qa4ecv a traceable quality assurance system for multi

QA4ECV: A traceable quality assurance system for multi-decadal ECVs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

QA4ECV: A traceable quality assurance system for multi-decadal ECVs . Boersma 1,2 , J.P . Muller 3 , C. Brockman 4 , K.F A. De Rudder 5 , N. Fox 6 , N. Gobron 7 , J.-C. Lambert 5 , A. Lw 8 , J. Nightingale 6 , A. Richter 9 , R. van der A 1 , M.

  1. QA4ECV: A traceable quality assurance system for multi-decadal ECVs . Boersma 1,2 , J.P . Muller 3 , C. Brockman 4 , K.F A. De Rudder 5 , N. Fox 6 , N. Gobron 7 , J.-C. Lambert 5 , A. Löw 8 , J. Nightingale 6 , A. Richter 9 , R. van der A 1 , M. Van Roozendael 5 , and J.-L. Widlowski 7 1 Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), De Bilt, The Netherlands 2 Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands 3 University College London (UCL), United Kingdom 4 Brockman Consult GmbH (BC), Geesthacht, Germany 5 Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (IASB-BIRA), Brussels, Belgium 6 National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Teddington, United Kingdom 7 EC Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy 8 Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), Hamburg, Germany 9 Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen (IUP-UB), Germany CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  2. QA4ECV Funding progr.: EU FP7 Duration: 48 months : Feb. 2014 – Jan. 2018 Coordinators: KNMI (PI, ATMOSPHERE) & UCL (LAND) QA4ECV partners 17 partners from 6 EU countries CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  3. QA4ECV mission statement • Show how assessment of satellite data quality facilitates users’ appreciation of fitness-for-purpose of Essential Climate Variable (ECV) records. • Provide quality assured long-term Climate Data Records (CDR) of ECV or ECV precursors relevant for policy and climate change assessment, namely the following 6 parameters. 3 land ECVs 3 atmospheric ECVs • Spectral albedo Tropospheric columns of • Leaf Area Index (LAI) • Nitrogen monoxide (NO 2 ) • Fraction of Absorbed • Formaldehyde (HCHO) Photosynthetically • Carbon monoxide (CO) Active Radiation Precursors for tropospheric O 3 & (fAPAR) secondary aerosols (radiatively active + pollutants) CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  4. QA4ECV objectives 1. Establish a rigorous QA methodology for satellite ECV data • QA framework applicable virtually to all ECVs • S/W tools for ‘do-it-yourself’ QA • Traceability to SI as recommended in QA4EO 2. Provide multi-decadal satellite-derived global ECV records • 3 terrestrial and 3 atmospheric ECVs with global coverage; 20-30 yr • Not yet covered by ESA (CCI) nor EUMETSAT (SAF) activities; 3. Apply the generic QA system to ECV retrieval chain & products QA4ECV approach applied to independent reference data, ECV retrieval process, and final data products 4. Provide information on quality and fitness-for-purpose of datasets • QA Office to audit ECV records against GCOS, WMO criteria • Assess impact of ECV records on typical applications CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  5. QA4ECV organisation wrt objectives 1. Rigorous QA WP8 – FP7 p roject interaction 2. Multi-decadal Atmosphere methodology satellite-derived for satellite ECV global ECV Land WP2 WP3 WP4 products records Generic QA of ref. ECV QA system data retrieval 3. Application WP1 WP7 of QA system to Users User Disse- Users WP5 enga- mina- ECV retrieval & QA of ECV records gement tion products 4. Provision of WP6 Fitness-for-purpose of ECV records information on quality and fitness-for-purpose of datasets WP9 - Project coordination WP10 - Project management CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  6. QA4ECV methodology 1. Development of Quality Assurance System (WP2 ) Potential framework for QA4ECV service provision. • Users obtain a one-stop shop for all QA info • The QA4ECV Office provides independent verification of ECV QA • Traceability to SI & community reference standards through metrology experts • Support the retrieval groups with QA tools, S/W and uncertainty analysis practices CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  7. Data and service validation protocols (IASB-BIRA) CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  8. QA4ECV methodology 2. Generation of multi-decadal ECV records (WP4) Land Atmosphere • Spectral albedo, LAI & fAPAR • NO 