public health safety bond program 2016

Public Health & Safety Bond Program 2016 Quarterly Status Report - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Public Health & Safety Bond Program 2016 Quarterly Status Report Presented to the Citizens General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee as of August 2019 1 Public Health & Safety Bond Program 2016 Please note: This data reflects only

  1. Public Health & Safety Bond Program 2016 Quarterly Status Report Presented to the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee as of August 2019 1

  2. Public Health & Safety Bond Program 2016 Please note: This data reflects only Bond Sale Expenditures/Encumbrances and does not reflect other funding sources. PeopleSoft Financials data is as Overview of 6-30-2019. Subject to revision based on PW labor and non-labor clean-up effort. Bond Authorization - $350M 1 st Bond Sale - $176M; 2 nd Bond Sale - $52.5M $222 M ZSFG BUILDING 5 IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS $112.06 M $30 M DPH SOUTHEAST HEALTH CENTER RENOVATION & EXPANSION $18.24 M $20 M DPH COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM $16.19 M $48.6 M Authorization SFFD PROJECTS - AMBULANCE DEPLOYMENT FACILITY $13.27 M $34.61 M 1st Bond Sale $9.4 M SFFD PROJECTS - NEIGHBORHOOD FIRE STATION $6.65 M 2nd Bond Sale $20.0 M HSH PROJECTS - HOMELESS SERVICE SITES $4.85 M $14.85 M OVERSIGHT, ACCOUNTABILITY, & COST OF ISSUANCE $2.81 M $625 K 2

  3. PHS Bond Program 2016| Executive Summary I. Highlights and accomplishments II. Upcoming milestones • ZSFG, Building 5 – 16 of the 19 core projects are active. • ZSFG, Building 5 – Complete programming 1 project completed. 4 projects in construction. 2 and start design on next five (5) projects. projects with plan approval. 1 project in design. 5 Issue RFP for CM/GC Contract projects in programming. • Southeast Health Center Addition – Start • bidding by 3 rd Q, 2019 Community Health Centers – 1 project completed. 1 project in construction. 2 projects in plan review. Bid and advertise by 3rd Q, 2019. • Ambulance Deployment Facility (ADF) – Start of • Maxine Hall – Complete temporary clinic Building Structural steel erection on July 18, 2019. to allow construction to start • HSH component 440 Turk St – Achieved Substantial • Castro Mission – Complete design for new Completion July 31. scope • City-Owned Shelters – finalized scope prioritization for • ADF – Building Structural Steel Welding to 260 Golden Gate (Hamilton Family Shelter) be completed in September 2019 • 440 Turk – Move-in in Sept 2019 III. Bond sales and appropriation IV. Risks, issues or concerns on budget, scope or 1 st Bond Sale was completed in March 2017 for • schedule • $174.1M. Funding for all six components. On-going challenging bidding environment 2 nd Bond Sale was completed in June 2018 for • leading to higher construction costs • $50.1M. Expenditure appropriations for the 2 nd Extensive OSHPD/DBI plan review cycle • Bond issuance will fund the ADF and the Homeless Budget impacts due to added seismic retrofit Service Sites components. scopes for health centers 3 rd Bond Sale – targeting for early 2020 • • Cost/schedule impact to maintain clinical operations during construction • Unforeseen conditions 3

  4. ZUCKERBERG SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL Current Phase: Various Completion Date: Various BUILDING 5 ($222M) Status of Budget Recent accomplishments $32,055,311 • Current Budget: $222,000,000 IT Infrastructure and 4E Surge Space – continuing with OSHPD plan review $65,380,973 $109,944,058 • Family Health Center – completed 100% Expenditures Encumbrances Remaining Balance Future Bond Sale $14,619,658 schematic design • Seismic Upgrade (Phase 1) – complete 95% of Project Budget Allocation Contingency / locations Other Project Costs • Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES) & $9.26 M Project Controls Building 80/90 Specialties Relocation – Project Construction completed programming. Controls $47.88 M Project Contingency / Upcoming milestones Other Project Costs Construction • 6H Surge Space, Rehabilitation Department, Seismic $159.86 M Upgrade (Phase 1) – Achieve substantial completion: 6H by 4 th Q, 2019 for 6 th Floor Scope; Rehab - 1 st Q, 2020 & Seismic - 4 th Q, 2019 Issue RFP for CM/GC Contract by 3 rd Q, 2019 19 Core Projects • • Start design for PES and Building 80/90 Specialties • Obtain OSHPD approval for 4E Surge and IT Infrastructure by 4 th Quarter, 2019 Please note: This data reflects only Bond Sale Expenditures/Encumbrances and does not reflect other funding sources. PeopleSoft Financials data is as of 6- Rehabilitation Department Relocation – 30-2019. Subject to revision based on PW labor and Mechanical and Cable Tray Rough-Ins 6H Surge Space – Flooring Installation non-labor clean-up effort. 4

