general fund budget summary fiscal year 2015 general fund

General Fund Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2015 General Fund Budget - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

General Fund Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2015 General Fund Budget Overview All General Fund Budgets have been submitted & reviewed by the Finance Department and the Finance Advisory Group. The expenditure budget requests exceed

  1. General Fund Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2015

  2. General Fund Budget Overview ∗ All General Fund Budgets have been submitted & reviewed by the Finance Department and the Finance Advisory Group. ∗ The expenditure budget requests exceed projected revenue resulting in a $2.0 million dollar deficit . ∗ The following slides summarize the 2015 budget requests by department and by category, and compare against the 2014 amended budget as well as what was originally forecasted for 2015.

  3. Kane County 2015 General Fund Budget Requests By Department As of July 30, 2014 Type Revenue Amended Requested Revenue 2014 Budget 2015 Budget Total Change 000 - General 55,604,322 57,349,067 1,744,745 3.1% 010 - County Board 239,000 172,500 (66,500) -27.8% 060 - Information Technologies 125,724 115,405 (10,319) -8.2% 150 - Treasurer/Collector 1,655,000 1,655,000 - 0.0% 170 - Supervisor of Assessments 87,075 84,415 (2,660) -3.1% 190 - County Clerk 1,059,860 877,000 (182,860) -17.3% 210 - Recorder 2,367,200 2,143,200 (224,000) -9.5% 240 - Judiciary and Courts 340,000 361,000 21,000 6.2% 250 - Circuit Clerk 6,770,000 6,120,500 (649,500) -9.6% 300 - State's Attorney 1,665,627 1,744,577 78,950 4.7% 360 - Public Defender 148,901 149,900 999 0.7% 380 - Sheriff 4,770,708 5,306,000 535,292 11.2% 430 - Court Services 5,018,290 4,972,572 (45,718) -0.9% 510 - Emergency Management Services 90,000 90,000 - 0.0% Grand Total Revenue 80,917,307 82,217,536 1,300,229 1.6%

  4. Kane County 2015 General Fund Budget Requests By Department As of July 30, 2014 Type Expense Amended Requested Expenditures 2014 Budget 2015 Budget Total Change 010 - County Board 1,317,246 1,266,252 (50,994) -3.9% 040 - Finance 759,480 805,272 45,792 6.0% 060 - Information Technologies 3,495,255 3,571,837 76,582 2.2% 080 - Building Management 4,514,622 4,953,768 439,146 9.7% 120 - Human Resource Management 414,210 411,769 (2,441) -0.6% 140 - County Auditor 247,157 324,883 77,726 31.4% 150 - Treasurer/Collector 574,375 603,621 29,246 5.1% 170 - Supervisor of Assessments 1,212,325 1,316,331 104,006 8.6% 190 - County Clerk 2,880,111 2,427,241 (452,870) -15.7% 210 - Recorder 871,660 904,161 32,501 3.7% 230 - Regional Office of Education 304,474 307,361 2,887 0.9% 240 - Judiciary and Courts 2,712,649 2,901,955 189,306 7.0% 250 - Circuit Clerk 4,327,959 4,419,852 91,893 2.1% 300 - State's Attorney 5,010,191 5,017,459 7,268 0.1% 360 - Public Defender 3,353,236 3,556,754 203,518 6.1% 380 - Sheriff 26,187,602 26,640,795 453,193 1.7% 420 - Merit Commission 96,106 101,188 5,082 5.3% 430 - Court Services 10,983,247 11,790,509 807,262 7.3% 490 - Coroner 835,542 949,547 114,005 13.6% 510 - Emergency Management Services 191,572 198,699 7,127 3.7% 690 - Development 1,550,778 1,528,254 (22,524) -1.5% 760 - Debt Service 1,466,816 1,027,457 (439,359) -30.0% 800 - Other- Countywide Expenses 6,795,571 8,155,726 1,360,155 20.0% 900 - Contingency 815,123 1,125,000 309,877 38.0% Grand Total Expenditures 80,917,307 84,305,691 3,388,384 4.2% DEFICIT - (2,088,155) (2,088,155)

