probing and controlling spin dynamics with thz pulses

Probing and controlling spin dynamics with THz pulses Spin Charge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Probing and controlling spin dynamics with THz pulses Spin Charge THz pulse Tobias Kampfrath Freie Universitt Berlin and FHI/Max Planck Society PhD students: organize your own symposium at the 2019 Spring Meeting of the German

  1. Probing and controlling spin dynamics with THz pulses Spin Charge THz pulse Tobias Kampfrath Freie Universität Berlin and FHI/Max Planck Society

  2. PhD students: organize your own symposium … at the 2019 Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society in Regensburg! ƒ Your chance to implement a symposium you always wanted to attend ƒ To get in personal contact with leading scientists at an early stage of your career How? ƒ Pick 1-5 colleagues as organization committee and fill out the online application ƒ Timely topic related to magnetism ƒ Invite speakers, compile the program, organize the day ƒ Deadline: October 15

  3. Three elementary spin operations 1. Turn spins around 2. Transport spins 3. Detect spin dynamics Goal: reach speed of other information carriers, i.e. THz bandwidth Light in fibers: >10 Tbit/s Electrons in a FET: ~1 THz cut-off How to manipulate magnetic order ultrafast? Two approaches

  4. Spintronics and femtomagnetism Spintronics: voltages in circuits Femtomagnetism: fs light fields ~ ~ ƒ Freq. ~400 THz ⇑ Need rectification ƒ Bandwidth <10 GHz ƒ Force/torque × applied field ƒ Force/torque × light intensity See e.g. Magnetism Roadmap (2017) Kirilyuk, Kimel, Rasing, Rev. Mod. Phys. (2010) DC 0.01 THz 100 THz 1000 THz Terahertz gap 1…30 THz THz fields + magnetism = useful? 4…120 meV

  5. Why THz magnetism? 1) Reveal speed and initial elementary steps of spintronic effects E.g. spin-Hall, spin-Seebeck and GMR 2) New physics, new methods 3) Reward for THz technology as THz coincides with many e.g. THz sources and modulators fundamental modes for spectroscopy and imaging + + - - Magnons Phonons - - Bound electron states: ƒ Cooper pairs Hillenbrand et al. , Nano Lett. (2008) ƒ Excitons 1 THz ≙ 4 meV Intraband transport How to get THz pulses?

  6. Intense THz pulses by optical rectification Rectified part of electron displacement � � � ∝ � � � �� � � � - ~400 THz ~0.5…50 THz Nonlinear- optical Femtosecond THz pulse crystal pulse Nonlinear electron displacement Linear electron displacement How to detect � � the THz pulse? � � ∝ � �� ∝ 2 nd harmonic + { envelope { 2 Reviews: Hoffmann, Fülöp, J. Phys. D (2011); Reimann, Rep. Prog. Phys. (2007)

  7. THz detection: electro-optic sampling Delay � Sampling THz pulse field � ��� Nonlinear- optical Wu, Zhang, crystal APL (1995) Electrooptic effect : Change in refractive index ∝ � ��� ⇑ Crystal becomes birefringent Scan ellipticity of sampling pulse vs � ⇑ Get THz electric field � ��� ( � ) A typical THz pulse…

  8. Example of an ultrashort THz pulse 0.2 ZnTe ƒ Duration down to 50 fs ƒ Tunable center frequency 0.5…50 THz, i.e. 2…200 meV ƒ Peak fields up to ~30 MV/cm (~10 T) ƒ But: gaps between 5 and 15 THz ƒ Detection of full transient field , threshold down to 1 V/m How to control magnetic order by THz fields? Consider equation of motion of spins

  9. How can one control spin dynamics? Total effective Equation of � � � � = −�� � � � × � ���� field acting motion of spin � on spin � � � ���� = � ��� + � ����� + � � In Heisenberg- � × � � + � � �� � � type magnet ��� Zeeman coupling to SO coupling to Exchange external field + other spins total electric field coupling � ���� is the handle to (ultrafast) control over magnetic order ƒ Directly by external fields � ��� , � ��� ( ↑ Kim) ƒ Indirectly by modulation of coupling parameters (e.g. � �� ) using light, currents, strain, heat, … ( ↑ Kirilyuk, Kalashnikova) Start simple: Zeeman torque

  10. How to control spins as fast as possible? Most natural stimulus: magnetic field � � � ��� �(� ) THz �(� ) pulse � � ∝ � × � Zeeman torque

  11. How to control spins as fast as possible? Most natural stimulus: magnetic field � � � ��� Most efficient coupling on resonance Larmor frequency ℏω � = �� � |� ��� | � Ferromagnets Antiferromagnets ƒ ω � determined by anisotropy field ƒ Exchange causes additional repulsion ƒ ω � /2 � ≪ 1 THz ƒ ω � /2 � ∼ 1 THz ⇑ Conduct a THz-pump magnetooptic-probe experiment

  12. THz magnetic pump – infrared probe 2� /| � | Detect Faraday rotation Sample: antiferromagnetic NiO ∝ � ����� ⋅ � � ƒ Neel temperature 523 K ƒ Magnon ( � = 0 ) at 1 THz In the lab…

  13. Simplistic THz setup in the lab Pump beam: generates the THz beam THz emitter Si Probe Parabolic mirror beam Sample To detection of Faraday rotation

  14. THz-induced magnon oscillation Incident magnetic pulse

  15. THz-induced magnon oscillation Incident magnetic pulse Faraday response ⇑ Signature of � = 0 magnon at 1 THz Oscillation at 1 THz, decay time ~40 ps Driven by electric or magnetic field component?