2 , HCHO & CO • Surface and vegetation state • Air pollutants • Indicators for land use change, • Drive ozone and aerosol biosphere activity formation • Measured since 1980s • Measured since 1995 / 2000 • Evaluate carbon cycle & water • Evaluate atm. chemistry modules cycle in climate models in climate models • Provide info on effectiveness of policies, trends in fires etc. ECV datasets do exist to some extent, but they are not necessarily mutually consistent and their quality assurance rarely QA4EO compliant. CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  9. QA4ECV methodology 3. Application of QA system to ECV retrieval and products (WP5) ECV n° n QA of independent reference data (WP3) QA office ECV n° n QA of the ECV retrieval algorithm (steps) Science Group QA4ECV QA of complete ECV record coordinated multi-ECV & test against GCOS criteria delivery CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  10. QA4ECV methodology 3’. Application of QA system to reference data (WP3) Atmospheric reference data MAX-DOAS Network NDACC and TCCON FTIR Networks NO 2 and HCHO CO CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  11. QA4ECV methodology 4. Assessment of fitness-for-purpose of ECV records (WP6) Confrontation to user requirements (WP1) QA4ECV user requirement collection May 2014 Ongoing exercise (feedback loops) CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  12. User requirement documents GCOS Atmosphere / Oceans / Terrestrial Update scheduled in 2015 CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  13. User requirement documents IGOS IGACO Report, September 2004 CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  14. Compliance of limb O 3 profile data with user requirements ESA Ozone CCI Phase I (2010-2013) Total uncertainty Stability Ex- Consistency HARMOZ ante representation UTLS LS MA UTLS LS MA rnd L2 error C OMP . N ETWORK N ETWORK N ETWORK T ROP M ID P OL T ROP M ID P OL T ROP M ID P OL B IAS D RIFT SPREAD User req. – 8–15% – 1–3% / decade – – < 30 < 50 high high < 50 GOMOS < 30 hPa low hPa hPa S S hPa < 50 < 80 high Trop. < 50 MIPAS low hPa hPa S UTLS hPa < 50 < 70 high Trop. < 50 SCIA 4–10 hPa high hPa hPa S UTLS hPa < 50 < 70 high Trop. < 50 OSIRIS > 4 hPa low hPa hPa S UTLS hPa < 50 SMR no data no data > 8 hPa single profile noise > 20% hPa < 80 high < 50 ACE-FTS – low – – – hPa S hPa Compliant with user YES UTLS TP ± 3km T ROPICS 0–30° requirements? PARTIAL LS TP – 25km M ID 30–60° NO MA > 25km P OLAR 60–90° Courtesy D. Hubert, ESA Ozone_cci Final Review CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  15. Web portal functionalities • Provide detailed information on QA procedures to land & atmospheric ECV record producers and users • Step-by-step checklist for ‘good practice’ QA • Access to QA tools to support community in establishing and tracing quality • Atmosphere QA/validation server and Land QA/validation tools providing end-to-end quality information of in-house satellite- derived ECV precursor records wrt ground-based reference observations • Common gate to the 6 ECV data records • Forum devoted to ECV QA questions (and answers) • Dissemination of public and restricted project documents • Links to related standards and projects CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  16. QA4ECV website CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  17. Heritage validation websites ESA’s GMES Service Element: Atmosphere PROMOTE 2006-2009 CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  18. Heritage validation websites EC FP7 PASODOBLE (GMES Air Quality Downstream Service) QA/Val archive 2010-2013 CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  19. Heritage validation websites: O3M-SAF EUMETSAT CDOP-2 2012-2017 Platform: METOP_A Gas: NO 2 Validation reference: Station: Instrument: DOAS corrected for ground-based Harestua diurnal cycle CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  20. Heritage validation websites: O3M-SAF results viewer Importance of traceability Comparison between GOME-2A NO 2 (including photochemical correction) and BIRA-IASB DOAS at NDACC station of Harestua. CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

  21. Heritage validation server: NORS EC FP7 NORS validation server for Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) CLIPC Workshop on the design of scientific portals – De Bilt, 18 November 2014

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