quail viii preliminary schedule

Quail VIII Preliminary Schedule Day 1: Thursday July 27, 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Quail VIII Preliminary Schedule Day 1: Thursday July 27, 2017 Welcome 8:00 AM Progress of the Natjonal Bobwhite Conservatjon Initjatjve 9:00 AM Donald F. McKenzie 9:30 AM Update to the western quail management plan BREAK 10:00 AM The saga

  1. Quail VIII Preliminary Schedule Day 1: Thursday July 27, 2017 Welcome 8:00 AM Progress of the Natjonal Bobwhite Conservatjon Initjatjve 9:00 AM Donald F. McKenzie 9:30 AM Update to the western quail management plan BREAK 10:00 AM The saga of the masked bobwhite: Lessons learned and unlearned 10:30 AM David E. Brown Efgects of broad-scale conservatjon on northern bobwhite populatjons in agricultural landscapes 11:00 AM John M. Yeiser Monitoring northern bobwhite populatjons reduces uncertainty about management efgectjveness: A paradigm of epiricism and hope 11:30 AM James A. Martjn LUNCH 12:00 PM Response of northern bobwhites to habitat improvement on private lands in the Rolling Plains of Texas 1:00 PM C. Brad Dabbert Populatjon response of three quail species to habitat restoratjon in South Texas 1:30 PM Eric D. Grahmann A focused habitat approach to northern bobwhite restoratjon in Kentucky 2:00 PM John J. Morgan Fall quail densitjes on public land in Missouri: A decade of monitoring 2:30 PM Beth A. Emmerich 3:00 PM BREAK

  2. Quail VIII Preliminary Schedule Day 1: Thursday July 27, 2017 Cumberland Room LeConte Room Summit Room Bobwhite and Habitat Bobwhite Research Bobwhite Restoration- Approaches and Theories Evaluatjon of a multj-temporal approach to Comparing the accuracy of egg candling and The role of Joint Ventures in northern bobwhite detect northern bobwhite habitat in semiarid egg fmotatjon to estjmate the hatching date of conservatjon 3:30 PM rangeland using LANDSAT imagery northern bobwhite clutches Steve J. DeMaso Jefgrey G. Whitu Byron Buckley Horizontal integratjon of strategic habitat Automated identjfjcatjon and mapping of woody Efgects of tanglehead expansion on bobwhite conservatjon for declining grassland wildlife habitat using digital ortho imagery habitat use in south Texas 3:50 PM populatjon in the Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture M. Keith Wethington John T. Edwards James Giocomo Efgects of radio transmituer atuachment style Long-term populatjon stability in the Greater Red Northern Bobwhite Response to Habitat and weight on fmight speed and body mass of Hills Region amidst range-wide declines: A case Characteristjcs in the Texas Shortgrass Prairie 4:10 PM northern bobwhites for integrated management Peter E. Schlichtjng Byron Buckley Theron M. Terhune II Northern bobwhite habitat management: Populatjon increases in northern bobwhite and Response of northern bobwhite to longleaf Vegetatjon and arthropod responses to brush other grassland-shrubland birds on private ranch pine ecosystem enhancement through the state 4:30 PM redutjon by grubbing and stacking in South Texas: 2008 to 2015 wildlife grant program Carter G. Crouch Maia Lipschutz Adam B. Butler