  5. Current Phase: Design SOUTHEAST HEALTH CENTER ($30M) Completion Date: late 2021 Recent accomplishments Status of Budget • Submitted design documents to Current Budget: $30,000,000 DBI in May 2019 for plan $5,291,861 $10,198,926 $13,814,290 review/permitting • Received Phase 3 CDR approval Expenditures Encumbrances Remaining Balance Future Bond Sale $694,923 on July 15, 2019 Budget Allocation Upcoming milestones Project Contingency / Other Project Costs • Complete design documents and start $600 K Project Controls bidding by 3rd Q, 2019 with construction Project NTP by end of 2019/early 2020 Construction Controls $6.9 M Project Contingency / Other Project Costs Construction $22.5 M Please note: This data reflects only Bond Sale Expenditures/Encumbrances and does not reflect Current Southeast Health Center other funding sources. PeopleSoft Financials data is as New Building Rendering of 6-30-2019. Subject to revision based on PW labor and non-labor clean-up effort. . 5

  6. COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS ($20M) Current Phase: Design Completion Date: 4 th Qtr, 2021 Recent accomplishments Status of Budget • Maxine Hall – NTP issued on July 3, Current Budget: $20,000,000 2019. $6,007,120 $7,926,086 $4,306,438 • Castro Mission – Submitted design $1,760,356 documents to DBI in April 2018. Expenditures Encumbrances Remaining Balance Future Bond Sales Received Civic Design (Phase 3) Budget Allocation approval in April 2019. Project Contingency / Other Project Costs $400 K Upcoming milestones Project Controls • Maxine Hall: Complete the temporary Project Controls clinics and start demolition in . Construction $4.6 M • Castro Mission: Complete design for the Construction Project Contingency / added air conditioning scope. Start bidding $15 M Other Project Costs by 4 th Q, 2019 and start construction by 2 nd Q, 2020 Please note: This data reflects only Bond Sale Expenditures/Encumbrances and does not reflect other funding sources. PeopleSoft Financials data is as of 6-30- 2019. Subject to revision based on PW labor and non- labor clean-up effort. Castro Mission Renderings Maxine Hall Health Center 6

  7. Current Phase: Construction AMBULANCE DEPLOYMENT FACILITY ($48.6M) Completion Date: Winter 2020 Status of Budget Current Budget: $48,600,000 Recent accomplishments • Oct 22, 2018: NTP issued for construction $23,869,335 $23,739,966 • Nov 28, 2018: Groundbreaking ceremony Expenditures Encumbrances Remaining Balance Future Bond Sale $990,699 • May 5, 2019: Foundation Piles completed • July 2019: Structural steel delivery, starting Project Budget Allocation Contingency / grade beams and pile caps, and structural Other Project Costs Steel erection $1.75 M Project Controls Project Controls Upcoming milestones $9.45 M • Structural Steel welding to complete in Sept 2019 Construction Construction • Target construction completion - Winter 2020 $37.4 M Project Contingency / Other Project Costs Rendering of the Facility Please note: This data reflects only Bond Sale Expenditures/Encumbrances and does not reflect other funding sources. PeopleSoft Financials data is as of 6-30- 2019. Subject to revision based on PW labor and non-labor clean-up effort. 7

  8. NEIGHBORHOOD FIRE STATIONS ($9.4M) Current Phase: Design Completion Date: Various Recent accomplishments Seismic Hose Tower Removal at FS 6, 11, 12, Status of Budget $794,768 15, 21 & 38: Current Budget: $9,400,000 • SF Planning issued a Categorical $5,636,443 $2,750,000 Exemption on June 27, 2019 • Fire Stations 6 & 38 were submitted to DBI $218,789 Expenditures Encumbrances Remaining Balance Future Bond Sale for permit on July 19 Generators Replacement(s): Budget Allocation Project Contingency • / Other Project Fire Station 18 was submitted to DBI on Costs Project Controls Feb 13. A permit is anticipated by of July $188 K 2019. Construction Project • FS 37 & 44 – GHD Engineers completed Controls Project Contingency / Other $2.16 M design development drawings on June28 Project Costs Upcoming milestones Construction $7.05 M Seismic Hose Tower Removal Scopes: • Anticipated submittal to DBI for FS 11, 12, 15 & 21 by end of Aug 2019 Generator Replacement(s): • FS 18 permit is anticipated by end of July • FS 37 & 44 – GHD Engineers completion of construction documents anticipated in Nov 2019 Please note: This data reflects only Bond Sale Expenditures/Encumbrances and does not reflect other funding sources. PeopleSoft Financials data is as of 6-30-2019. Subject to revision based on PW labor and non-labor clean-up effort. Hose Tower 8


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