Processing social media feedback with semantic technologies to improve product development Master thesis presentation Lukas Ott Supervisor: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Anna Fensel Contributing Supervisor: Dr. Ioan Toma
Source: 5.
Social Media Monitoring Source: 4.
Source: 6.
Source: 6.
Customer relationship Product Marketing Loyalty Customer Satisfaction
Social Semantic Web Source: 7.
Social CRM Source: 7.
How to combine a domain specific ontology with social media monitoring? ● What kind of IT landscape is needed? ● What kind of governance / framework need to be set in place? ● What are the phases to generate an overall framework? ● How a system is technically created? ● The technical system of data filtering should be shown in a prototype
What kind of IT landscape is needed? Social - Product Enterprise Lifecycle Resource Social - Management Planing CRM Enterprise Service Bus Product Web Enterprise Data Services Content Management Management Source: 7.
What kind of overall framework need to be set in place? Source: 7.
The dacodi system Source: 8.
How a system is technically created? Source: 7.
The database ontology Source: 7.
Data filtering in a prototype Source: 7.
Use Cases ● Marketing campaign monitoring ● User customized products monitored ● Product comparison to market participants ● Complaint management and quality engineering ● Internal Branding improvement
Conclusion and Results ● IT landscape based on Service Oriented Architecture ● A feedback governance and communication framework ● Stepwise integration of the framework ● A central database is needed that realizes the interlinking ● The prototype showed how a system like this could look like
Summary ● New Innovation Process ● Social Semantic Web ● Social CRM ● The IT landscape ● The Framework for Implementation ● Crowdsourcing for Product features/ new Products internal/external
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Sources 1. [Accessed: 2015-05-26] 2. [Accessed: 2015-05-26] 3. (SAS - IOT Talk) [Accessed: 2015-05-26] 4. Social Media Monitoring - Presentation STI Innsbruck by Dieter Fensel, Birgit Leiter, Ioannis Stavrakantonakis [Accessed: 2015-05-26] 5. Website screenshots of,, https://crowdcreation1314., 6. [Accessed: 2015-05-26] 7. own Master thesis images (more explicit sources can be found there as well) 8. Master Thesis: “Impact Analysis of Online Social Networks” by Christoph Fuchs
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