  5. Kane County 2015 General Fund Budget Requests by Department As of July 30, 2014 Type Change Between 2014 Amended and 2015 Requested Budgets Health & Payroll Dental Election Non-Payroll Expenditures Total Change Change Change Change Change 010 - County Board (50,994) -3.9% 4,506 0.5% 9,050 3.4% - N/A (64,550) -50.4% 040 - Finance 45,792 6.0% 10,632 2.0% 35,160 48.4% - N/A - 0.0% 060 - Information Technologies 76,582 2.2% 28,665 1.4% 19,650 4.9% - N/A 28,267 2.9% 080 - Building Management 439,146 9.7% 25,564 2.3% 9,183 3.5% - N/A 404,399 12.9% 120 - Human Resource Management (2,441) -0.6% 6,688 2.3% (7,950) -10.3% - N/A (1,179) -2.9% 140 - County Auditor 77,726 31.4% 19,486 9.7% 3,500 9.7% - N/A 54,740 508.7% 150 - Treasurer/Collector 29,246 5.1% 9,770 2.0% 19,476 33.6% - N/A - 0.0% 170 - Supervisor of Assessments 104,006 8.6% 16,009 1.9% 34,490 21.7% - N/A 53,507 24.1% 190 - County Clerk (452,870) -15.7% 48,864 3.9% 29,199 14.1% (551,498) -50.2% 20,565 6.7% 210 - Recorder 32,501 3.7% 20,344 2.8% 12,157 8.4% - N/A - 0.0% 230 - Regional Office of Education 2,887 0.9% - 0.0% 2,887 8.4% - N/A - 0.0% 240 - Judiciary and Courts 189,306 7.0% 99,829 7.6% (17,023) -4.6% - N/A 106,500 10.3% 250 - Circuit Clerk 91,893 2.1% (11,083) -0.3% 97,022 11.6% - N/A 5,954 4.2% 300 - State's Attorney 7,268 0.1% 86,681 2.3% (76,093) -10.3% - N/A (3,320) -0.6% 360 - Public Defender 203,518 6.1% 91,692 3.3% 111,826 24.2% - N/A - 0.0% 380 - Sheriff 453,193 1.7% 436,151 2.4% 126,246 4.0% - N/A (109,204) -2.4% 420 - Merit Commission 5,082 5.3% 1,332 1.8% - N/A - N/A 3,750 16.4% 430 - Court Services 807,262 7.3% 698,295 9.5% 378,442 30.0% - N/A (269,475) -11.4% 490 - Coroner 114,005 13.6% 4,706 0.8% 17,700 18.8% - N/A 91,599 48.9% 510 - Emergency Management Services 7,127 3.7% 3,046 2.0% 1,081 5.7% - N/A 3,000 15.1% 690 - Development (22,524) -1.5% (13,134) -1.1% 9,560 4.4% - N/A (18,950) -9.9% 760 - Debt Service (439,359) -30.0% - NA - N/A - N/A (439,359) -30.0% 800 - Other- Countywide Expenses 1,360,155 20.0% (2,201) -2.0% 49,213 218.0% 280,000 N/A 1,033,143 15.5% 900 - Contingency 309,877 38.0% - NA - N/A - N/A 309,877 38.0% Grand Total Expenditures 3,388,384 4.2% 1,585,842 3.3% 864,776 9.7% (271,498) -24.7% 1,209,264 5.2%

