private keys and security in a world of blockchain

Private Keys And Security In A World Of Blockchain Mat Cybula - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Private Keys And Security In A World Of Blockchain Mat Cybula Co-Founder & CEO State of the blockchain 2016 - A big year for blockchain Public Ledgers Evolve Wall Street Places Bets Digital Assets Have Arrived Why this

  1. Private Keys And Security In A World Of Blockchain Mat Cybula Co-Founder & CEO

  2. State of the blockchain

  3. 2016 - A big year for blockchain Public Ledgers Evolve Wall Street Places Bets Digital Assets Have Arrived

  4. Why this matters 1 2 A new asset class with 
 Cheaper, faster and more permission-less innovation secure transactions "an emerging technology [that] replaces the need for third-party institutions to provide trust for financial, contract and voting activities".

  5. The blockchain promise Networks to An explosion in Banking the manage internet tradable assets unbanked of things P2P mobile Augmented reality Smart contracts payments and VR

  6. Under the hood

  7. One Ledger To Rule Them All

  8. Suits vs. Hoodies 8

  9. New kids on the block Bitcoin Ethereum Augur Launch - 2008 Launch - 2015 Launch - Pending Market cap - $9.6 Billion Market cap - $1.1 Billion Money raised - $10 Million Money raised - $18 Million

  10. Incumbents join the party HyperLedger “Settle Coin” E-Coin Players : IBM, JPM Players : UBS, JPM, DB, SAN Players : E-corp, Dark Army Status: beta, under Status: Pitched to central Status: This may be here technical development banks, Launching 2018 sooner than you think ;)

  11. 11

  12. A new security challenge

  13. The blockchain challenge Lost or stolen End users have New HR risks private keys responsibility Immutable means Badly written Ransomware no 1-800 number smart contracts

  14. Oh no, Hackers strike again! Mt Gox hack BitStamp hack BitFinex hack 2014 - 850,000 BTC 2015 - 19,000 BTC 2016 - 119,000 BTC Value stolen: $400M Value stolen: $5M Value stolen: $65 M Company collapsed Hot wallet hack Lost ~30%, made bond

  15. The new normal Swift Target Yahoo 2016 - $81 M loss 2013 - 40M CC stolen 2016 - 500 M accounts Swift messaging Malware infected Customer data stolen system was hacked payments system and sold on dark web

  16. New Tools For A New Era

  17. Private keys to the Kingdom Where the rubber hits the road. To own a digital asset, means to maintain control over a private key. Easier for individuals. Harder for organizations

  18. Navigating new terrain Best practices are a must - CCSS (CryptoCurrency Security Standard) Trust no one - not even your employees. If done right - major new efficiency What if Google adds a crypto wallet to every Android?

  19. This isn’t going away

  20. The way forward Networks grow in rapid and unexpected ways Do not underestimate C the hoodies and their B “open innovation” ethos A

  21. Thanks Mat Cybula Co-Founder & CEO


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