presentation flow checklist

Presentation Flow Checklist Welcome/Introduction (2 minutes) Food - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presentation Flow Checklist Welcome/Introduction (2 minutes) Food Cards (RPL) Our Why (1 minute) Seed Library (RPL) Goals/Objectives (1 minute) Chart Paper (Lida) Katie/Lida Story (10 minutes) Sentence Strips (Katie) RPL Story (10 minutes)

  1. Presentation Flow Checklist Welcome/Introduction (2 minutes) Food Cards (RPL) Our Why (1 minute) Seed Library (RPL) Goals/Objectives (1 minute) Chart Paper (Lida) Katie/Lida Story (10 minutes) Sentence Strips (Katie) RPL Story (10 minutes) Lida Computer (and attachments) Our Turn the Curve Example (5 minutes) Heather Computer (and attachments) Questions for us? Heather: Photo Copies for Turn the Curve What Brought you here today? (several problatunities offered by group) group does own Turn the Curve (40 minutes) 7 share out --Video and conclusion

  2. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Food Access and Opportunity through Collective Impact Agenda Introductions ● Share Name, Organization, Favorite Herb or Spice ○ Our Story: An Unlikely Partnership ● Action Planning/Thinking Time ● Concluding Music Video ●

  3. Presenters: Who we are. Who are you? Eric Tarr: Rochester Public Library Heather Acerro: Rochester Public Library Katie Sloan: Green Thumb Initiative, Rochester ALC Lida Casper: Community Schools Facilitator, Riverside Elementary Jody Peterson: Family Engagement & Support Teacher, Riverside Elementary Rich Jopp: Green Thumb Initiative Rochester ALC

  4. Over 1 TON of Food!!!

  5. Meeting Food Justice Summit Objectives Objective 1: Moving Toward Justice Bringing healthy food to areas of food apartheid Objective 2: Expanding Participation of New Systems and Sectors Place-based, building community through food (access, equity, distribution) Objective 3: Collective Action and Impact Community connectedness, building trust Objective 4: Food System Education Food literacy, nontraditional education, building trust, whole child needs

  6. Riverside Central Elementary School: A Community School

  7. Riverside Central Elementary School: A Community School

  8. Riverside Central Elementary School The garden is a vehicle for engaging students, families and community, while integrating academics, activism and lifelong skills

  9. Strategies for Engaging People ❏ Making the garden “our” garden ❏ Students designed garden plot Students helped plan the “Garden Parties” ❏ ❏ Summer School Care Community investment (funds, time, expertise) ❏ We are now a DNR Designated School Forest ❏ ❏ SHIP Funds Building partnerships with similar missions and objectives (e.g. the Bookmobile is already ❏ doing this) ❏ Adopt a garden schedule shared at family events for summer months

  10. Garden Party Video

  11. Who Attends Rochester Alternative Learning Center?

  12. Rochester Alternative Learning Center

  13. Rochester Alternative Learning Center

  14. 2017 Food Access Conference Meeting Riverside and ALC had similar challenges ● RPL Matrix for the Book Mobile ● ● Connected with RPL and began planning for the summer of 2018

  15. Rochester Public Library: Summer Playlist on the Road 2018 Grant through local agency Bookmobile stop activities Art ❏ Free produce ❏ Recipes or food prep instruction ❏ Food samples ❏ Outcomes

  16. Bookmobile Events Matrix Population density ❏ Diversity ❏ Areas of low income ❏ Transportation barriers ❏ Distance to library ❏ 5 stops selected 28 events total

  17. Connections Most successful stops Creekside ❏ American Red Cross ❏ Least successful stop Homestead Park ❏

  18. Grant Outcomes & Outputs Added 7 new partners to the program over the summer ❏ 370 people attended 28 events ❏ 169 people received 2,000 pounds of fresh produce ❏ 53% of participants learned something new about the library ❏ 62% of participants learned a new fact, gained a new skill, or tried ❏ a new activity 98% of participants had a positive experience with the library ❏

  19. Summer Playlist on the Road 2019 Continued successful stops Added new stops Bookmobile stop activities Enrichment activities ❏ Free produce ❏ Produce info cards ❏ Connections ❏

  20. Rochester Public Library: Seed Library

  21. Rochester Public Library: Welcoming Foods Welcoming Committee ❏ Why are welcoming foods important? ❏ What are welcoming foods? ❏

  22. Collective Action and Impact Everyone does their own part.

  23. Riverside, ALC, RPL: Turn the Curve Example Food Waste Students are not at school during all of harvest season No one is there to harvest all the veggies Food bank has trouble distributing produce in time Rochester Public Library Local grocery store Book Mobile takes produce to areas of food apartheid Recipes using the produce were created Activities around food were shared at Book Mobile Events

  24. Any questions for us? The whos? The whats? The whens? The wheres? The whys? The hows?

  25. O.K. Now you. Action Plan Generating Ideas Working through specific problems using results based accountability exercise.

  26. Grow Food Video: YO, GET READY FOR IT!

  27. Contact Information Eric Tarr, Rochester Public Library: Heather Acerro, Rochester Public Library: Katie Sloan, Green Thumb Initiative, Rochester ALC: Lida Casper, Community Schools Facilitator, Riverside Elementary: Jody Peterson, Family Engagement & Support Teacher, Riverside Elementary: Rich Jopp, Green Thumb Initiative Rochester ALC:


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