putting the public in public works

Putting the Public in Public Works Steve Faust, AICP Community - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Concept Plans to Construction: Putting the Public in Public Works Steve Faust, AICP Community Planning Director Why Public Involvement? Leslie Knope Pawnee, Indiana Public Involvement in Oregon History 1973 Senate Bill 100 1974

  1. Concept Plans to Construction: Putting the Public in Public Works Steve Faust, AICP Community Planning Director

  2. Why Public Involvement?

  3. Leslie Knope Pawnee, Indiana

  4. Public Involvement in Oregon History • 1973 – Senate Bill 100 • 1974 – 100+ workshops; 10,000+ Oregonians • 1975 – Statewide Planning Goals Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement • Widespread public involvement • Two-way communication • Accessible information

  5. American Society of Civil Engineers Policy Statement 139 - Public Involvement in the Decision-Making Process Policy Statement on Public Involvement and Customer Communication

  6. Why Public Involvement? Benefits of Public Involvement • Increased knowledge • Balanced perspective • Better decisions • Ownership • Public confidence

  7. Why Public Involvement? Bend Collection System Master Plan • Increased knowledge • Balanced perspective • Better decisions • Ownership • Public confidence

  8. Public Involvement in Action

  9. Public Involvement in Action Preparation Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation

  10. Public Involvement in Action Preparation Different projects call for different levels of effort • Desired outcomes? • Audience? • Public role and influence? • Budget?


  12. Public Involvement in Action Preparation Public Involvement Plan • Objectives • Communications • Outreach • Schedule • Evaluation criteria

  13. Public Involvement in Action Implementation: Informing Informing = Notifying and Educating • Key messages • Notification • Communication tools • Understandable format • Partners

  14. Public Involvement in Action Implementation: Informing Briefing Flyer Press Release Brochure Infographics Reports Community Profile Media Packet Social Media Direct Mail News Articles Speakers’ Bureau Displays Newsletter Translated Materials Email Newspaper Ads TV / Radio Spots Fact Sheet Online Ads Media Interviews FAQs Presentations Website

  15. Public Involvement in Action Implementation: Informing

  16. Public Involvement in Action Implementation: Engaging Go to where the people are! • Business associations Engage = Two-Way Communication • Cultural groups • Interest groups • Interview key stakeholders • Libraries • Design activities • Online (Facebook, Twitter) • Places of worship • Ensure accessibility • Public gathering places • Restaurants • Schools

  17. Public Involvement in Action Implementation: Engaging Advisory Committee Online Engagement Surveys, Polls, Translation/ Questionnaires Interpretation Workshop Open House Stakeholder Interviews Focus Groups Community Conversations

  18. Public Involvement in Action Implementation: Engaging

  19. Public Involvement in Action Monitoring and Evaluation • Identify measures Planning Monitoring • Monitor and adjust • Tracking Evaluation • Report back

  20. Concept Plans to Construction

  21. Concept Plans

  22. Master Plans

  23. Roadway Design

  24. Road Construction

  25. Resources Putting the People in Planning Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee (CIAC) https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/About/Pages/CIAC.aspx (Or Google “DLCD CIAC”)


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