presente presented by d by robert bert c c mcneal d i al

Presente Presented By: d By: Robert bert C. C. McNeal, D.I al, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presente Presented By: d By: Robert bert C. C. McNeal, D.I al, D.I.B.A., A ., Alabama St abama State e Univers University ty Olin Olin O. Oedekoven, Ph.D., O. Oedekoven, Ph.D., Peregrine Academi Peregrine Academic c Services

  1. Presente Presented By: d By: Robert bert C. C. McNeal, D.I al, D.I.B.A., A ., Alabama St abama State e Univers University ty Olin Olin O. Oedekoven, Ph.D., O. Oedekoven, Ph.D., Peregrine Academi Peregrine Academic c Services Services Tammy Prater, Ph.D., Tammy Prater, Ph.D., Alabama State University Alabama State University September, 2012 September, 2012

  2. The purpose of The purpose of this presentation is to this presentation is to provide provide infor information related to mation related to the Common Professional the Common Professional Component and a comparative analysis of Component and a comparative analysis of the the Major Major Field Test Field Test assessment exam assessment exam from ETS and the from ETS and the CPC- CPC- based based COMP Exam assessment exam COMP Exam assessment exam from Peregrine from Peregrine Academic Services in order to Academic Services in order to determine which determine which instrument instrument would be would be more applicable for an applied more applicable for an applied business program assessment and to business program assessment and to assess assess how data how data from both instruments can be from both instruments can be related and used. related and used.

  3.  Overview of the Common Professional Component Overview of the Common Professional Component for Business Education for Business Education  Appling the CPCs for the Business Curriculum Appling the CPCs for the Business Curriculum  Assessing the CPCs Assessing the CPCs  Comparative Approaches to CPC Assessment Comparative Approaches to CPC Assessment  Conclu Conclusions sions

  4.  Common Professional Compon Common Professional Component (CPC): Establishes an ent (CPC): Establishes an approac approach to business school to business school program program evaluation based evaluation based on standards that integrate academic disciplines. on standards that integrate academic disciplines.  Based on control processes developed by Deming, Juran, Based on control processes developed by Deming, Juran, Drucker and others that focus on process continuous Drucker and others that focus on process continuous improvement . improvement .  Follows the Baldrige concep Follows the Baldrige concept by establishing a set of t by establishing a set of standards that provide a means of measuring standards that provide a means of measuring im improvement th provement through continuous self evaluation. rough continuous self evaluation.

  5.  Cross disciplin oss disciplinary ary natu ture re of bu of business educ siness education ation: Recogn gnizes that stu izes that student ent understanding of the nature understanding of the nature of moder of modern busines business requir requires the ability the ability to to apply apply concepts concepts from more than from more than one busines one business di disc scipline ( ipline (i.e .e., Marketin ., Marketing, Fin g, Finance, e e, etc.)  A C A CPC foc focus s in instills stu stills studen ent recognition t recognition of of th the c cross oss disciplin disciplinary n ary natu ture of re of a a busines business ed educati ucation. n.  Foster Fosters a broad academic pers a broad academic perspectiv pective that e that enhances enhances cr critical ical thinki thinking based on ng based on (i) (i) identifying facts, identifying facts, and (ii) and (ii) applying co applying comprehensive ac mprehensive acade ademic ic c concepts to ts to kn know own facts, to facts, to (iii) produce a (iii) produce a logical logical solution to solution to busines business problems. problems.  CPC eval CPC evaluati uation demons on demonstr trat ates when a when a busi busines ness progr program has m has achiev achieved thes these goal goals.

  6. Functi Functional Areas onal Areas 3. 3. Tech Technica cal Skill Skills 1. 1. a. a. Marketing Marketi a. a. Informa Information Systems tion Systems b. b. Busin Business Finan ss Finance b. b. Quantitative Techniques / Quantitative Techniques / c. c. Acco Accounti ting ng Statistics Stati tics d. d. Manageme Mana gement 4. 4. Integrative Areas Integrative Areas Business Environ Busin ss Environment a. a. Busin Business Policies ss Policies 2. 2. a. a. Legal Environment Legal Environment OR OR b. b. Economics Economics a. A c comprehens mprehensive e ive experience rience c. c. Business Ethics Busin ss Ethics that enabl that enables s synth synthesi sizi zing d. d. Global Dime Globa Dimensio ions ns and applying knowledge and applying knowledge

  7.  Academi Academic resea research in busine rch in business focuses ss focuses on on past histo past history, is ry, is highly theoreti highly theoretical cal in nature, and does little in nature, and does little to draw student to draw student attention attention to the practical app to the practical application lication of modern business of modern business concepts in today’s workplace environment. concepts in today’s workplace environment.  The case study approa The case study approach ch is is an an improvement, but relies on a improvement, but relies on a narrative presentati narrative presentation of a on of a si single ngle case limiting t case limiting the c e case se probl problem to one or to one or a few busi a few busine ness areas and is ss areas and is depen dependen ent on t on the instructor’s objectives. the instructor’s objectives.

  8. A A true capsto true capstone ne course course (i.e., Strategic Management) is (i.e., Strategic Management) is the the closest to the closest to the CPC CPC approach approach when when its design inclu its design includes the es the analysis of a company and its analysis of a company and its industry based on Accounting, industry based on Accounting, Finance, Management, and Finance, Management, and Marketing concepts, the Marketing concepts, the environment the company environment the company and indu and industry operate in, and requires stry operate in, and requires the use the use of technological skills of technological skills co combined mbined with practical research with practical research to discover, and analyze, facts to discover, and analyze, facts rel relate ted to the compa d to the company and its y and its industry. industry.

  9. Map the Course text’s chapte Map the Course text’s chapters to a rs to a CPC CPC templ template. te. 1. 1. Create an abbreviated course Create an abbreviated course syllabus. syllabus. 2. 2. Repeat the process for Repea the process for othe other courses courses 3. 3. Consoli Consolidate the date the anal analyses. yses. 4. 4. Review Review for conti for continuous improvement. nuous improvement. 5. 5. a) a) Review course Review course material accordin material according to g to the course’s Learn the course’s Learning Outcome metrics. Outcome metrics. b) b) Link the metrics to Link the metrics to the CPC objectives the CPC objectives c) c) Gene Generate additional course materi rate additional course materials als which integrates which integrates the course the course material and the CPC material and the CPC in a in a way that improves course qualit way that improves course quality. y.

  10.  There are three business accr There are three business accrediting bodies recognized editing bodies recognized by the US Council for High by the US Council for Higher Education Accreditation er Education Accreditation (CHEA). (CHEA).  The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AAC (AACSB). SB).  The Accreditation The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). (ACBSP).  The Inter The Internati ational Assembl l Assembly for for Coll Collegiate Busin egiate Business Educ ss Educati ation (IACBE). (IACBE).  ACBSP and IACBE added CPC to its accreditation ACBSP and IACBE added CPC to its accreditation standards in 1988 and 1997, respectively. AACSB does standards in 1988 and 1997, respectively. AACSB does not currently have a not currently have a CPC aspect to CPC aspect to its its accreditation accreditation standards. standards.


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