presentation of the international building physics


See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: PRESENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING PHYSICS TOOLBOX FOR SIMULINK Article January 2003 CITATIONS READS 15 250 5

  1. See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: PRESENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING PHYSICS TOOLBOX FOR SIMULINK Article · January 2003 CITATIONS READS 15 250 5 authors , including: Peter Weitzmann Angela Sasic Kalagasidis Chalmers University of Technology 14 PUBLICATIONS 173 CITATIONS 86 PUBLICATIONS 1,429 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Toke Rammer Nielsen Ruut Peuhkuri Technical University of Denmark Aalborg University 32 PUBLICATIONS 705 CITATIONS 49 PUBLICATIONS 814 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Super insulation render for renovation and new constructions View project Decision support tool for renovation strategies of buildings with lack of technical documentation View project All content following this page was uploaded by Angela Sasic Kalagasidis on 20 May 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file.

  2. Eighth International IBPSA Conference Eindhoven, Netherlands August 11-14, 2003 PRESENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING PHYSICS TOOLBOX FOR SIMULINK Peter Weitzmann 1 , Angela Sasic Kalagasidis 2 , Toke Rammer Nielsen 1 , Ruut Peuhkuri 1 and Carl-Eric Hagentoft 2 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Techical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark 2 Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Building Physics, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden represented i.e. by TRNSYS 4 and SPARK 5 . In Strand et al. (2002), the differences in the two types of tools ABSTRACT are discussed. Here it was found that the major The international building physics toolbox (IBPT) is shortcomings of building energy simulation programs a software library specially constructed for HAM have so far been the inability to accurately model system analysis in building physics. The toolbox is HVAC systems that are not “standard”. This constructed as a modular structure of the standard argumentation can easily be expanded to include building elements using the graphical programming advanced building elements. The modular models, on language Simulink. Two research groups have the other hand, have the advantage that components participated in this project. In order to enable the and systems can be modelled as the need appears. development of the toolbox, a common modelling Should a detailed and transparent tool be usable by a platform was defined: a set of unique communication large number of people working individually to signals, material database and documentation develop models, it must be modular. In addition, protocol. The IBPT is open source and publicly transparency of the existing components is essential, available on the Internet. Any researcher and student if the user/developer wishes to implement any can use, expand, and develop the contents of the modifications. A transparent, modular and open toolbox. This paper presents the structure and the source system for modelling heat and moisture flows backbone of the library. Three examples are given to in buildings should therefore be a user-friendly tool visualize the possibilities of the toolbox. that can be expanded as needed in the future. INTRODUCTION The above-mentioned concerns have given rise to a need to develop an open and freely available building The numerical modelling of heat, air and moisture physics toolbox among the Authors. The start of the (HAM) flows in buildings is an essential part of International Building Physics Toobox (IBPT) was studying these phenomena – it might be as a part of laid by two groups of researchers working research work, building design or for educational independently of each other with developing building purposes. Examples of HAM models can be found in physics models in Simulink. For both groups, the Hens (1996), Wit (2000) and Hagentoft (2002a). reason for starting to use Simulink as the A host of commercially available computer tools development environment was a need to being able models already exist for modelling single to model, in great detail, the processes of heat, air components or whole buildings. For modelling and moisture transfer. In both groups the reason for whole buildings, there are models for the hourly choosing Simulink, which is part of the Matlab package 6 , was a large degree of flexibility, modular energy balance programs (in some cases also including moisture) Bsim 1 , ESP-r 2 , EnergyPlus 3 , and structure, transparency of the models and ease of use more. While these tools are fully appropriate for in the modelling process. designing standard buildings, they are not suitable for Simulink has already previously been used by other modelling innovative building elements such as research communities (SIMBAD 7 and CARNOT 8 ), building integrated heating and cooling systems, but the models have either not been open source, free ventilated glass facades and solar walls, as these have of cost or have not been directly applicable to not been defined in the program. A different building physics modelling. approach is the use of modular simulation tools, 4 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 energyplus carnot_1.shtml - 1361 - - 1369 -

  3. Figure 1 Main window of the International Building Physics Toolbox The modular structure in Simulink - using systems block models for modelling building physics. On the and subsystems - makes it easier to maintain an website, the blocks are freely available for download. overview of the models, and new models can just as A ‘block’ is a common term for the basic elements easily be added to the pool of existing models. used during the modelling process. Five categories of Another advantage of using Simulink is the blocks have been defined. They are: graphical programming language based on blocks with different properties such as arithmetic functions, – constructions (e.g. walls and windows) input/output, data handling, transfer functions, state – zones (e.g. room models) space models and more. Furthermore, Simulink has – systems (e.g. HVAC systems) built-in state of the art ordinary differential equation – helpers (e.g. handling of weather data) (ODE) solvers, which are automatically configured at – gains (e.g. internal heat gains). run-time of the model. Therefore, only the physical These five categories are organized in a Simulink model needs to be implemented, and not the solver. block library as shown in Figure 1. Further, models can be created using a number of different approaches. These include assembling New blocks can be added by the users, thereby models directly in Simulink using the standard ensuring the development of the contents of the blocks, Matlab m-files, S-functions, and Femlab 9 toolbox. models using one-, two-, or three-dimensional finite The cornerstone of the IBPT is made up of the element calculations. This wide variety of modelling definition of a set of data arrays for exchange of data techniques with different advantages and between blocks. A total of seven different arrays disadvantages means, that the optimal choice can have been defined. The use of these data arrays always be made with respect to the task. ensures that the blocks can communicate with each The graphical approach also makes it easy to show other – even if different people have developed the the very complex interaction between the different blocks independently of each other! parts of the model. In addition, people who are not Besides the data arrays, two more key elements exist. used to programming can easily get started building They are: a key for the documentation of the blocks their own models or altering existing ones. Therefore, and a database of material properties. This can be the toolbox also represents a good way to teach found in Sasic (2002) and Nielsen et al. (2002). On building physics. the website, a description of the functionality of each Comparing IBPT to other modular building energy of the blocks is available. Also, a detailed description simulation programs (i.e. TRNSYS, SPARK and (Rode et al., 2002) of the interface between the EnergyPlus), a few notes can be made. (1) IBPT does blocks can be downloaded, so new blocks can be not require the same level of detailed programming created and be in compliance with the existing blocks knowledge (but advanced programming is possible), from the toolbox. (2) it can use Simulink’s built in solvers (but new Different blocks can have different levels of details solvers can be added by the user), (3) a large degree and processes. Some construction blocks may model of integration using the Matlab package can be only heat transfer while others may have both heat, achieved and as described below (4) all programming air and moisture transfer. Also, the blocks can use code is freely available from the website. different modelling techniques and have different The vision behind the development of the IBPT is to accuracy in the modelling. create a website ( with a set of In this paper, the International Building Physics Toolbox (IBPT) for Simulink is presented. The paper describes the work that has led to the present state of 9 - 1362 - - 1370 -

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