provider status and the future of pharmacy

Provider Status and the Future of Pharmacy: An Update on Current - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Provider Status and the Future of Pharmacy: An Update on Current Events Andrea Winterswyk June 2014 Provider Status Pharmacists and pharmacists care services are not included in key sections of the Social Security Act SSA

  1. Provider Status and the Future of Pharmacy: An Update on Current Events Andrea Winterswyk June 2014

  2. Provider Status ¤ Pharmacists and pharmacists’ care services are not included in key sections of the Social Security Act ¤ SSA determines eligibility for health care programs (Medicare Part B, etc.) ¤ Other health care providers listed in this section are: ¤ Physicians, physician assistants, certified nurse practitioners, qualified psychologists, clinical social workers, certified nurse midwives, and certified registered nurse anesthetists ¤ State and private health plans cite this omission as a reason for: ¤ Lack of coverage for beneficiaries ¤ Lack of compensation of pharmacists for providing comprehensive, patient-centered care American Pharmacists Association. Provider Status: What Pharmacists Need to Know. September 2013. Available at: Accessibility verified June 12, 2014.

  3. Provider Status ¤ Attaining provider status is essential ¤ Coverage for pharmacists’ patient care services ¤ Recognition for pharmacists for their critical role in providing patient care in collaboration with a health care team ¤ Without provider status ¤ Pharmacists are at risk of their services being excluded in future Affordable Care Act (ACA) promoted integrated care delivery models (i.e. medical home and accountable care organizations) ¤ Lack of provider status limits Medicare beficiaries’ access to pharmacists’ services to the outpatient setting only American Pharmacists Association. Provider Status: What Pharmacists Need to Know. September 2013. Available at: Accessibility verified June 12, 2014.

  4. Implementing the Change ¤ National/Federal Pathway ¤ Amending the SSA related to Medicare programs (e.g. Part B, Part D, ACOs) ¤ Working with CMS to amend regulations to include specific language referencing pharmacists and pharmacist inclusion in integrated team- based models ¤ State Pathway ¤ Seek changes in Medicaid programs and opportunities with the Health Insurance Exchanges formed by the ACA ¤ Private Pathway ¤ Opportunities with ACOs, medical homes, commercial health plans and private or self-insured employers American Pharmacists Association. Provider Status: What Pharmacists Need to Know. September 2013. Available at: Accessibility verified June 12, 2014.

  5. Focus of Initiatives ¤ Ensure… payers and policy makers recognize pharmacists as health care providers who improve access, quality and value of health care ¤ Ensure… access and coverage for pharmacists’ patient care services are facilitated through Medicare/Medicaid, other federal and state health benefit programs, integrated care models, and private payers ¤ Ensure… pharmacists are included as members of health care teams American Pharmacists Association. Provider Status: What Pharmacists Need to Know. September 2013. Available at: Accessibility verified June 12, 2014.

  6. Pharmacy Collaboration: JCPP ¤ The Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP) ¤ Formed in December 2012 ¤ Collaborating on a set of priciples to guide the provider status campaign at the federal level ¤ Coalition of 14 organizations ¤ “Principles for Improving Patient Health: The Pharmacist’s Role” AACP FMI ACCP IACP AMCP NACDS APhA NASPA ASCP NCPA ASHP Rite Aid Corporation CPNP Walgreens American Pharmacists Association. Provider Status: What Pharmacists Need to Know. September 2013. Available at: Accessibility verified June 12, 2014.

  7. Pharmacy Collaboration: PAPCC ¤ Patient Access to Pharmacists’ Care Coalition (PAPCC) ¤ Formed in March 2014, many JCPP members ¤ PAPCC now to lead the campaign for provider status ¤ Pharmacists, patients, pharmacies and other interested stakeholders ¤ Coalition drafted legislation for current bill in Congress: H.R. 4190 ¤ More than 20 members Albertson’s CVS Caremark Rite Aid AACP FMI Safeway Inc. APhA Fred’s Pharmacy SuperValu Pharmacies ASCP Fruth Pharmacy Thrifty White Pharmacy ASHP IACP Walgreens AmerisourceBergin NACDS Winn-Dixie Bi-Lo Pharmacy NASPA Cardinal Health NCPA American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. H.R. 4190 FAQs. Available at: Accessibility verified June 12, 2014.

