provincial assessment program overview of results 2018 19

Provincial Assessment Program Overview of Results 2018-19 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Provincial Assessment Program Overview of Results 2018-19 Anglophone Sector Assessment, Analysis & Design Services Branch, November 6, 2019 EYE-DA assesses five developmental areas associated with readiness to learn at school:

  1. Provincial Assessment Program Overview of Results 2018-19 Anglophone Sector Assessment, Analysis & Design Services Branch, November 6, 2019

  2. EYE-DA assesses five developmental areas associated with readiness to learn at school: Developmental Examples of child’s ability in each developmental area: Area • notice, think and talk about their world (e.g., identify: opposites, characteristics of common animals, colours , …) Awareness of Self • & Environment understand and use home and community experiences (e.g., A police officer keeps you safe) • name letters and sounds • recognize rhyme Cognitive Skills • name numbers and count sets of objects • recognize same and different • listen and understand instructions, discussions, and stories Language and • use full sentences (i.e., five to seven words) to explain their ideas Communication • talk so people can easily understand • use crayons and pencils, cut, and handle small objects (e.g., sort Fine Motor Skills and rearrange pebbles) • balance, hop on one foot, and jump Gross Motor Skills

  3. EYE-DA Over Time: Language & Communication Domain % of Students at Appropriate Development 100 81 81 81 81 90 81 80 77 75 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

  4. EYE-DA Over Time: District and Province Language and Communication Domain: % Appropriate Development by District and Province 100 88 87 87 90 86 85 84 ASD-S 84 84 81 82 ASD-W 85 83 83 78 80 78 83 82 76 80 80 79 75 ASD-N 75 70 73 71 71 70 ASD-E 69 68 67 60 62 81 81 81 81 81 80 77 75 Province 50 ASD-N ASD-E 40 ASD-S ASD-W 30 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

  5. EYE-DA Over Time in NB and ASD-S Percentage Appropriate Development of ASD-S and Province 100 88 87 87 90 86 85 84 78 80 76 81 81 81 81 81 80 77 75 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Province ASD-S

  6. English Reading Success Rates Overview 2017-2018 2018-2019 Grade 2 71% - Grade 4 - 67.2% NB Anglophone on par with Canada Grade 4 PIRLS 535 - 543 Grade 6 61.1% 71.7% NB tied for 7 th (last) place with SK, NF, MB Grade 8 PCAP Grade 9 ELPA 80.6% 73.6% NB Ranking 7 th (Anglophone is higher) PISA (15 year-olds) PIRLS 2016 = Progress in International Reading Literacy Study PCAP 2016 = Pan-Canadian Assessment Program PISA 2015 = Program for International Student Assessment

  7. Grade 4, 6 and 9: English Reading 2018-19 % Successful by District and Grade level 100 90 80 72.3 71.7 75 72.9 74 71.7 73.7 73.3 69.3 73 69 67.2 65.6 70 65 60.2 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 G4 G6 G9 G4 G6 G9 G4 G6 G9 G4 G6 G9 G4 G6 G9 Province ASD-N ASD-E ASD-S ASD-W

  8. Grade 9 ELPA 2018-19 % Successful Students by Program Over Time 100 94 93 92 Early French 92 Immersion 88 90 93 93 93 92 n=1446* Late French 80 81 81 85 78 Immersion 80 n=598* 74 73 72 72 English Prime 70 n=2907* 70 64 Province 60 n=4951* 50 40 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19* (n) refers to the number of students included in each district

  9. Grade 9 ELPA – 2018-2019 % Successful Students by District Over Time 100 82.8 82.2 81.9 81.4 80.5 80.6 80.6 80.4 80.2 79.9 79.8 80 79.5 79.6 78.4 78.5 78.3 77.3 80 75.7 75.3 75.1 73.6 73.6 72.6 69.4 2014-15 60 Percentage 2015-16 2016-17 40 2017-18 20 2018- 19* 0 Province ASD-N ASD-E ASD-S ASD-W (*N=4951) (*N=539) (*N=1178) (*N=1622) (*N=1612) (n) refers to the number of students included in each district

  10. Percentage of Successful Students Over Time ELPA- ASD-S in ASD-S 100 80 81 81 90 78 74 80 82 81 70 80 80 75 60 50 40 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 ASD-S Province ASD-S Percentage of Successful Students by Program 96 96 95 94 93 93 100 92 91 90 86 90 82 82 80 80 75 80 73 72 72 71 66 70 60 50 40 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19* Early French Immersion n=357* Late French Immersion English Prime ASD-S n=283* n=982* n=1622*

  11. Grade 8 PCAP Reading Reading Scores 2007-2016 Reading: % of Students 520 at Level 2 or Above 510 500 88% 88% 490 84% 83% 480 82% 81% 470 77% 460 76% 450 440 2007 2010 2013 2016 Anglophone 471 486 466 498 2007* 2016* Francophone 470 464 485 467 New Anglophone Francophone Brunswick 471 479 471 489 (combined) New Brunswick Canada Canada 512 500 508 507


  13. French Second Language Reading Assessment % Successful by District by Grade level 100 Early Immersion 90 78.8 75.6 75.6 80 75 70.8 73.2 68.3 67.9 64.5 66.6 70 64.6 61.8 61.5 60 53.2 52.3 50 40 30 20 10 0 G4 G6 G10 G4 G6 G10 G4 G6 G10 G4 G6 G10 G4 G6 G10 Province ASD-N ASD-E ASD-S ASD-W Note: All students writing these assessments began FI in Grade 3.

