dT ) ⋅ q sat ( SST ) 1. only consider the Clausius-Clapeyron change in q sat to changes in SST , while assuming U, rh and dT do not change. " % ∂ E = ∂ E ⋅ ∂ q sat ∂ SST = ∂ E ⋅ γ ⋅ q sat = γ ⋅ E $ ' # ∂ SST & ∂ q sat ∂ q sat CC

  20. What determines ∂ E/ ∂ SST ? E = L ⋅ ρ a ⋅ C D ⋅ U ⋅ (1 − rh ⋅ e − γ ⋅ dT ) ⋅ q sat ( SST ) 2. consider changes in U, rh and dT in response to changes in SST . " % ∂ E = ∂ E ∂ U ⋅ ∂ U ∂ SST + ∂ E ∂ rh ⋅ ∂ rh ∂ SST + ∂ E ∂ dT ⋅ ∂ dT $ ' # ∂ SST & ∂ SST non − CC ∂ U = E ∂ E U ∂ E ∂ rh = − L ⋅ ρ a ⋅ C D ⋅ U ⋅ q sat ( Ta ) ∂ E ∂ dT = L ⋅ ρ a ⋅ C D ⋅ γ ⋅ U ⋅ rh ⋅ e − γ ⋅ dT ⋅ q sat ( SST )

  21. What determines ∂ E/ ∂ SST ? Deep tropics: cold, dry downdraft Subtropics: weaker air-sea coupling

  22. Model SST vs. Random SST forcing dry season wet season dry wind moist wind W C C W SST é E éé SST é E ê

  23. SH sensitivity to SST variability ∂ SST = ∂ SH ∂ SH ∂ U ⋅ ∂ U ∂ SST + ∂ SH ∂ dT ⋅ ∂ dT SH ≈ ρ a ⋅ C D ⋅ U ⋅ dT ∂ SST

  24. Summary for Evap and SH … * Evaporation and SH sensitivity to SST variability should also be estimated from uncoupled systems. * Evaporation and SH sensitivity is lowest in the off equatorial Pacific, due to the surface wind response. * The spatial structure of SST anomalies is important for Evaporation and SH sensitivity.

  25. A framework for air-sea interaction P = ∂ P E = ∂ E SH = ∂ SH ∂ SST ⋅ SST + F ∂ SST ⋅ SST + F ∂ SST ⋅ SST + F P E SH SW = C SW ⋅ P C SW = regression ( P , SW ) ∂ SST 1 c p ρ w H ( SW + LW − E − SH + F SST ) = ∂ t • Quantify atmospheric sources of SST variability. 3 ENSO forcing LW = β ⋅ SST − 4 ⋅ α ⋅ SST ⋅ SST (Waliser and Graham 1993, J. Climate )

  26. Tropical SST variability dSST 1 c p ρ w H ( SW + LW − E − SH + F SST ) = dt P = ∂ P ∂ SST ⋅ SST + F P E = ∂ E ∂ SST ⋅ SST + F E SH = ∂ SH ∂ SST ⋅ SST + F SH 3 LW = β ⋅ SST − 4 ⋅ α ⋅ SST ⋅ SST SW = C SW ⋅ P • LM simulates tropical SST variability reasonably well.

  27. Local air-sea relationship • Large biases in the simulation of air-sea relationship from current CGCMs.

  28. Local air-sea relationship • LM reasonably represents the local air-sea relationship from the CGCM.

  29. Local air-sea relationship • LM reasonably represents the local air-sea relationship from the CGCM.

  30. Summary I * Simultaneous SST-convection relationships from coupled systems, including observation, are inadequate for quantifying SST forcing. * SST forcing of convection is a monotonically increasing function of the base SST . * Uncoupled simulations can be ideal tools for quantifying SST forcing. Summary II * Evaporation and SH sensitivity to SST variability should also be estimated from uncoupled systems. * Evaporation and SH sensitivity is lowest in the off equatorial Pacific, due to the surface wind response. * The spatial structure of SST anomalies is important for Evaporation and SH sensitivity. Thank you Thank you


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