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Presentation & information. BMX Racing is an environmentally - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presentation & information. BMX Racing is an environmentally friendly and In 2012 the team will be represented in spectacular arena sport which is on the rise globally several of the major races in Sweden. They and also in Sweden.

  1. Presentation & information. BMX Racing is an environmentally friendly and In 2012 the team will be represented in   spectacular arena sport which is on the rise globally several of the major races in Sweden. They and also in Sweden. The sport is now part of will also be represented on a number the Olympic program and made ​ an of Norwegian and Danish races. In addition extraordinary debut in Beijing, China in 2008 to the Scandinavian countries, the major part and will be part of the Olympic Games in London in of the team is attending several of the 2012. European Championships during the EDGE BMX Team was initiated by Janne and  year and possibly also the World Jonas Franzén in time for the 2010 season. The Championships in England. team competes in BMX racing, both nationally and internationally. Through their company BMX To all Nordic competitions, and to some  Specialisten in Lerum, Sweden, the team is international, the team will bring a van supported by the company BRG, which branded with company and product logos, markets Chase BMX-frames and four other brands and team info. worldwide. Until 2012, the team name was Formula Team Sweden, but it is now changed to During races and events a team tent will be  EDGE BMX Performance Team . set up to create a “pit area" where the team- The team has several partners on the market for riders can relax and recharge between races.  bmx-products and through the company BMX This creates another possibility to Specialisten, several other partners have been advertise and display partner presentations. associated with the team. The team do their best to Next to this area BMX Specialisten have represent and promote these partners, their brands  and services. The team collaborates with a number of the team van where products from the companies / individuals who help the riders in their company and its business partners will be development, including promoted. Here partner companies have the Dalblads Nutrition, Lerums Sports opportunity to display new products and be Centre, Aktivitus Test-Clinic, PSIM sports present in person to represent. psychology.

  2. Team set-up Vilka är vi? The team is based in Lerum, just outside Gothenburg and consists of seven cyclists in Physical coach : Responsible for the different age groups from 16 years. They are all humble, well-behaved and take good care team's physical training programs and tests of themselves and their equipment. is Ola Kjellman . He is a PT on Lerums Contracts have been signed with the riders for 2012 and all must be dedicated to the sport, have Sports Centre . Together with Jonas, he clear goals, take care of training, nutrition and sleep, and report their training in a training is responsible for the diary. They will all be good representatives for all partners. individual training programs. The purpose of the age distribution is that most BMX-riders must be able to identify with the team's cyclists and be interested in the business. Younger people also have an opportunity to learn from the older ones and develop faster. Endurance coach : Responsible for the The team is working with the aim to develop the riders towards an international career and the team-riders ’ endurance training is program for training, racing and tests are designed for the Swedish Mattias Lundqvist . He is the owner of the Cycling Federation's elite level requirements, and should give the riders the experience and the company, Aktivitus Test Clinic ability to cope with tests etc at future Olympic and national team selections. - & Coaching . He tests the riders ’ oxygen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- consumption, lactic acid thresholds, etc., Head coach: Janne Franzén. BMX technical coach: Jonas Franzén. and helps out with individual training Both owners of the company BMX Specialisten in Lerum. advice. Team coach: Anders Boraie. Support team: Team leader: Pernilla Boraie, assistant: Lennart Petersson . When needed help from Nutrition : Martin Dalblad is supporting with dietary advice in general and fam. Franzén, fam. Johansson och fam. Petersson for competition and training in particular. Martin runs the company Here, Victoria (31) wrestling at the Dalblads Nutrition, where they 2010 European Championship tournament in work with dietary supplements in a serious Stavanger, Norway. manner. He makes sure that the riders get enough of real food and other nutrients where needed. Mental coach : Margareta Hultman runs the company PSIM, working with sports psychology and massage for athletes. She helps the riders with the mental part, both in group but also individually with each rider.

  3. Competition program 2012  Some of the races the team will be attending during 2012:  Swedish Cup series.  Swedish Championship in Malmö, 28/4.  WC. Birmingham, England 23-27/5 (possibly)  Scandinavian Championship, Kungsbacka, Sweden 4/8 .  European Championship in Belgium, Italy, France.  Succé Cup. Norway.  Races in the Norwegian Cup series and in the Danish national series.


  5. Team-riders Team-riders Name: Alexander Boraie, 16 years Club: Kungsbacka BMX Klubb Started racing BMX 2005 sedan: Achievements: 2010: 1:st in SC, 1:st in Swedish Cup, 4:th in Succé-Cup, 5:th in Scandinavian Championship 2011: 2:nd in Swedish cup, 8:th in Scandinavian Championship. Racing class: Boys 15-16 Goals 2012: 1:st in U-SM, Top 3 in Sc C , Improve on EC Name: Jesper Petersson, 16 years Club : Kungsbacka BMX Klubb Started racing BMX: 2001 Achievements: 2009: U-SM 3:rd, Swedish Cup 3:rd Scandinavian Championship 7:th 2010: U-SM 3:rd, Swedish Cup 2:nd SC 6:th 2011: U-SM 2:nd, Swedish Cup 1:st SC 5:th Racing class: Boys 15-16 Goals 2012: 1:st in U-SM, Top 3 in Sc C.

  6. Team-riders Team-riders Name: Fredrik Johansson, 18 years Club: Kungsbacka BMX Klubb Started racing BMX: 2006 Achievements: 2009: 3:rd U-SM, 3:rd SC. 2010: U-SM 1:st Superior in boys 16+. Upgraded to junior men during this season. Racing class: Junior Men Goals 2012: 1:st in SC, Final heat on Sc C, Improve internationally Name: Jonas Franzén, 24 years Club : Lerums CK Started racing BMX 2001 Achievements: U-SM title, several podium places in the Swedish Cup series Racing class: Elite Men Goals 2012: 1:st in SC, Final heat in SC C, Develop in strength and technique.

  7. Team-riders Name: Victoria Boraie, 18 years Club : Kungsbacka BMX Klubb Started racing BMX: 2004 Achievements: 2009: 4:th in Sc C in girls 15-16, 1:st in a SC race boys 13-14, 5:th in one EC-race in Norway girls 15-16. 2010: U.SM 1:st 2011: Sc C 5:th Racing class: Junior Women Goals 2012: To develop a better technique as a rider and to get more racing experience. Top 3 in Sc C.

  8. Riders & Support Team The Brothers K will, during practice and competition, support the other team with health care, massage, physical training and nutrition. They also compete in team colors when they are racing in their classes. Name: Daniel Karlsson, 27 years Club : Lerums CK Started racing BMX: 2008 BMX lat BMX sedan: Achievements: Developed both strength and technique during a few seasons and is now ready for a podium finish. Racing class: Men 25-29 Goals 2012: Top 3 in Swedish Cup series. Attend a few EC-races and also some races in the Danish cup series. Name: Markus Karlsson, 23 years Club: Lerums CK Started racing BMX: 2008 Achievements: Developed both strength and technique during a few seasons and is now ready for a podium finish Racing class: Men 17-24 Goals 2012: Top 3 in Swedish Cup series. Attend a few EC-races and also some races in the Danish cup series.

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