public information meeting

Public Information Meeting Vermont Route 100B Bridge 2 Replacement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Public Information Meeting Vermont Route 100B Bridge 2 Replacement Moretown, VT August 5, 2019 Pres esen ented ed B By: Rob Young, PE Project Manager VTrans Fianna Barrows, PE Lead Design Engineer Vtrans Jennifer Zorn,

  1. Public Information Meeting Vermont Route 100B Bridge 2 Replacement Moretown, VT August 5, 2019

  2. Pres esen ented ed B By: • Rob Young, PE Project Manager – VTrans • Fianna Barrows, PE Lead Design Engineer – Vtrans • Jennifer Zorn, AICP Public Information Consultant– McFarland Johnson

  3. Agend enda • Introductions • Existing Bridge Condition • Proposed Replacement Structure • Remaining Project Schedule • Proposed Detour Route • Questions and Comments

  4. Br Bridge Si e Site e – Ex Existing

  5. Ex Existing B g Bridge • Originally constructed in 1928 • Bridge is structurally deficient • Less than desirable roadway width • Bridge Rating • Bridge Deck: 5 (Fair) • Bridge Superstructure: 5 (Fair) • Bridge Substructure: 5 (Fair) • Overall Sufficiency Rating: 63.6 (out of 100)

  6. Ex Existing B g Bridge D Deficiencies Substandard Lane and Shoulder widths Existing: 10’/ 0’ ~ Minimum: 11’/ 4’ Currently 1 lane

  7. Ex Existing B g Bridge D Deficiencies Heavy spalling in curbs, fascia's, bridge railing, and T-Beams

  8. Ex Existing B g Bridge D Deficiencies Substructure Concrete Cracking, Spalling, and Loosing Connection with Ledge

  9. Existing Si Site D e Defici cienci cies es Blocks used to Retain Roadway Approach Fill Could Wash out in High Water

  10. Prop oposed B ed Bridge • Concrete Deck on Steel Girders • Spread Footings on Ledge • Longer Span (92’ from 59’) • Increase Bridge Width, Lane and Shoulders • Safer Alignment • Construct Retaining Wall

  11. Proposed Bridge T e Typical Sec Section

  12. New Prop oposed ed Existing Bridge Increase Waterway Opening Increase Lane and Existing New Shoulder Width

  13. Proposed ed Br Bridge Al Alignmen ent Ch Chan ange Red = Existing Yellow = Proposed Increase radius of Approach Curves to Increase Safety

  14. Proposed Br Bridge e Retaining W Wall

  15. Method hods of of Con Construct ction Combination of Accelerated Bridge Construction and Conventional Construction. • Overall Goals: • Implement Accelerated and Conventional Components Efficiently • Maximum Construction Duration of 60 days to Avoid Bus Detour • Accelerated Elements (where feasible) • Precast Footings, Deck Panels, and Approach Slab Elements • Rapid Setting Concrete • Conventional Components (due to site complexity) • Cast-in-place subfooting to ensure connection to bedrock • Cast-in-place deck over pour for smooth, safe ride

  16. Accel eler erated ed Com Component Precast Approach Slabs Joints filled with Rapid Set Concrete

  17. Accel eler erated ed Com Component Precast Deck Panels

  18. Accel eler erated ed Com Component Precast Deck Panel Layout

  19. Accel eler erated ed/ Conven entional Compo ponen ent Deck Over Pour

  20. Conven entional C Compo ponen ent Cast in Place Subfooting to Bedrock

  21. Final Br Bridge W e Will L Look ook Si Similar T To: o: Cast in Place Subfooting to Ledge 3-Rail Black Concrete with Curb Deck Steel Girders

  22. Projec ect Sc Sched edule Special Schedule Details: • Allowed Bridge Closure Duration – 60 Days Project Advertised  October 2019 • Financial Incentives and Disincentives included in Contract to encourage early Begin completion Construction  April/May, 2020 Activities  Close: June 22, 2020 Bridge Closure  Open: August 21, 2020  September Project 2020 Completion

  23. Detour our VT rt. 2 Summary A A to B current: 7.9 Miles A to B detour: 11.5 Miles Added: 3.6 miles End to End 19.4 miles B

  24. Traffic ic C Control P l Plan

  25. Public O c Out utrea each ch Public Information Consultant - Jennifer Zorn To Sign up for emails with project updates – send an email to Jennifer’s Contact information Direct Phone #: (603) 931-3943 Email:

  26. Ques uestions a and nd Com Comments?


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