q1 2016

Q1 2016 28 April 2016 rni Ellefsen, CEO Disclaimer This - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Investor Presentation Solid operating profit in Q1 2016 28 April 2016 rni Ellefsen, CEO Disclaimer This presentation contains statements regarding future results, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Consequently, actual

  1. Investor Presentation Solid operating profit in Q1 2016 28 April 2016 Árni Ellefsen, CEO

  2. Disclaimer  This presentation contains statements regarding future results, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Consequently, actual results may differ significantly from the results indicated or implied in these statements.  No representation or warranty (expressed or implied) is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Accordingly, none of BankNordik, or any of its principal shareholders or subsidiary undertakings or any of such person’s officers or employees or advisers accept any liability whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from the use of this document. Interim Report Q1 2016 Page 2

  3. Overview  Highlights Update on strategic adjustments  Financials   Banking Insurance   Expenditures Impairments charges   Capital development Capital ratios   Restructuring of subordinated capital  Long-term financial objectives  Outlook 2016 Retail banking Appendices  Private banking Corporate banking Insurance Interim Report Q1 2016 Page 3

  4. Highlights – Guidance reconfirmed and new financial targets announced Q1 2016 financial highlights (Q1 2015)* Operating income down 4.5% YoY to DKK 168m (DKK 176m)   Operating costs fell 8% to DKK 117m (DKK 127m) Net loan impairment charges were a reversal of DKK 1m (DKK 20m)   Operating profit amounted to DKK 50m (DKK 23m)  Profit before tax fell to DKK 25m (DKK 61m) CET1 capital ratio of 14.4% at 31 March 2016   2020 targets: 10% ROE and 62% cost/income ratio Q1 2016 operational highlights  Vørður deal amended following an indication from the Icelandic central bank Corporate loan book in Denmark reduced by close to DKK 520m in Q1 2016   Branch network in Jutland consolidated and reduced from six to four branches  Centralisation of branch support expected to be completed in H1 2016. *Operating figures are adjusted for discontinued operations related to Vørður Interim Report Q1 2016 Page 4

  5. Update on the divestment of Vørður and the winding up of the Danish corporate activities Divestment of Vørður Winding up of corporate activities in Denmark Not Q1 2016 H1 2016 exp. determined DKKm 1.000m 1.530m 520m  Deal amended: 100% of the shares to be sold  Danish corporate loan book reduced by close to DKK immediately - no splitting up – at an agreed price of 520m in Q1 2016 as part of the winding up of the ISK 5.3bn Danish corporate activities  BankNordik expects a capital gain of approximately  Two thirds of the DK corporate portfolio expected to DKK 60m from the sale be wound-up by July 2016.  The extraordinary dividend payment related to the sale is expected to be not less than DKK 100m, corresponding to the increase in core equity  The deal remains subject to the approval of the relevant Icelandic authorities. Interim Report Q1 2016 Page 5

  6. Solid underlying performance in core activities Q1 2016 vs. Q1 2015 DKKm Q1 2016 Q1 2015 Index Q1 2016 Q4 2015 Index Net interest income 113 120 94 113 111 102  Interest income down DKK 7m owing to Net fee and commission income 45 55 82 45 52 87 margin pressure and less income from the Net insurance income 8 0 8 8 100 investment portfolio Other operating income* 2 2 100 2 4 50 Fee income decreased DKK 10m due to  Operating income 168 176 95 168 175 96 overall low customer activity Operating costs -117 -127 92 -117 -122 96 Sector costs -1 -5 20 -1 -5 20  Operating costs fell DKK 10m, consistent Profit before impairment charges 49 43 114 49 47 104 with Group’s refocusing Impairment charges, net 1 -20 1 -11  Operating profit up DKK 27m Operating profit 50 23 217 50 36 139 Loans and advances down DKK 669m Impairment charges, intang. assets 0 0 0 -468  Non-recurring items -12 0 -12 -29 Market value adjustments -3 34 -3 -4 Q1 2016 vs. Q4 2015 Profit before tax, continuing 35 57 61 35 -465  Interest income up DKK 2m Profit before tax, discontinued (Vørður) -10 4 -10 18  Fee income down DKK 7m Profit before tax, total 25 61 41 25 -447  Operating costs fell by DKK 5m Loans and advances 9,961 10,630 94 9,961 10,675 93  Operating profit increased by DKK 14m Deposits and other debt 12,532 12,344 102 12,532 12,680 99 Operating cost / income, % 70 72 70 70 Loans and advances down DKK 714m  Interim Report Q1 2016 Page 6

