1 www.blogger.com.au Presentation by Steve Harvey
WARNING 2 • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander [viewers, listeners, readers] are advised that the following PowerPoint presentation may contain images and voices of people who have died.
MILAYTHINA NIKA MILAYTHINA MANA 3 • We would like to acknowledge that this presentation is being held on the traditional lands of the Palawa Indigenous people and we recognise the strength, resilience and capacity of Aboriginal people in this land.
Summary of Key Points 4 • In this PowerPoint presentation we shall be looking at such issues that Australia Day presents in its present format. Why do we celebrate Australia Day on the 26 th January each year when it deeply effects the original custodians of • Australia. When Australia is seen as a multicultural community why does it still celebrate Australia Day on the 26 th January • every year? • Barton & McCully, state the importance of allowing citizens to voice their opinions in our democratic society and that it is our job as educators to teach this history of events regardless of these differing opinions. We need to look at all the facts . • We need to understand how Australia Day can have so much significance? • Barton and McCully claim that this can be taught by teaching complex and controversial issues in the classroom and “ultimately, if emotional issues are ignored, then far from learning to deal with difficult issues rationally students may simply come to see school history as irrelevant to their own concerns and students are, after all, entitled to their own emotions” (Barton & McCully, 2007, p. 19).
Celebrating Country In Australia 5 Image : ABC, 2015
Their Worlds Might Touch But Their Views Can 6 Be Worlds Apart Image :http://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/history/australia-day-invasion-day
7 • “If modern democratic societies depend on the ability of citizens to take part in reasoned discussions with those whose opinions differ from their own, then surely it is our job as educators to develop this ability in our students” (Barton & McCully, 2007). Mark Saddler’s artwork depicts all people working together as a nation . Image source: http//www.dailyadvertiser.com.au
The Meaning Of Australia Day For Aboriginal People 8 The meaning for many Aboriginal people is that there is little to celebrate on the 26 th of January and it • is a commemoration of a deep loss of their sovereign rights to live on their land that has a history and culture that is 40,000 years old. “Aboriginal people call it ‘ Invasion Day ’, ‘ Day of Mourning ’, ‘ Survival Day ’ or, since 2006, ‘ Aboriginal • Sovereignty Day ’. The latter name reflects that all Aboriginal nations are sovereign and should be united in the continuous fight for their rights”(Creativespirit.info). It is a day of reflection, of loss, slaughter and dispossessions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander • people. Michael Mansell believes that by Australians celebrating Australia Day it comes at the expense of one race over another, worse still it is at the expense of the original custodians of the land, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people. Source: http://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/history/australia-day-invasion-dayTTt
How Do You Celebrate Australia Day? 9 Image source: www.theage.com.au Image source: http://www.bookofdaystales.com • Having BBQ’s • Demonstration Marches • • Going to the beach Day of Mourning • • Australian of the Year celebrations The anniversary of the first permanent European • Australian Citizenship celebrations settlement in Australia is not a cause for celebration • Other public events and celebrations for all citizens. Indigenous Australians often feel that • National Anthem the celebrations on Australia Day exclude them and • Fireworks their culture, which was thriving for thousands of years before the arrival of the First Fleet.
Origins of Australia Day and what is the purpose of Australia Day? 10 Image: www.abc.net.au Image: www.abc.net.au • • The tradition of having Australia Day as According to the Australia Day Council (2015): a national holiday on 26 January is a The Australia Day Council explains the day as follows: recent one. Not until 1935 did all the On Australia Day we come together as a nation to Australian states and territories use that celebrate what's great about Australia and being name to mark that date. Not until 1994 Australian. It's the day to reflect on what we have did they begin to celebrate Australia achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation. Day consistently as a public holiday on It's the day for us to re-commit to making Australia an that date. even better place for the future.
Australian Day 2015 Celebrate Your Way 11 Australia Day The NADC works to enrich the life of • all Australians through a focus on participation, meaning and recognition across our events, programs and activities for Australia Day. Australia Day is a day for all Australians to come together to celebrate what they love about being Australian and what they are proud of. In 2015, 65% of Australians actively participated in Australia Day in some way. The traditions and activities we participate in for Australia Day might be different, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFyIPuMNSyk but we are all united on 26 January in reflecting on what we love about being Australian.
Historical Significance of the Date 26 th January 12 • The significance of the date the 26 th of January, Australia Day. Was the day the First Fleet of 11 convict ships from Great Britain arrived and the raising of the Union Jack by Captain Arthur Phillip at Sydney Cove. The date was 26 th January 1788. Image source: www.dailytelegraphy.com.au Arthur Phillip , by William Sherwin, 1789 Image source: www.migrationheritage.nsw.gov.au Image source: National Library of Australia, 9846227
Australia Day 13 “We must be the only country in the world that marks its national day not by celebrating its identity, but by questioning it.” Ken Boundy What is our Identity? Australia Day is about • • What is Australian ? celebrating all people • What are we and multiculturalism and • Is a true first non indigenous immigration, culture rather • Australian a descendent of a than settlement or convict? Aboriginal. It is intended 26 th January is it an unsuitable to embrace all. • day as all it celebrates is the ( Extract taken from Tony Abbott’s anniversary of the British to 2015 Australian Day speech) establish the penal colony of New South Wales? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60k739mhtkw Is the Government celebrating • the invasion of Australia and the dispossession of the Aborigines? Image source: http:// www.convictcreations.com
Australia Day or is it Survival Day? 14 I Am, You Are Australian Always was, always will be Aboriginal land: Rallies across Australia on Survival Day 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QB7zFFjkKA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c6FjsRALd4 Do you believe this is a truthful representation of who • we are? Does it show a true cultural/historical representation • of who we are as a nation?
Two Very Different Ways to Express Your Opinions On Australia Day / Invasion Day 15 Australia Day/Invasion Day - Lest We Captain Cook’s cottage graffitied in Forget 1788 2014 Just prior to Australia Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6afxjhdw_oc www.sbs.com.au • What are your thoughts on the way these people put their messages across?
Australian of the year 2014: Adam Goodes 16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh2M2cpxNX4 “ I hope that future generations of Australians will grow up learning about • the rich and impressive cultures of our country — and constitutional recognition is part of achieving that,” (Adam Goodes, spoke about recognising Aboriginal people in the constitution at an event in Sydney 2014).
How do other Countries celebrate their National Day? 17 • Many countries celebrate national day celebrations these countries include Brazil, which celebrates its independence from Portugal. Chile, celebrates its independence from Spain on the 18 th September. Mexico celebrates it independence from Spain on the 16 th September. Other countries include: Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Israel, India, Burma, South Korea, and a significant number of other countries. India celebrates it national day on the 15 th August which is a national holiday to celebrate its independence from • Great Britain in 1947. The country celebrates with flag-hoisting, parades, patriotic songs and kite flying. In Delhi, the Prime Minister delivers a speech at Red Fort, a 17 th Century complex that housed the Mughal emperors, who were exiled during British rule. • A Day Of Recognition for all Other countries such as South Africa celebrate its independence from Great Britain on the 31 st of May 1910 but the country celebrates the 27 th April the day in 1994 when the first democratic, non-racial elections were held. South Africans commemorate the restoration of dignity and human rights after a period of apartheid. • HOWEVER Great Britain has neither a national day or an independence day.
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