proposed 2018 19 general fund budget our mission and

Proposed 2018-19 General Fund Budget Our Mission and Vision Our - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Proposed 2018-19 General Fund Budget Our Mission and Vision Our mission is to educate all students for success. The Kershaw County School District will empower and challenge all students to become productive members of a globally dynamic

  1. Proposed 2018-19 General Fund Budget

  2. Our Mission and Vision Our mission is to educate all students for success. The Kershaw County School District will empower and challenge all students to become productive members of a globally dynamic society.

  3. Where the Budget Goes

  4. Major Budget Challenges State and Local Funding ◻ Growth/Demographics of Growth ◻ More Rigorous Standards and Accountability ◻ Remedial Services (Math) ◻ Alternatives for upper elementary students ◻ Program Restoration (Arts and Electives) ◻ Teacher Shortage ◻ Workforce Development ◻ Mandates (State and Federal) ◻ Behavioral Health/Safety ◻ School Resource Officers ◻

  5. Budget Assumptions ◻ Enrollment increase of 75 students (to 10,620 in K-12) ◻ No increase in local millage ◻ Senate budget used for state revenue projections and mandated spending

  6. Budget Numbers Balanced Budget: ◻ $87,101,960 – 3.3% increase over 2017-18 Unbalanced Budget: ◻ $87,611,960 – 4.4% increase over 2017-18 ◻ Would require $510,000 increase in funding

  7. Major Budget Provisions Balanced Budget: ◻ Step plus 1% salary increase for all employees (mandated for teachers) – Salaries frozen in 2009 and 2010 ◻ Funding for mandated increases for retirement and health care ◻ Adequate teaching positions to maintain current staffing ratios and meet Special Education mandates ◻ Additional clerical position each for Camden High and Lugoff-Elgin High ◻ Additional ESOL teacher ◻ Additional teacher for the Continuous Learning Center to serve upper elementary children ◻ Placement of retirees at Step 18. (They are currently at Step 13)

  8. Major Budget Provisions Included in Unbalanced Budget: ◻ An additional teaching position at ATEC to expand Engineering courses ◻ 15 assistant positions for elementary and middle schools to provide math remediation ◻ Would require $510,000 in additional funding

  9. Unmet Needs District level curriculum support positions for ELA, math, ◻ science, and social studies Positions to increase high school offerings, particularly in the ◻ areas of the arts, foreign language, and advanced academic areas Positions to lower class size at the elementary and middle ◻ school levels Additional mental/behavioral health professionals (Under ◻ discussion by the Ad Hoc Committee) Additional School Resource Officers (Under discussion by the ◻ Ad Hoc Committee)

  10. Budget Process Suggested Board Budget Process ◻ March 27 – Presentation to School Board ◻ April 10/24 – Board Budget review and discussion ◻ April 17, 18, 25 – Public Budget Meetings ◻ May 1 – Budget update based on final state budget/public feedback ◻ May 15 – Possible Budget adoption

  11. Public Meetings ◻ Tuesday, April 17 at Lugoff-Elgin High School (Staff at 3:30 p.m./Public at 7:00 p.m.) ◻ Wednesday, April18 at Camden High (Staff at 3:30 p.m./Public at 7:00 p.m.) ◻ Wednesday, April 25 at North Central High School (Staff at 3:30 p.m./Public at 7:00 p.m.)

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