protection convention

Protection Convention: what is it? how can it help with invasive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

International Plant Protection Convention: what is it? how can it help with invasive species and biodiversity? June 2014, Montreal About me Preventing the introduction and spread of invasive species is key to protecting biodiversity.

  1. International Plant Protection Convention: what is it? how can it help with invasive species and biodiversity? June 2014, Montreal

  2. About me

  3. Preventing the introduction and spread of invasive species is key to protecting biodiversity. Through the IPPC, your country already has systems in place to help. .

  4. The IPPC focuses on prevention and control of species that damage plants

  5. Prevention: identify and regulate risks

  6. The CBD COP encouraged contracting parties to use IPPC tools for assessing and managing risks of invasive species

  7. How to prevent invasive species from damaging biodiversity? Assess risk (how bad is this species) Manage risk (what can we do about it) Take action (inspect, contain, cooperate)

  8. Talk to your national plant protection organization ( NPPO )! about: Risk assessment • Surveillance • Inspection • Regulation •

  9. IPPC Standards Globally harmonized science-based guidelines recognized by the WTO-SPS agreement. • Surveillance • Pest risk analysis • Pest reporting • Pest listing • Plants for planting • Biological control agents • Relationships between CBD/IPPC terminology • Guidance on environmental considerations in risk analysis

  10. Resour esources ces our IPPC IPPC contact contact point point: : Find Find your www ountries Ph Phytosa ytosanitar nitary Reso esour urces ces pa page: ge: www www.phytos .phytosanitar anitary.inf .info inc includes ri ludes risk sk ana analysis ysis tr training aining ma materials, terials, d dia iagnostic guides, and gnostic guides, and pes pest inf t infor orma mation f tion fact she act sheets ets

  11. can pr prevent ent Tha hank nk you ou – together together we e can the intr the introduction and oduction and spr spread ead of of in inva vasiv sive e sp spec ecies ies (pes (pests ts of of plant plants)! s)! Sony Sonya Hammo a Hammons ns Ca Capa pacity De city Develop elopmen ment t Pr Prog ogramme amme Of Officer ficer IPP IPPC C Secr Secret etar aria iat, t, FAO Rome ome, It , Ital aly Sony Sonya.Hammons@f a.Hammons@fao ao.or .org www www.i .ipp

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