  8. H.R. 4190 ¤ Bipartisan legislation that will amend the Social Security Act to recognize pharmacists as providers under Medicare Part B ¤ Bill was introduced by ¤ Reps. Brett Guthrie (KY), G.K. Butterfield (NC), and Todd Young (IN) ¤ Legislation: ¤ Recognize licensed pharmacists to deliver care for patients in federally defined medically underserved communities ¤ Establishes a mechanisms to pay for pharmacist provider services as a percentage of the current physician fee schedule ¤ Or pursuant to pharmacist-specific codes as part of schedule ¤ Formula is consistent with Medicare reimbursement for other non- physician practitioners ¤ Bill does NOT expand pharmacists’ scope of practice American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. H.R. 4190 FAQs. Available at: Accessibility verified June 12, 2014.

  9. Barriers to Achieving Provider Status ¤ Congress is focused decreasing health care costs ¤ Members of congress often equate provider status with “fee-for- service” payment model ¤ Legislators may be reluctant to engage in “old” payment reform as new delivery and payment models develop ¤ There must be sufficient evidence that pharmacists and pharmacist- provided services are valuable to the system financially ¤ Other health care providers with provider status have strength politically, financially and in numbers ¤ Already billing Medicare on a fee-for-service basis ¤ May strongly oppose the pharmacist provider status initiative American Pharmacists Association. Provider Status: What Pharmacists Need to Know. September 2013. Available at: Accessibility verified June 12, 2014.

  10. Progressive States ¤ Examples of states that have passed legislation for expanded pharmacy services: ¤ Montana ¤ North Carolina ¤ New Mexico ¤ Wisconsin ¤ Hawaii ¤ Iowa American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Daigle, L. ASHP Policy Analysis: Pharmacist Provider Status in 11 State Health Programs. September 2008. Available at: Accessibility verified June 12, 2014.

  11. The Argument for Idaho ¤ Idaho ranks LAST in the nation for primary care providers per capita ¤ There is a great need for increased access to quality health care, which pharmacists can provide ¤ Achieving provider status is the last step to initiate models for payment in Idaho ¤ Payment for service models are not supported unless classified as provider ¤ Our laws are already in place to support an expanded role for pharmacists ¤ Pharmacists are recognized and able to provide services ¤ Collaborative practice agreement authority is fully maximized ¤ Pharmacists have prescriptive authority for immunizations

  12. Working Towards the Goal: Student Advocacy Accomplishments ¤ Meetings in Washington D.C. with Senator Crapo and Representative Simpson ¤ Coffee Sleeve Advocacy Project and Postcard Initiative ¤ Meeting with Governor Butch Otter ¤ Pharmacy Day @ the Capitol ¤ Presentation to the House Health & Welfare Committee

  13. Washington D.C. ¤ Meetings were set up by students ¤ APhA-ASP Summer Leadership Institute- July 2013 ¤ Students: Shelby Lancaster (‘16), Ben Morris (‘16), Lindsey Hunt (’15) ¤ Crapo Staff ¤ Simpson Staff ¤ APhA lobbyists prepared students to speak with legislators ¤ Focus: ¤ Pharmacists increase access to health care ¤ Pharmacists decrease costs to the health care system ¤ Pharmacists improve outcomes for patients

  14. Postcard Initiative Support : ISPA provides postage Target : Legislators (Idaho/Washington D.C.)

  15. Coffee Sleeve Advocacy Project ¤ Support : ISU-COP Dean’s Excellence Fund, ISPA, ISHP ¤ Target: General public & health care providers ¤ 10,000 coffee sleeves were distributed to coffee shops throughout the state ¤ October 20 th -26 th , 2014 ¤ American Pharmacists Month & National Hospital and Health System Pharmacy Week

  16. Meeting with Governor Butch Otter and Staff ¤ Presented on: ¤ Student Pharmacists Community Outreach ¤ Pharmacist Training ¤ The Role of the Pharmacist in providing quality care to Idahoans ¤ Governor/Staffer Recommendations: ¤ Get pharmacists involved in the Idaho Medical Home Collaborative ¤ Work with the Idaho Medical Association ¤ Attended: ¤ Lindsey Hunt (’15) ¤ Ben Morris (’16) ¤ James Upson (’16) ¤ Meagan Rupert (’17) ¤ Lauren Whiteford (’14) ¤ Glenda Carr, PharmD


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