Procu curement in in the HE Sect ctor Do Don Bowman MCIPS PS Credit: Chris Christodoulou
Pr Presente ter : Do Don B Bowman an M MCIPS • Member of Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (MCIPS) • Assistant Director – London Universities Purchasing Consortium • Over 20 years in Procurement – Broadcasting/MAFF/SFA/HoL/UoK • Previous work with Kent Invicta Chambers of Commerce 2
Ag Agen enda • The HE sector overview • HE sector procurement • Framework Agreements • Working with the public sector Questions??
HE HE sec ector statis tistic tics 2015/16 • Total income £34.7bn • Number of students c2.3m Ø University of Kent 19,600 Ø Canterbury ChristChurch Uni 16,000
HE HE sour urces es of inc income
HE HE expenditur penditure
Ho How w Univ Univer ersities ities buy buy • Often use devolved budget structure • Schools and Department have ultimate say in what, but not how • Central procurement system – set up new suppliers • All major procurements (over £20k) electronically • Purchasing Procedures 7
Un Univ iver ersity ity Pu Purchasing Consortia (UPC’s) Six regional purchasing consortia developing and managing frameworks on behalf of our Members…..£1bn+ expenditure
UPC UPC’s - wha what are e the hey? • Not-for-profit companies, limited by guarantee • Aimed at maximising value for Members • Owned by its Members, for its Members • Delivering OJEU compliant Collaborative Framework Agreements and other procurement services
UPC UPC’s – LU LUPC the numbers rs • 75 full LUPC Members – less HEI’s • 36 FE College Associate Members – and growing • £208m of spend by LUPC Members in 2015/16 • Over 110 supply agreements available to Members
UPC UPC’s – SU SUPC C the numb mbers • 62 full and associate members • 67 FE College • £400m in member spend in 2015/16 • £50m of savings in 2015/16
Fr Fram amework Agreem eemen ent t Ov Overview • Over 100 agreements across all categories
Co Constru ruction related Ag Agreeme ments
Estates Maintenance ce and Minor Works (LUPC but incl cludes Kent)
Fr Fram amework Agreem eemen ent t call all offs Single Supplier Direct Award Ranked Supplier Framework Desktop Exercise Agreement Further Competition
Po Potential future Fra ramework Agreements • Professional Services Ø Project Management Ø Quantity Surveyors Ø Architects Ø M&E • Construction Ø Medium Ø Large
Fi Finding public sector or op opport ortunities 17
Im Impr proving ving your ur chanc hances es of winning winning • Be clear about when to bid and not to bid • Find out who your competitors are • Make early decisions about whether to go solo/consortium/subcontract • Remember you do not have to go it alone – collaborate and network
Collaborative Bi Co Bidding? • Options: Consortium Ø Joint Bidding Ø Lead Contractor & Subcontractor Ø Use one of these options if: ü You don’t have the capability or capacity ü You do not have the experience or a potential partner has skills/experience you do not have ü A joint bid would enhance your chance of winning
Ch Choosi sing the ri right part rtner • Do you already have an existing relationship e.g. Trust & Shared Values? • Can they and are they likely to deliver? • What is their reputation in the market? • Who do they already work for/with? (comparable client/service, etc) • Are they financially secure? • What Accreditations do they have?
So Some me final thoughts • Professional approach • Understand what the buyer is looking for and bespoke bid accordingly • Always answer the question asked! • Think about why the question is asked and answer to meet this need • Read the evaluation criteria-it almost gives the answer • Stick to any word limits 21
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