property of nota 2019

Property of NOTA 2019 CONTACT David S. Prescott, LICSW Clinical - PDF document

9/29/19 Property of NOTA 2019 CONTACT David S. Prescott, LICSW Clinical Director and MOTIVATIONAL Director of Professional Development and Quality Improvement INTERVIEWING Becket Family of Services

  1. 9/29/19 Property of NOTA 2019 CONTACT David S. Prescott, LICSW Clinical Director and MOTIVATIONAL Director of Professional Development and Quality Improvement INTERVIEWING Becket Family of Services 2019 David S. Prescott, LICSW Welcome! • Healthy lives, 1 • Safe communities TAKE-HOME SKILL #1 I GET BY WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY • Express kindness and gratitude to your FRIENDS colleagues – Mind your manners – Use greetings in emails – Emojis in low doses Remember that they are suffering as much or more than you. 4 OBJECTION OVER-RULED FOCUS • These skills are not as “basic” as many people think • Mastery of MI can take 5-10 years • Experience • Relax • Take-home skills • Enjoy time being in a group 6 1

  2. Property of NOTA 2019 9/29/19 Options Menu ASK YOURSELF • What’s the best session you’ve done in the past year? • What made it so effective? • What gets in the way of your doing that all the time? GOOD TEACHERS Are We Ready? What are they 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 like? Motivation = importance + Confidence TAKE-AWAY MESSAGE • People change ▫ We have proof When you’re with me… • Punishment alone does not reduce recidivism ▫ We have proof You always have • When all else fails, get back to the basics options ▫ Effective treatment gets young people to change the way they think and gets families to support those changes ▫ We will never change the way they think; they have to 2

  3. Property of NOTA 2019 9/29/19 Obstacles to SOTP Participation TAKE-HOME MESSAGE (Mann, 2009) • Believing treatment is ineffective • Change Talk • Competing priorities • Acceptance • Concerns about side effects • Less Is More • Concerns about poor program responsivity • Righting Reflex • Distrust of key professionals • Michelangelo Belief • Expectation of hostile responses • Autonomy and Choice • Pressure from friends or family • Fear of stigma Improving the context of SOTP’s IMPROVING THE CONTEXT OF SOTP’S (Mann, 2009) (MANN, 2009) • Listen • Ensure that risk assessments take account of treatment progress • Empathize with offenders’ perspectives • Educate non-treatment staff – (Empathy is not an endorsement) • Clear leadership to promote prosocial modeling • Building relationships (collaboration, trust) and supportive environment • Identify and counter myths • Work with families and support networks – (Sometimes offenders have poor information) • Use intrinsic motivators • Communicate strength-based treatment aims • Use treatment graduates • Make referrals quickly and respectfully • Provide choice • Offer clear and transparent information about treatment and outcomes Explore and monitor Rx staff motivations 2013 PRACTITIONER’S DEFINITION • Motivational interviewing is a person- LET’S START WITH centered counseling style for addressing the common problem of ambivalence about STRENGTHS change. 17 3

  4. Property of NOTA 2019 9/29/19 THE SPIRIT OF 2013 TECHNICAL DEFINITION MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING • Motivational interviewing is a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change. It is designed to strengthen personal motivation • Partnership for and commitment to a specific goal by eliciting and exploring the person’s own • Acceptance reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion. • Compassion • Evocation FOUR PROCESSES These processes are… • Somewhat linear – Engaging – E.g., engagement comes first • And also recursive – Focusing – Engaging happens throughout MI – Focusing is not a one-time event; – Evoking – Real treatment involves re-focusing – Planning – “testing the water” on planning helps CHANGE TALK TALK Desire “I want to…” • ß ----------------------------------------------------- à Ability “I can…” • Sustain Change Commit Reason “There are good reasons to…” • Need “I need to” • There is no such thing as “resistance” There is discord andsustain talk “I’m not gonna; you can’t make me” 4

  5. 9/29/19 Property of NOTA 2019 GETTING MOVING: OARS RESPONDING TO CHANGE TALK • When you hear change talk, don’t just stand • Open questions there! • Affirmations • Elaborate (tell me more) • Reflections • Affirm • Summaries • Reflect • Summarize REFLECTIVE LISTENING ENGAGING • Spirit factors • Simple Reflection • Open questions ▫ Exact words • Affirmations ▫ Closely related words • Reflections • Complex Reflection ▫ Continuing the paragraph • Summaries ▫ Reflecting emotion` FOCUSING EVOKING • Developing a clear direction and goal • Eliciting Change Talk – Desire, Ability, Reason, Need • Sometimes the change goal is clear; very often it’s not! – A clear focus is a prerequisite • Possibilities: – Change and sustain talk: – Clear Focus • Two sides of the same coin – Agenda Mapping (options menu) • Dancing with Discord” – Clarifying 5

  6. Property of NOTA 2019 9/29/19 HOW DO PEOPLE CHANGE? • Challenging � distorted cognitions � ? CAN SOMEBODY • Completing assignments? TELL ME… • Following the manual? • Through their experiences and discoveries? • Or, via a relationship experience where hope How do people actually and possibility are renewed … or born. change? 6


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