python data processing with pandas

Python Data Processing with Pandas CSE 5542 Introduc:on to Data - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Python Data Processing with Pandas CSE 5542 Introduc:on to Data Visualiza:on Pandas A very powerful package of Python for manipula:ng tables Built on top of numpy, so is efficient Save you a lot of effort from wri:ng lower python

  1. Python Data Processing with Pandas CSE 5542 Introduc:on to Data Visualiza:on

  2. Pandas • A very powerful package of Python for manipula:ng tables • Built on top of numpy, so is efficient • Save you a lot of effort from wri:ng lower python code for manipula:ng, extrac:ng, and deriving tables related informa:on • Easy visualiza:on with Matplotlib • Main data structures – Series and DataFrame

  3. • First thing first • Series: an indexed 1D array

  4. • Explicit index • Access data

  5. • Can work as a dic:onary • Access and slice data

  6. DataFrame Object • Generalized two dimensional array with flexible row and column indices

  7. DataFrame Object • Generalized two dimensional array with flexible row and column indices

  8. DataFrame Object • From Pandas Series

  9. DataFrame Object • From Pandas Series

  10. DataFrame Object • Another example

  11. Viewing Data • View the first or last N rows

  12. Viewing Data • Display the index, columns, and data

  13. Viewing Data • Quick sta:s:cs (for columns A B C D in this case)

  14. Viewing Data • Sor:ng: sort by the index (i.e., reorder columns or rows), not by the data in the table column

  15. Viewing Data • Sor:ng: sort by the data values

  16. Selec:ng Data • Selec:ng using a label

  17. Selec:ng Data • Mul:-axis, by label

  18. Selec:ng Data • Mul:-axis, by label Slicing: last included

  19. Selec:ng Data • Select by posi:on

  20. Selec:ng Data • Boolean indexing

  21. Selec:ng Data • Boolean indexing

  22. SeZng Data • SeZng a new column aligned by indexes

  23. SeZng Data

  24. Opera:ons • Descrip:ve sta:s:cs – Across axis 0 (rows), i.e., column mean – Across axis 1 (column), i.e., row mean

  25. Opera:ons • Apply • Histogram

  26. Merge Tables • Join

  27. Merge Tables • Append

  28. Grouping

  29. File I/O • CSV

  30. File I/O • Excel


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