prioritizing p people accessibilit ility and dig igit

PRIORITIZING P PEOPLE Accessibilit ility and Dig igit ital l Co - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PRIORITIZING P PEOPLE Accessibilit ility and Dig igit ital l Co Colle llectio ions Nat athan an T Tal allman an, Han anning Chen, an and H Heat ather Alexan ander ABOUT UT US US Pro roduct Owner, r, Pro roduct Analyst, and

  1. PRIORITIZING P PEOPLE Accessibilit ility and Dig igit ital l Co Colle llectio ions Nat athan an T Tal allman an, Han anning Chen, an and H Heat ather Alexan ander

  2. ABOUT UT US US Pro roduct Owner, r, Pro roduct Analyst, and User r Inter erface D e Des esigner er You may be familiar with the roles or have them in your organization. But you have users. You probably want users to use your collections. But your users may have impairments. Thinking about your collections through the lens of these roles may help you make your collections more accessible to impaired users. Prioritizing People: Accessibility and Digital 2 2019-04-30 Collections

  3. ACTIVITY YOU HAVE B E BEEN EEN S SMOTE E AND ARE E IMPA PAIRED ED. o Random impairments will be assigned. Props are provided if necessary. o Using a personal device or one of the provided laptops (installed with NVDA and JAWS software), try using your organization’s digital collections. (Or any online digital collection.) o A list of suggested activities to perform is provided. o How long does it take you to perform these activities? Was it easy? How did the experience make you feel, personally? Prioritizing People: Accessibility and Digital 3 2019-04-30 Collections

  4. Activ ivit ity • Collections • Actions • Penn State • Browse complete listing of collections and • choose one to explore. • Keystone Library Network • Find the top five creators and subject for • your chosen collection. • Oregon Digital • Do a basic search and try to page through • • University of Maine the search results. Select one result view • the object. • Barnard College • When was the original created? What • format was the original? Go back to the • University of Florida homepage. • • Library of Congress • Do an advanced search and combine at • least three fields, one of them being a • Stanford Libraries phrase search. • • After exploring the results, try to print • Use your own organization’s collections! (pretend) and download some objects. 4 Prioritizing People: Accessibility and Digital Collections 2019-04-30

  5. PRO RODUCT OW NERSH SHIP o Comes from the Scrum/Agile framework. o PO is the chief stakeholder, defines the vision, prioritizes work, and liaises with other stakeholders. o Interfaces with the development team/vendor and other stakeholders/rest of the organization. o PO is accountable for delivering maximum value. o If accessibility is important to your organization and users, it’s the product owner’s job to deliver an accessible application. Prioritizing People: Accessibility and Digital 5 2019-04-30 Collections

  6. BET ETTER ER F FOR EV EVER ERYONE It can be e a fight for res esources es, but A FO FOCUS S ON A ACCESSI SSIBILITY O OFT FTEN LEADSTO A B BET ETTER ER EX EXPER PERIEN ENCE FO FOR A ALL USE SERS. S. For example: Headings clarify the structure of a page. The accessibility requirement on headings will help creating a logical and coherent website in general. Accessibility requires texts to have enough contrast with background. This works better for other types of users as well. E nforcing ALT text on image & UI elements will help everyone better understand the contents and functions of a website. 6 2019-04-30 Prioritizing People: Accessibility and Digital Collections

  7. W EB A ACCESSIBILITY OUR PH PHYSICAL S SPA PACES ES ARE A E ACCES ESSIBLE, E, OUR DIGITAL SPA PACES ES NEED EED TO BE E TOO The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits W AI / / Se Section W3C Web Accessibility Initiative, programs receiving federal funding including the Web Content from discriminating against people with W CA CAG 50 504, 4, 50 508 Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (June disabilities through inaccessible interfaces. 2018) Universal design considers all Title II of the Americans with Univ iversal l Tit itle le I II, users, including those with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits Desi sign ADA DA disabilities, and reduces or discrimination against qualified eliminates the need for adaptive individuals from public entities. technologies. Prioritizing People: Accessibility and Digital 7 2019-04-30 Collections