  3. Quail VIII Preliminary Schedule Day 2 Morning: Friday July 28, 2017 Cumberland Room LeConte Room Summit Room Parlor 6 Room Western Quail Ecology and Bobwhite Restoration- Mortality Agents NBCI 2.0 Workshop Management Approaches and Theories Landscape features afgectjng Natjonal Bobwhite Conservatjon northern bobwhite predator-specifjc Molecular genetjcs of new world Initjatjve focus area monitoring in nest failures in the Southeastern quails: Messages for managers 8:00 AM the 2C focus area Missouri United States Leonard A. Brennan Beth A. Emmerich Susan N. Ellis-Felege An evaluatjon of quail management Efgect of meso-mammal nest Conservatjon status of the masked predator actjvity on northern scale as a contributor to the quail bobwhite in Sonora, Mexico 8:20 AM bobwhite nest success decline David Garcia-Solorzano Alexander L. Jackson Ashleigh P. Tynes Individual trade-ofgs in reproductjve Use of Extjnguish PlusTM to reduce Restoring scaled quail into former investment: how land-use and red imported fjre ants and increase ranges in the rolling plains of Texas climate change interact to infmuence 8:40 AM northern bobwhite abundance phenotypic plastjcity Becky Ruzicka Nova J. Silvy Victoria Simonsen NBCI 2.0 Workshop Ecological interactjons between Breeding season space use and Derek A. Evans The law of interspersion and the red imported fjre ants, early- habitat selectjon of adult female principle of edge: Old arguments and successional habitat management scaled and Gambel’s quail in West 9:00 AM a new synthesis and northern bobwhite nest survival Texas Mark D. Mcconnell Angelina Haines Richard A. Temple Jr. Uncertainty and entanglement Evaluatjon of populatjon indices and Diseases of wild northern bobwhite: of habitat loss and fragmentatjon estjmators for scaled quail in the and update efgects in the management of 9:20 AM Rolling Plains of Texas northern bobwhite Roger D. Applegate Bradley W. Kubecka Mason H. Cline Geographic survey of Oxyspirura Survival and nestjng ecology of Genetjc structure of northern petrowi amoung northern bobwhites scaled quail in the Trans-Pecos, Texas bobwhite in the Rolling Plains 9:40 AM in the Southeastern United States Carlos E. Gonzalez Gonzalez Peter E. Schlichtjng Bradley W. Kubecka 10:00 AM BREAK

  4. Quail VIII Preliminary Schedule Day 2 Morning: Friday July 28, 2017 Cumberland Room LeConte Room Summit Room Parlor 6 Room Bobwhite Restoration- Western Quail Ecology and Mortality and Survival Approaches, Theories and Population Estimation Management Translocation Efgect of low levels of afmotoxins in A Presence-Absence Survey to Genetjc diversity and relatedness of Statjstjcal populatjon reconstructjon feed on egg productjon of northern Monitor Montezuma Quail in northern bobwhite coveys in South using wings from harvested northern 10:20 AM bobwhite and scaled quail Western Texas Texas bobwhites Susan M. Cooper Cristela Gonzalez Sanders Katherine S. Miller Theron M. Terhune II Comparison of dog surveys and Seasonal range and movements Home range and movements of Insectjcide use in the United States fall covey surveys in estjmatjng of Montezuma quail in Southeast northern bobwhite on South Texas and its efgects on quail fall populatjon trends of northern 10:40 AM Arizona Rangelands bobwhite Amanda D. Gobeli Pedro M. Chavarria Katherine S. Miller Evan P. Tanner The effjcacy of GoPro cameras to Survival demographics of Habitat, climate, and raptors as Estjmates of northern bobwhite account for nothern bobwhites Montezuma quail in southeast factors in the northern bobwhite neonate survival fmushed, but undetected during 11:00 AM Arizona decline: A multj-scale analysis aerial surveys Theron M. Terhune II Pedro M. Chavarria John T. Edwards Andrea Bruno Breeding season survival and nestjng of northern bobwhite on natjve Contributjon to northern bobwhite Use of summer whistle counts to Ecology of Montezuma quail in the prairie versus traditjonally managed populatjon recovery through monitor northern bobwhite relatjve Capitan Mountains of New Mexico 11:20 AM conservatjon areas in Southwestern translocatjon abundance Ryan S. Luna Missouri D. Clay Sisson D. Clay Sisson Thomas R. Thompson Breeding season microclimate assessment for northern bobwhite Retentjon and effjcacy of citjzen Evaluatjng two trap-and-release in areas of experimental habitat scientjst volunteers of the Texas methods for bobwhites 11:40 AM manipulatjon on a reclaimed surface Quail Index Theron M. Terhune II mine site Kelly S. Reyna Donald M. Yow 12:00 PM LUNCH

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