presentation to members and board of bmh bj congregation

Presentation to Members and Board of BMH-BJ Congregation Feb. 4, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presentation to Members and Board of BMH-BJ Congregation Feb. 4, 2014 Mark W. Zalkin Board Member At Large 1 Focus: Two Key Points My brief presentation this evening will focus on two key points: 1. Attitude 2. Change and Transition 2

  1. Presentation to Members and Board of BMH-BJ Congregation Feb. 4, 2014 Mark W. Zalkin Board Member At Large 1

  2. Focus: Two Key Points My brief presentation this evening will focus on two key points: 1. Attitude 2. Change and Transition 2

  3. Emotional Impact In order to successfully face our many challenges, we must be aware of the emotional impact these challenges have on each of us individually, and as a synagogue community. We are a synagogue community with a long and proud history in Denver and in Colorado. 3

  4. Positive Attitudes Needed At This Critical Time In Our History We must BELIEVE in a positive future for our synagogue. We must also BELIEVE in our ability to successfully address the many challenges we face. 4

  5. 5

  6. Time To Be Critical Or To Undermine Our Forward Progress Is Over Criticism and Action Go Hand In Hand APATHY, kvetching, and sitting on the sidelines will hold our shul back from becoming healthy, strong and again a meaningful and vibrant force in the Denver Jewish community. 6

  7. Change and Transition: William Bridges Model Focuses on TRANSITION, not CHANGE. Difference is subtle but very important. CHANGE: Something that happens to us, even if we don’t agree or like it. TRANSITION: Is INTERNAL. It’s what happens in our minds as we go through change. Change can happen very quickly while transition can occur more slowly. 7

  8. 3 Stages of Transition • Stage One: Ending, Losing, Letting Go • Stage Two: The Neutral Zone • Stage Three: The New Beginning 8

  9. People Experience The Following • Stage One: Fear, denial, anger, sadness, disorientation, frustration, uncertainty, sense of loss. • Stage Two: Confused, uncertain, impatient, resentment, low morale, anxiety, skepticism. • Stage Three: Acceptance and Energy . High energy, openness to the new ways of doing things, renewed commitment to the institution. 9

  10. Where Are We Now? Stages 1 and 2 NOTE: Stage Two (Neutral Zone) is the most difficult and dangerous of the three stages. IT IS THE BRIDGE BETWEEN THE OLD AND NEW. REQUIRES: Constant Communication, Involvement, Building of Trust. May be uncomfortable, progress not always noted, yearning for the old days by some. 10

  11. What’s Happened Since Dec. 18 Congregational Meeting? Your Board Has: Taken some significant steps to build the foundation for a new healthy future for our shul. This includes: 1. Added 2 new co-presidents and adding two new board members, with specific skills and experience, to fill out vacant 6 month terms. ( More appointments will be made soon). 2. Formed 10 Strategic Action Committees that have already started to meet to develop the systems, infrastructure and vision necessary to help our shul become strong, solid and whole again. 3. Ongoing involvement of almost 50 members who signed up to participate on these committees. ( Join Us) 4. Proposed and developed a creative financial plan to completely eliminate the shul’s debt and debt service costs. 5. Resolved a very difficult personnel issue. 11

  12. 12

  13. Math of Shul Life


  15. 15

  16. Hard Work H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% Know ledge K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% 16

  17. Love L+O+V+E 12+15+22+5 = 54% Luck L+U+C+K 12+21+3+11 = 47% 17

  18. Then w hat makes 100%? Is it Money? ... NO!!! M+O+N+E+Y 13+15+14+5+25 = 72% Leadership? ... NO!!! L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P 12+5+1+4+5+18+19+9+16 = 89% 18

  19. Every problem we face as a shul has a solution, only if we first change our attitudes. To go to the top, to that 100%, w hat we really need to go further…a bit more... 19

  20. ATTITUDE A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Our synagogue that makes OUR Shul Life 100%!!! 20

  21. When we change our attitudes and roll up our sleeves, we WILL CHANGE OUR SHUL! 21

  22. Board Members Contact Info Michael Miller hmmiller@ bw • Vern Engbar skinnyv@ • Mike Engleberg 303.886.2986 • Sara Cooper 720.201.6714 • Mark Zalkin 303.756.5504 • Ben Streltzer 303.704.7500 • Elly Valas 303.316.7569 • Gil Rosenthal 303.316.0809 • Debbie Hailpern 303.888.9501 • Jon Madison 303.246.8546 • John Peterson 303.909.3014 • Karen Jonscher 303.229.4620 • Perry Jultak 303.319.9462 • 22


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