  8. CONTE TENTd Tdm 6 6.x o We had stability and maintenance issues with our self-hosted instance. Crashed on the Dean’s husband. o Known issues with accessibility and mobile devices. o Had already started work on Samvera replacement, but was 2+ years away. OCLC’S NEW H HOSTED V VERSION OF CONTENTdm ADVER ERTISED ED A ACCES ESSIBILITY IMPROVEM EMEN ENTS. WE E ASKED FOR A AS A TRIAL AL. Prioritizing People: Accessibility and Digital 8 2019-04-30 Collections

  9. CONTENTdm dm R Respo pons nsive ALWAYS D DO YOUR O OWN T TESTING. • Worked with Penn State EIT Accessibility Group to test new CONTENTdm with some of our collection. • Results were disappointing based on OCLC messaging and strongly worded emails sent. • OCLC listened and their response showed they cared. Successive improvements were made, with additional rounds of testing and report sharing. Prioritizing People: Accessibility and Digital 9 2019-04-30 Collections

  10. ACCESSIBILITY IS M MATURING SO ARE WE W e are f for ortunate t to o wor ork Educ ducation o n of e everyone ne on n Accessib ibilit ility is is still ill evolv lvin ing. with h pa partne ners on n accessibi bility the he pr produc duction n cha hain i n is issu ssues. ongo going. g. Standa ndards ds are still be being ng W e lear arned a a lot an and star art t to CONTE TENTd Tdm team am at at OCL CLC C lo look at accessib ibilit ility from a is s taking the i issu ssue se seriousl sly and nd establ blishe hed a d and nd revised. d. new ew a angle. e. is c cont ntinuo nuous usly mak aking accessib ibilit ility improvem emen ents to our to ur pr produc duct. 10 Prioritizing People: Accessibility and Digital Collections 2019-04-30

  11. CULTURAL H HER ERITAGE E OB OBJ ECTS R REPOS OSITOR ORY o Samvera-based digital repository with Blacklight as the only starting UI. • Accessibility a priority, required feature from day one. Every incremental release undergoes some form of accessibility testing. • Full testing with EIT Accessibility Group as needed and planned for major releases. • MVP includes minimal/no JavaScript or other fancy UI features to maintain focus on core accessibility for graceful fallback. o Staff need an accessible interface too. Prioritizing People: Accessibility and Digital 11 2019-04-30 Collections

  12. BEST PRACTICES F FOR ADAPTING & & C CREATING ACCES ESSIBLE E DIGITAL C COLLEC ECTION I INTER ERFACES ES WORKING WITH VENDORS DEVELOPING YOUR OWN • Test all claims • Universal design • Don’t be reluctant to ask or give feedback to • Progressive enhancement the team who developed it • Routine testing, both automated & manual • When customizing, be careful not to reverse (WCAG) and human using adaptive tech accessibility • Valid, semantic HTML encoding • Test customizations with SiteImprove – it can • Unicode! (Accessibility for all languages!) be downloaded as a Chrome extension • Know how to use ALT and ARIA attributes • Accessibility is always evolving, we are constantly working to make improvements to • Test content without CSS and JS enabled our products • Remember screen readers when adding hidden content and for skipping non-primary content Prioritizing People: Accessibility and Digital 12 2019-04-30 Collections

  13. Acces essible e Conten ent Your websi site is s only as s sm smart as s you allow it W hen c conf nfiguring W CT W he hen n upl uploadi ding ng c cont ntent nt o Use descriptive yet simple English for your content o Test intended colors in o Give relevant names to your titles, subjects, and o Text size 'Medium' is the intended sizing for the text description; not Page 01, Page02, Page 03 o When you customize be careful writing descriptions and be o Title will be the same as link and alt text mindful of headings (make sure your site doesn't have too many headings) Prioritizing People: Accessibility and Digital 13 2019-04-30 Collections

  14. QUEST STIONS? S? Penn State University, Digital Preservation Librarian Nathan Tallman, @ @mad adcow1029 OCLC, Product Analyst Hanni ning Che hen, @ @oclc OCLC, User Interface Designer Heather Alexander, @ @halex exdee ee Thank you to our colleagues Michael Tribone (UX/UI Designer) and Linda Klimczyk (Assistant Head, I-Tech) at Penn State University Libraries for their feedback.


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