psat nmsqt

PSAT/NMSQT Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PSAT/NMSQT Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test- Whats Next? Benefits of the PSAT Preparation for the SAT Feedback on reading, math and writing skills Enter National Merit Scholarship Program

  1. PSAT/NMSQT Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test- What’s Next?

  2. Benefits of the PSAT • Preparation for the SAT • Feedback on reading, math and writing skills • Enter National Merit Scholarship Program (Juniors)National Merit Scholarship • Receive mail from colleges

  3. Exam Overview

  4. How do you access this site? • Go to: Student Scores • Sign in if you have an existing account or create a new, free student account • Enter all demographic information (Name, DOB, Email address, Address, Parent info, etc.) • Choose a Username/Password that YOU will remember!

  5. Sign in or Sign up!

  6. What’s Next? • SAT prep! Use Khan Academy to improve weak areas • Use Naviance-Family Connection to explore colleges and careers • Link on Henry Hudson’s homepage under Education Links => Naviance-Family Connection Henry Hudson Regional Website

  7. Link your College Board and Khan Academy Accounts for Personalized Practice Khan Academy Account

  8. Important Dates to Look out for: January 27, 2020 High School Planning Night 6:30 Grades 8-10 7:30 Grade 11 February 2019 Scheduling Conferences begin

  9. Upcoming SAT dates March 14th March 25th ( SAT School Day) May 2nd June 6th HHRS CEEB Code: 310528 Cost : $49.50 ( without essay section) $64.50 (with essay section)

  10. JUNIORS! Register for the SAT

  11. AP Potential ❏ Letters were sent home “ AP Potential ” means that your PSAT score indicates you may score a 3 or higher on an AP Exam ❏ The letter listed the subject areas we offer. ❏ This will be discussed with you at your scheduling meeting with Ms. DeWyngaert

  12. College Admissions: At a Glance Rutgers: School of Arts and Sciences ● GPA: 88-93 ● SAT: 1270-1440 The College of New Jersey ● GPA: 90-92 ● SAT: 1290

  13. QUESTIONS???


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