  6. Kane County Comparision of 2014 Budget to 2015 Forecast to 2015 Requested Budget By Category As of July 30,2014 2014 2015 2015 Amended Forecasted Forecasted Unforecasted Requested Budget Change Budget Change Budget REVENUES Property Tax 33,012,567 - 33,012,567 - 33,012,567 Back Tax Interest & Penalties 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 Sales Tax 13,213,000 1,002,373 14,215,373 (373) 14,215,000 Income Tax 4,950,000 670,063 5,620,063 (63) 5,620,000 Local Use Tax 917,000 50,664 967,664 336 968,000 Personal Property Replacement Tax 1,443,000 259,380 1,702,380 (380) 1,702,000 Estate Inheritance Tax 125,000 - 125,000 - 125,000 Licenses& Permits 615,500 3,158 618,658 4,342 623,000 Grants 841,613 (499,569) 342,044 256,956 599,000 Recording Fees 1,450,000 15,000 1,465,000 (465,000) 1,000,000 Revenue Stamp Tax 875,000 17,000 892,000 208,000 1,100,000 General Circuit Division Fees 5,350,000 (22,000) 5,328,000 (528,000) 4,800,000 Cable Franchise Fees 490,000 - 490,000 100,000 590,000 Other Fees 5,966,826 (11,438) 5,955,388 (135,188) 5,820,200 Fines 1,229,200 (4,900) 1,224,300 (14,800) 1,209,500 Reimbursements 6,945,722 205,750 7,151,472 379,821 7,531,293 Investment 125,200 121,220 246,420 (1,220) 245,200 Rental Income 59,390 6,006 65,396 (17,869) 47,527 Miscellaneous 138,467 38,304 176,771 (79,099) 97,672 Transfer from Special Reserve 600,000 (300,000) 300,000 - 300,000 Transfer from Riverboat 873,726 13,272 886,998 (1,500) 885,498 Transfer from Animal Control 59,815 - 59,815 - 59,815 Transfers - Other 36,281 - 36,281 29,983 66,264 Total Revenues 80,917,307 1,564,283 82,481,590 (264,054) 82,217,536

  7. Kane County Comparision of 2014 Budget to 2015 Forecast to 2015 Requested Budget By Category As of July 30,2014 2014 2015 2015 Amended Forecasted Forecasted Unforecasted Requested Budget Change Budget Change Budget EXPENDITURES Payroll Existing Staff 47,864,762 723,734 48,588,496 340,961 48,929,457 4% Parity Increase Judiciary & Courts - - - 88,723 88,723 Payroll Additional Staff: Auditor: 1 Admin Assistant - - 21,840 21,840 JJC: 4 Youth Counselors - - 164,440 164,440 Public Defender: 1 Receptionist - - 28,400 28,400 Sheriff: 1 Sheriff's Deputy - - 52,000 52,000 Health & Dental Additional Staff - - - 123,988 123,988 Health & Dental Existing Staff 8,892,443 (20,267) 8,872,176 682,851 9,555,027 Additional Grant Funded Staff - - - 243,948 243,948 Election (2 held in 2014, 1 held in 2015) 1,098,998 (556,538) 542,460 5,040 547,500 Reserve for Election - 280,000 280,000 - 280,000 Food (Adult Correctional Facility) 850,077 - 850,077 42,840 892,917 Janitorial Services 362,247 - 362,247 20,738 382,985 Facilities Repairs & Maintenance 812,528 - 812,528 65,491 878,019 Psycological/Psychiatric Services 411,744 - 411,744 120,000 531,744 Legal Printing (Supervisor of Assessments) 104,000 - 104,000 56,000 160,000 Postage 534,988 - 534,988 35,055 570,043 Utilities 1,705,026 (20,460) 1,684,566 322,105 2,006,671 Coroner Exceeds Promised Non-Payroll Budget 187,245 - 187,245 91,599 278,844 Debt Service Payments & Transfers 3,597,216 690,261 4,287,477 - 4,287,477 Transfer to Court Security 598,442 73,157 671,599 (53,271) 618,328 Transfer to Kane Comm 606,226 30,312 636,538 57,482 694,020 Transfer to Capital 1,000,000 700,000 1,700,000 (700,000) 1,000,000 Other Non-Payroll 12,291,365 (335,916) 11,955,449 13,871 11,969,320 Total Expenditures 80,917,307 1,564,283 82,481,590 1,824,101 84,305,691 Excess/(Deficit) - - - (2,088,155) (2,088,155)


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