  16. The magnon is driven by the magnetic field Observation: Induced magnetization × driving field Is � = �� possible? ƒ NiO is centrosymmetric ⇑ � = 0 Driving force is magnetic ƒ No linear magnetoelectric effect (not electric) field in centrosymmetric NiO Idea: use double pulses to control magnon amplitude

  17. Coherent spin control with THz pulse pairs 1 2 Second pulse after 6 cycles: amplifies magnon 1 2 Second pulse after 6.5 cycles: switches magnon off THz spin control is feasible by the simple Zeeman torque of THz magnetic pulses Kampfrath, Sell, Fiebig, Wolf, Huber et al. , Nature Phot. (2011) Baierl, Kampfrath, Huber et al. , PRL (2016) Interesting application: THz magnon spectroscopy

  18. THz magnon spectroscopy ƒ Dynamics of � ���� � ��� following ƒ Characterization of antiferromagnets optical excitation ƒ Magnons probe � ���� � ��� Nishitani, Hangyo et al. , APL (2010), PRB (2012) Bowlan, Prasankumar et al. , PRB (2016) Kanda, Kuwata-Gonokami et al. , Nature Comm. (2012) Mikhaylovskiy, Kimel et al. , Nature Comm. (2015) ƒ Not easy with non-optical methods ƒ Many more opportunities with stronger THz fields: probe spin couplings

  19. Reveal elementary spin couplings 3 MV/cm Spin-electron coupling 1 T ƒ Mikhaylovskiy et al. , Nature Phot. (2016) ƒ Bonetti, Dürr et al. , PRL (2016) Electron orbits Electron spins Magnon-magnon coupling ƒ Mukai, Hirori, Tanaka et al. , New J Phys (2016) Ionic ƒ Bocklage et al. , lattice PRL (2015) ƒ Lu, Suemoto, Nelson et al. , PRL (2017) Spin-phonon coupling highly unexplored at >1 THz How to probe coupling of spins and phonons?

  20. Probing spin-phonon coupling Use an insulator ⇑ Electron orbital excitations are frozen out Faraday probe: measures magnetic state Optical phonon pump Observation of new coherent coupling channels ƒ Kubacka, Johnson, Staub et al. , Science (2014) ƒ Nova, Cavalleri et al. , Nature Phys. (2016) How fast is spin-lattice equilibration? ⇑ Study model magnet YIG

  21. Spin-lattice equilibration in YIG THz phonon pump Many open questions, e.g.: Time scale and mechanism of spin-phonon equilibration unknown ~1 ps ~250 ps ~1 µs Rezende et al. , Schreier et al. , Xiao et al. , JMMM (2016) PRB (2013) PRB (2010) Relevant for ƒ Magnetization switching ƒ Spin Seebeck effect Sample: ferrimagnet YIG Experiment ƒ Has two spin sublattices (a and d) ƒ Excite Fe-O lattice vibrations ƒ Band gap of 2.8 eV ƒ Probe spin dynamics from ƒ Magnonic model material femtoseconds to microseconds

  22. THz lattice pump–magnetooptical probe B ext Detect Faraday rotation ( ° 100 mT) � = � � � � + � � � � � Krumme et al. , Thin Solid Films (1984) Pump on and off the phonon resonances

  23. Phonon-driven magnetization dynamics Transient Faraday rotation (%) On- Absorption (arb. units) 0 resonant Off-resonant Off- resonant On-resonant -1 Phonons 0 20 25 30 35 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pump-probe delay (ps) Frequency (THz) Surprisingly fast loss of magnetic order within ~1 ps: ƒ ~10 5 faster than lifetime of YIG’s zone-center magnons (FMR) ƒ Response speed is comparable to laser-excited metals Behavior on longer time scales?

  24. From femtoseconds to milliseconds 0 (arb. untis) Two very different time scales: -1 interpretation? -2 Faraday rotation -3 -4 in ~1 ps ~300 λ s ~100 ns -5 -6 0 2 4 200 400 600 200 400 600 800 Time ( λ s) Time (ps) Time (ns) Ultrafast magnetic- Full equilibration: Heat flow to substrate: order quenching deduced from From simulations, temp.-dependence different substrates

  25. Summary: spin-phonon equilibration in YIG Phonons THz pump � � Energy Δ� �� (� ) � �� TO( Φ ) � � Spin angular momentum a-Fe 3+ O 2- d-Fe 3+ Spins Δ� �� (� ) = �� �� �� Δ�(� ) Maehrlein, Barker, Kampfrath et al. , � ( � ) Science Adv. (2018)

  26. Summary: spin-phonon equilibration in YIG Phonons Identical sublattice demagnetization THz pump � � in ~1 ps ⇑ Constrained state, lives ~10 ns Energy Δ� �� (� ) � �� TO( Φ ) � � Spin angular momentum Global equilibration: ~100 ns Spins Reveals spin-phonon equilibration in YIG: Maehrlein, Barker, ƒ Transfer of energy: in ~1 ps Kampfrath et al. , Science Adv. (2018) ƒ …and angular momentum: ~100 ns


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