  7. Interest income remains relatively stable Changes in NII from Q1 2015 to Q1 2016 Net interest income (NII) down DKK 7m from Q1 2015 to  DKKm 125 Tusinde Q1 2016, mainly owing to margin pressure and less income from the investment portfolio 119,6 1,3 120  NII increased DKK 2m from QoQ, affected by decreased 115 deposit rates effective from 1 January 2016 112,5 4,3 1,0 11,3 9,1 110  NII only marginally affected by the winding up of 0,2 corporate activity in Denmark since most of the progress 105 took place in the month of March 100  Lending volumes down DKK 714m QoQ. Q1 2015 Lending Lending Deposit Deposit Liquidity Other Q1 2016 volume interest volume interest management Loans Deposits Changes in NII from Q4 2015 to Q1 2016 Loans and deposits DKKbn DKKm 14 113 Tusinde 112,5 12,8 12,8 12,7 13 12,6 112 12,5 1,3 12,3 110,9 12 111 0,0 0,8 10,7 10,7 10,7 1,8 11 10,6 110 0,0 10,5 0,0 1,6 0,4 10,0 0,1 109 10 0,0 0,0 9 108 107 8 Q4 2015 Lending Lending Deposit Deposit Liquidity Other Q1 2016 Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Q1 2016 volume interest volume interest management Interim Report Q1 2016 Page 7

  8. Notably reduced fee and commission income YoY changes in fee and commission income Net fee and commission income fell by DKK 10m from Q1  DKKm 60 2015 to Q1 2016 and by DKK 7m from Q4 2015 to Q1 2016 54,9 4.0 55 0,6 2.0  Weak asset management activity amid fragile financial 50 1.0 2.4 markets in Q1 2016 44,9 45  Income from mortgage broking services has pulled back to normal levels after a period of high remortgaging activity in 40 2015 35 Q1 2015 Investment Loan, Mortgage Dividends Other fee and Q1 2016  Gradual reduction in fee and commission income from and trading guarantee and broking commission commissions insurance services income corporate operations in Denmark consistent with the comm. controlled run-off QoQ changes in fee and commission income DKKm  Low overall customer activity in Q1 2016. 55 2.4 52,0 0,8 50 1,3 0.2 2.8 0,0 0,0 0,0 44,9 45 0,0 40 35 30 Q4 2015 Investment Loan, Mortgage Dividends Other fee and Q1 2016 and trading guarantee and broking commission commissions insurance services income comm. Interim Report Q1 2016 Page 8

  9. Insurance: Good start to the year Premium and claims* Net premium income up by DKK 1m in Q1 2016 compared  DKKm 25 Premium income, net Claims, net to both Q1 2015 and Q4 2015 20 Net claims down DKK 8m from Q1 2015 to Q1 2016 and  remained flat from Q4 2015 to Q1 2016 15  Profit before tax of DKK 4m in Q1 2016 relative to a DKK 21 21 10 4m loss in Q1 2015 and a DKK 3m profit in Q4 2015 20 20 20 The Bank’s customer loyalty programme has supported 12 12 12  5 the sale of insurance products, partially compensating for reduced prices in the market. 0 Q1 2015 Q1 2016 Q4 2015 Q1 2016 Profit before tax* DKKm 5 4 3 2 4 4 3 1 0 Q1 2015 Q1 2016 Q4 2015 Q1 2016 -1 -2 -4 -3 -4 -5 *Vørður is excluded and figures relate to Trygd only. Interim Report Q1 2016 Page 9

  10. Cost base down 8% as BankNordik refocuses core activities Cost development from Q1 2015 to Q1 2016 Operating costs fell DKK 10m from Q1 2015 to Q1 2016  DKKm 130 and DKK 5m from Q1 2015 to Q4 2016 127.0 Staff costs significantly down on YoY basis  125 6,0  DKK 3m in quarterly amortisation of intangible assets 0,7 1,7 related to customer relations discontinued when it was 120 0,4 1,2 117.2 fully written off in Q4 2015 3,0 115  The use of advisory services reduced in Q1 2016 compared to previous quarters 110 Q1 2015 Staff* IT Marketing Advisory Amort. int. Other Q1 2016 services assets expenses Average number of employees (FTE) Cost development from Q4 2015 to Q1 2016 DKKm 550 124 0.4 122.2 1.1 500 1.0 66 122 61 65 63 64 68 67 66 450 66 25 25 25 25 25 3.5 25 25 120 25 26 400 350 118 117.2 3.0 426 425 424 423 418 410 300 404 396 1,7 390 116 250 114 200 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 112 Q4 2015 Staff* IT Marketing Advisory Amort. int. Other Q1 2016 2014 2015 2016 services assets expenses Group excl. Vørður and Trygd Trygd Vørður * Staff figure excludes severance payments related to recent organisational adjustments Interim Report Q1 2016 Page 10

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