STATE - JOINT STOCK CONCERN UZPHARMSANOAT Project - "Organization production on issue of the ready m edicinal facilities for KI DS" in FI EZ "NAVOI Y" 1 1
Main purposes and tasks SJSC SJSC « « Uzfarm sanoat Uzfarm sanoat » » Main purposes and tasks Creation production ready the medicinal facilities; the medicinal facilities; Creation production ready � � The Saturation to need market The Saturation to need market � � high- high - quality, quality,replace import replace import and and exprot oriented, available , available exprot oriented the medicinal preparation; the medicinal preparation; Introduction international standard Introduction international standard � � checking quality ISO, GMP; hecking quality ISO, GMP; c Output on foreign market; Output on foreign market; � � Attraction foreign investment; Attraction foreign investment; � � Creation new worker places; Creation new worker places; � � Increasing level to profitability Increasing level to profitability � � by way the reductions by way the reductions of the expenseses; of the expenseses; The Expansion production other type The Expansion production other type � � medicinal preparat es es. . medicinal preparat 2 2 2 2
Priveleges and preference s s for foreign investor for foreign investor Priveleges and preference are exem pted from VAT and custom s are exem pted from VAT and custom s paym ents : paym ents : � � Produced and realized m edicinal facilities Produced and realized m edicinal facilities and products of the m edical purpose; and products of the m edical purpose; � � I m port of raw m aterials for production of I m port of raw m aterials for production of the pharm aceutical product; the pharm aceutical product; � � Technological equipm ent; Technological equipm ent; � � I nstalled technological equipm ent is I nstalled technological equipm ent is exem pted exem pted from paym ent of the tax on property. from paym ent of the tax on property. 3 3
The Scale of Investments of The Scale of Investments of Structure of the capital of Structure of the capital of SJSC “ SJSC “Uzpharmsanoat Uzpharmsanoat” ” pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical companies, % % 64,9 69 % 11,8 41,3 31 % Direct Investments Share of foreign participants Share of local participants Credits by local banks and own facilities of enterprises Credits by foreign banks 4 4
Provision to need of the population on produced Provision to need of the population on produced nom enclature to pharm aceutical product, % nom enclature to pharm aceutical product, % 5 5
Condition pharm aceutical m arket Uzbekistan on Condition pharm aceutical m arket Uzbekistan on form s preparation ( ( m ln m ln. .$ $ ) ) form s preparation Total 60,0 300,0 40,0 Tablet 23,0 142,0 15,0 Injection 13,0 125,0 12,0 Local production Import Dry disposit 12,0 30,0 7,0 C траны СНГ Infusion 9,0 7,0 4,0 Ointment 1,5 2,0 3,5 Vaccines and sera 1,0 2,5 0,5 6 6 6 6
Am ounts of the im port, efficiency replace im port replace im port and and Am ounts of the im port, efficiency saturation of the hom e m arket pharm aceutical product saturation of the hom e m arket pharm aceutical product 20,6% 461,4 16,4% 14,0% 340,0 12,6% 327,0 281,0 10,1% mln. $ 94,8 200,0 60,0 43,7 39,4 14,2 12,1 23,1 8,2 8,1 7,7 2006 y. 2007 y. 2008 y. 2009 y. 2010 y. (forecast) Import cheese for internal production Effect on replace import Import medicine 7 7 Part of the saturation of the home market domestic pharm production.
Main trends cooperation proposed Main trends cooperation proposed foreign investor foreign investor Preparations for Antiviral preparations treatment of the bronchial asthma Preparations for treatment of the diabetes Vials from PET Preparations for treatment psychoneurological Preparations for diseases treatment of resistant forms of tuberculosis Direction Preparations for treatment oncological diseases Tubas for medicinal preparation Preparations for treatment of the diseases of the Hormonal preparations system of the blood circulation Medicinal Immunobiological preparations for baby preparations contingent 8 8
I nvestm ent project on tuba production I nvestm ent project on tuba production creation for ointm ents creation for ointm ents Project cost – – 1 2 0 0 .0 1 2 0 0 .0 thousand $ thousand $ Project cost Foreign part – – 1 2 0 0 .0 1 2 0 0 .0 thousand $ thousand $ Foreign part (in the manner of: buildings and constructions, (in the manner of: buildings and constructions, technological equipment, technologies, cheese and technological equipment, technologies, cheese and material) material) Ptoduction – Ptoduction – tuba production creation for ointments: tuba production creation for ointments: The pow er created production: : The pow er created production The Tubas different in assortment – – 3 30 0 million unit: million unit: The Tubas different in assortment Creation w orker places - Creation w orker places 20 persons
I nvestm ent project on creation production vial from PET I nvestm ent project on creation production vial from PET for m edicinal preparation for m edicinal preparation Project cost – Project cost – 1 5 0 0 .0 1 5 0 0 .0 thousand $ thousand $ Foreign part – – 1 5 0 0 .0 1 5 0 0 .0 thousand $ thousand $ Foreign part (in the manner of: buildings and constructions, (in the manner of: buildings and constructions, technological equipment, technologies, cheese and technological equipment, technologies, cheese and material) material) Ptoduction – – vials from PET for medicinal preparation Ptoduction vials from PET for medicinal preparation The pow er created production: : The pow er created production The PET vials for medicinal preparation - - 25 million unit: 25 million unit: The PET vials for medicinal preparation Creation w orker places - - 25 persons Creation w orker places 25 persons 10 10
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