  14. French Second Language Reading Assessment % Successful by District by Grade level 100 Late Immersion 90 80 69.6 70 64.5 63.2 62.8 62.1 61.4 61 58.5 60 53.2 45.9 50 40 30 20 10 0 G6 G10 G6 G10 G6 G10 G6 G10 G6 G10 Province ASD-N ASD-E ASD-S ASD-W Note: All students writing these assessments began FI in Grade 6.

  15. French Second Language Reading Assessment % Successful by District by Grade level 100 Post-Intensive French 90 80 70 64 62.8 59.7 58.3 57 57 60 52.9 52.2 50.2 47.7 50 40 30 20 10 0 G6 G10 G6 G10 G6 G10 G6 G10 G6 G10 Province ASD-N ASD-E ASD-S ASD-W Note: All students writing these assessments participated in the Grade 5 Intensive French Program.

  16. NB Second Language Oral Proficiency Scale Performance Description for Intermediate Level (B1.1) • The student is able to satisfy routine social demands and limited requirements in school/work settings with a speaking vocabulary sufficient for simple conversation, with some paraphrasing. • The student can: ✓ provide information and give explanations with some degree of accuracy; ✓ handle most common social situations, including introductions and casual conversations about events in school and community; ✓ provide autobiographical information in some detail; ✓ give directions from one place to another; and ✓ give accurate instructions in a field of personal expertise.

  17. French Second Language Oral Proficiency % Intermediate and Above by District by Grade level – all Programs 100 94.2 92.5 91.4 91.1 88.9 90 80 70 58.8 60 52.3 46.1 50 43.2 37.4 40 31.9 30.8 30 22.1 20 13.8 7.6 10 0 G6 G10 G12 G6 G10 G12 G6 G10 G12 G6 G10 G12 G6 G10 G12 Province ASD-N ASD-E ASD-S ASD-W Students assessed in Grade 6 and 10 began FI in Grade 3 Students assessed in Grade 12 began FI in Grade 1 Note: the Grade 10 assessment was administered in 2017-18

  18. Grade 10 French Second Language Oral Proficiency over time by Program (2017-18) Intermediate and Above 99.8 99.8 100 99.1 EFI 100 97.6 96.7 90 95 94.9 80 LFI 70 60 PIF 46.8 50 40 32.7 30.1 27.8 30 In 2018-19 the first Early Immersion Grade 3 Entry 20 students reached Grade 10 10 0 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

  19. Grade 12 French Second Language Oral Proficiency Post Intensive French - % attaining Intermediate and Above 100 90 80 68 70 54 54 60 48 46 46 50 42 42 36 40 33 31 29 25 25 30 23 21 20 10 0 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 ASD-N ASD-E ASD-S ASD-W


  21. Mathematics Overview Success Rates 2017-2018 2018-2019 Grade 4 - 62.3% Grade 6 37.1% 57.8% NB tied for 4 th place with PEI, NS, BC Grade 8 PCAP Grade 10 64.5% 62.8% NB Ranking 19 th (Anglophone is lower) PISA (15 year-olds) PCAP 2016 = Pan-Canadian Assessment Program PISA 2015 = Program for International Student Assessment

  22. Mathematics – 2018-2019 % Successful by District by Grade level 100 90 80 69.7 62.5 65.8 70 64.7 64.1 63.5 62.8 62.3 62.4 61.1 58.2 57.8 56 60 51.7 47.1 50 40 30 20 10 0 G4 G6 G10 G4 G6 G10 G4 G6 G10 G4 G6 G10 G4 G6 G10 Province ASD-N ASD-E ASD-S ASD-W

  23. Grade 10 Percentage of Students by Achievement Level 100 Mathematics 2017-18 80 62.7 61.3 Percentage 2018-19 60 37.2 35.5 40 20 1.8 1.5 0 Below Appropriate Appropriate Strong Percentage of Successful Students by District 2018-19 2017-18 66.9 65.8 ASD-S 64.2 64.5 63.5 ASD-W 64.3 62.8 NB 61.1 ASD-E 59.6 56.0 ASD-N


  25. Scientific Literacy Overview Success Rates 2017-2018 2018-2019 Grade 4 - 61.0% Grade 6 35.1% 55.9% NB tied for 8 th place with NS, SK, MB Grade 8 PCAP Grade 10 64.7% 65.4% NB Ranking 10 th (Anglo and Franco are PISA (15 year-olds) the same) PCAP 2016 = Pan-Canadian Assessment Program PISA 2015 = Program for International Student Assessment

  26. Scientific Literacy 2018-19 % Successful by District by Grade level 100 90 80 68.4 67.7 65.9 70 65.4 62.6 61.0 57.5 60.2 60.9 60.3 57.5 57.9 56.7 55.9 60 48.9 50 40 30 20 10 0 G4 G6 G10 G4 G6 G10 G4 G6 G10 G4 G6 G10 G4 G6 G10 Province ASD-N ASD-E ASD-S ASD-W


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