Pro-Tempore Chairmanship CHILE
The SCM began, with the technical cooperation of the IMO, in Lima, specifically with the “South American Encounter about Migrations, Integration and Development” taken place in 1999. The SCM is the superior instance for political decision making in the South American process, oriented to generate and coordinate initiatives and programs directed to promote and develop policies about international migration.
Conferences I SCM, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2000) II SCM, Santiago, Chile (2001) III SCM, Quito, Ecuador (2002) IV SCM, Montevideo, Uruguay (2003) V SCM, La Paz, Bolivia (2004) VI SCM, Asunción, Paraguay (2006) VII SCM, Caracas, Venezuela (2007) VIII SCM, Montevideo, Uruguay (2008) IX SCM, Quito, Ecuador (2009) X SCM, Cochabamba, Bolivia (2010) XI SCM, Brasilia, Brazil (2011) XII SCM, Santiago de Chile (2012)
XII South American Conference on migration According to the work plan created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Consular Policy Division), with the conduction of Chile as the Pro-Tempore Chairmanship, the Technical Secretariat of the IMO (TS-IMO), the participation of official delegations from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, Uruguay, Suriname and Venezuela, the XII South American Conference on Migration took place in Santiago, Chile, from the 4 th to the 6 th of November 2012
Additional Participants: Delegations from Canada and Mexico, with the presence of their Ambassador in Chile El Salvador and Honduras, with the active participation of their Ambassador in Santiago. Panama, wich currently exercises the Pro-Tempore Chairmanship of the Regional Conference on Migration (SCM) High representatives from CAN, CRM, SEGIB and MERCOSUR.
International Migration Organization (IMO) headed by the Director for South America, Mr. Diego Beltrand, and the Main Advisor for the Americas, Mrs. Ana Duran; High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR); Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), UNESCO, ILO, UNICEF
Monitoring the South American Plan for Human Development of Migrations in the area of Migrants´Human Rights; Migration and regional integration processes; Strengthening of the Migratory Management; and International Projection of South American Region
Programs about human rights attending the integrality of migratory processes and that also consider migrants ´ social and economic rights Initiatives to facilitate and assist migrants access to health, education and housing; Institutionalized programs for protecting and assist vulnerable migrant people, to access justice; Issuing a report about the current norms in each SCM country in terms of exercising the political rights of migrant people, to be unveiled and analyzed in the next Intersessional Meeting, in charge of the TS- IMO; Human rights socialization and educational programs within the reception communities, in joint action with the civil society organizations; Exchange of good practices on the implementation of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, as well as the Palermo Protocols to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children; and against the Smuggling of Migrants. A permanent educational and training program for civil servants in matters of human rights, together with TS-IMO.
The SCM was pleased when receiving the reports presented by the General Secretariat of CAN and the Pro-Tempore Chairmanship of MERCOSUR (Specialized Migratory Forum – FEM), in charge of the Brazilian Delegation, about improvements accomplished by both instances on migration and possible convergence of processes, in order to deepen the integration mechanisms. The XII SCM embraced with great interest and supported the proposals provided in the III Andean Forum on Migration (Quito Declaration) that took place on the 4 th and 5 th of October 2012, attached to the Declaration.
Creation of an annual report about the current state of norms and institutions related to the formulation and implementation of migratory policies of each country, in the context of OSUMI associated actions. Those reports shall be sent to the TS-IMO for systematization and future analysis during the intersessional meetings. With the TS-IMO support, a package of options for horizontal cooperation could be mutually offered among the SCM state members, that contemplates diverse financing modalities. A proposal, from the ST-IMO, to develop joint actions between the member States to connect citizens abroad, in order to add efforts and good practices in favour of the South American migrants. A regional proposal in support of the consular management for the protection of migrant victims of gender violence and violence within the family, starting from the binational experience between Chile and Argentina.
a) U.N High level dialogue on international migration and development 2013: elaborate a document with the position of the SCM with the intention to drive the debate to the United Nations international migratory agenda and move towards an International Convention on Migration. In that regard, the Troika (Brazil, Chile and Colombia), headed by the PPT and the support of the TS- IMO, shall circulate a working paper to be discussed during the next intersessional meeting. b) Global Forum on Migration and Development (FGMD): The SCM manifested its quarrel and discomfort for the inadequate consideration that has been given to the interventions and proposals of their member States in consecutive meetings of the FGMD. The exclusion of the SCM and their member States interest from the FGMD assembly minutes has hindered the recognition of the contributions of South America to the global debate about migration and development. Therefore, it is important to reiterate that this mechanism has to be conducted to the United Nations level, the appropriate fora to maintain a political debate that allows moving towards an International Convention on Migration.
c) CELAC Meeting on Migration: the SCM received with pleasure the report of the CELAC First Meeting on Migration which took place in Comayagua, Honduras, in August 2012; document that is incorporated as an annex in the present Declaration. d) CELAC-UE Dialogue on Migration: the SCM values this process and enhances the support to the first Statistical Compendium on CELAC-EU Migration. The SCM requests the CELAC PPT to propose the Working Group, with headquarters in Brussels, the urgent treatment of the DIRECTIVA DE PERMISO UNICO and the restoration of the acquired rights in topics such as health and social security of the South American migrants. In the process of elaboration of the information about migratory flows CELAC-UE, the SCM shall incorporate the human rights approach.
e) Synergy with the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM)-SCM: The SCM welcomes the report of the TS-RCM about this consultation process. As well, entrusts the PPT-SCM to coordinate the exchange of information about extracontinental migratory flows, the illicit trafficking networks of migrants and to plan initiatives with the countries of origin and destiny of these situations. Finally, show gratitude for the invitation extended to the SCM Troika to participate in the encounters of extracontinental migration scheduled for December 2012 in Panama City, Panama. d) Relation between SCM and UNASUR: The SCM recognizes that the free human mobility in the region is one of the fundamental elements for the construction of a South American citizenship. In accordance to that, it has been agreed to firmly advance in determining the best way to deepen this relationship.
The SCM approved the XII South American Conference on Migration ´ s Santiago Declaration, where the countries express important agreements that determine the roadmap for the work inside the SCM as well as with the direction and technical assistance bodies, and that also gather and apply some of the main desires and interests of the migrants, the Governments and the international specialized entities.
Complete treatment of the agreements reached with the member States of the SCM and registered in the agenda of the XII SCM; High number of participants (75 people in the two days of work) situation without precedent in the development of the SCM; A Declaration was approved with an operative emphasis and directed to the tasks for the better treatment of the migratory issues; Formal incorporation of the civil society organizations, topic largely expected by the SCM; The development of a common position of the SCM to be presented at the main global, regional, and bi-regional forums where the migratory issues are discussed; And the new beginning of the institutionalization process of the SCM.
International migrations Governance : institutionalization, human rights, norms and participation of the civil society Migrant person as a Rights-holder ( 2 nd Paragraph of the Declaration of Principles of Cochabamba (DPC) Human rights of the Migrant Person (6 th and 3 rd Paragraph of the Declarative part of DPC) Shared responsibility between countries of origin, transit, destiny and return of migrants (2 nd Paragraph of the Declarative part DPC).
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