public private partnerships for real public private

Public Private Partnerships for Real Public Private Partnerships for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presenting a live 90 minute webinar with interactive Q&A Public Private Partnerships for Real Public Private Partnerships for Real Estate Projects: Latest Developments Creating or Restructuring PPPs That Work in Challenging Economic

  1. Presenting a live 90 ‐ minute webinar with interactive Q&A Public ‐ Private Partnerships for Real Public Private Partnerships for Real Estate Projects: Latest Developments Creating or Restructuring PPPs That Work in Challenging Economic Times TUES DAY, OCTOBER 25, 2011 1pm Eastern | 12pm Central | 11am Mountain | 10am Pacific T d Today’s faculty features: ’ f l f Tony Canzoneri, Partner, McKenna Long & Aldridge , Los Angeles Dennis S . Roy, Partner, McKenna Long & Aldridge , Los Angeles Allan D. Kotin, Principal, Allan D. Kotin & Associates , Los Angeles The audio portion of the conference may be accessed via the telephone or by using your computer's speakers. Please refer to the instructions emailed to registrants for additional information. If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-926-7926 ext. 10 .

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  5. Overview of Real Estate Development PPP Tony Canzoneri Dennis Roy McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP Allan Kotin Allan D. Kotin & Associates October 25, 2011 Webinar

  6. C Contact Information t t I f ti Tony Canzoneri 213 687 2103 213.687.2103 Dennis Roy 213.687.2132 Allan Kotin 213.623.3841 6

  7. Today s Speakers as a Prototype for Today’s Speakers as a Prototype for Negotiating Team For both sides, public and private • Transaction Attorney • Government Relations / Real Estate/ Land Use Attorney • Financial Advisor (Real Estate Economist) Fi i l Ad i (R l E t t E i t) 7

  8. O Overview i • In Public Private Partnerships – Expect Change in Good and Bad Times • Dramatic changes in capital and real estate markets have highlighted the need for flexibility and deal modification. highlighted the need for flexibility and deal modification • Our prior presentation provided the general framework for p p p g creating public-private partnerships, this one will address planning for and responding to change. 8

  9. O tli Outline of Presentation f P t ti 1. Review Some Key Definitions 2. Strategies for Addressing Change 2. Strategies for Addressing Change 3. Advance Planning to Minimize and Facilitate Workouts 4. Examples 5. Lessons Learned 9

  10. D fi iti Definition of Public Private Joint Ventures f P bli P i t J i t V t A public-private joint venture in real estate is for purposes of this presentation, a transaction which meets three tests: 1. It would not occur without public participation 2. It is a negotiated transaction not merely compliance with some application formula 3. It involves public agency participation through and past completion in both regulatory and contractual roles 10

  11. Th Three Major Categories of PPJV’s M j C t i f PPJV’ 1. REDEVELOPMENT (Policy-Driven) TRANSACTIONS A. Driven by policy considerations; B. For private development that would not occur without public inducement or assistance; C. C Usually associated with economic development, downtown revitalization or affordable U ll i t d ith i d l t d t it li ti ff d bl housing. D. Governmental powers and funding sources 2. 2 ASSET MANAGEMENT TRANSACTIONS ASSET MANAGEMENT TRANSACTIONS A. Involves deployment of publicly owned land for private development; B. Often closely associated with other public activities, e.g., ports, marinas, airports C. Objectives differ in that revenue is the major objective but policy considerations do apply 3. PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES A. Currently popular and often referred to as P3 for “ public private partnership ” B. Related to but not same as privatization; C C. Not considered here except in situations requiring joint development of public and private Not considered here except in situations requiring joint development of public and private facilities 11


  13. St Strategies for Addressing Change t i f Add i Ch 1. FIND WAY TO POSTPONE PROJECT FOR MARKET/FINANCE RECOVERY A. Preservation of entitlements and political acts B. Preservation of third party commitments; anchor tenants, operators, lenders C. C P Preservation of political/community support ti f liti l/ it t 2. PRESERVE DEVELOPER’S STANDING PER TRANSACTION UNTIL CONDITIONS IMPROVE A. Revise contractual timeline B. B Reduce/eliminate required time payments Reduce/eliminate required time payments C. Modify evidence of financing requirements D. Involve developer in infrastructure planning 3 3. FIND WAY TO SCALE DOWN PROJECT FIND WAY TO SCALE DOWN PROJECT A. Down-size B. Start with less and phase the rest 13

  14. St Strategies for Addressing Change t i f Add i Ch 4. REDEFINE PROJECT A. Adapt to changed market change or add uses such as multifamily or government use B. Value engineering or downscaling price point C C. U Use simpler construction; go from type 2 to type 5 i l t ti f t 2 t t 5 5. IF PROJECT IS CLEARLY “DEAD” AS IS, CAN THE DEVELOPER MAINTAIN SOME PREFERRED POSITION FOR NEXT PROJECT THAT WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE INVESTMENT HE AND PUBLIC AGENCY HAVE ALREADY MADE? A. Rights of first negotiation B. Right of first refusal C. Shared cost and sweat equity for infrastructure that can be completed and reimbursement of selected developer cost if and when property is ultimately developed 6. IDENTIFY OTHER DEVELOPERS IF A. There is work a developer can do B. Current developer is not willing or able 14

  15. Implementation Mechanisms I l t ti M h i 1. IDENTIFY STAGE OF TRANSACTION A. Prior to ENA; constraints and flexibility in RFQ and RFP B. During ENA period C. After execution of DDA but prior to construction start D. After construction start E. After completion Solicitation Solicitation ENA Preconstr ction Preconstruction Construction Operation 15

  16. Implementation Mechanisms (continued) I l t ti M h i 2. POLITICAL AND STAFF CONTEXT A. Level of staff support and expertise B. Precedent of delegation authority to staff C. Presence, official or unofficial, of other jurisdiction priorities 3. LEGAL ISSUES - Contract modifications: ENA, DDA (see attachments) A. Determine whether or not force majeure or other provisions provide additional time or flexibility needed B B. Utili Utilize AND DOCUMENT built in provisions for administrative modification without AND DOCUMENT b ilt i i i f d i i t ti difi ti ith t public hearing or elected official approval C. Formal amendments when required; remember to follow public procedures 4. 4. LEGAL ISSUES - Amending the agreement LEGAL ISSUES Amending the agreement D. Don’t temporize, if it’s needed deal with it E. Beware of what you are inadvertently tripping (e.g. CEQA, entitlements, etc.) 16

  17. Implementation Mechanisms (continued) I l t ti M h i 5. LEGAL ISSUES - IN ALL CASES, DOCUMENT CHANGE BEFORE TAKING ACTIONS 6. LEGAL ISSUES - BUILD IN EXTENSION RIGHTS A. Money B. Evidence of diligent pursuit C. No other default 7. LEGAL ISSUES – PRESERVATION OF ENTITLEMENT A. Review flexibility and equivalency provisions B. Time and extension provisions already incorporated C. Extend tract map D. D C Consider impact of delay on environmental documents, completed or in process id i t f d l i t l d t l t d i E. Review, modify, or create statutory development agreement for rights to extend 17


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