preschool program

Preschool Program South Plainfield Public Schools 2020-2021 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Preschool Program South Plainfield Public Schools 2020-2021 Introductions: Ms. Butrico, Franklin School Preschool Teacher Ms. Early, Roosevelt School Preschool Teacher Ms. Accardi, Occupational Therapist & Preschool Child Study Team Member

  1. Preschool Program South Plainfield Public Schools 2020-2021

  2. Introductions: Ms. Butrico, Franklin School Preschool Teacher Ms. Early, Roosevelt School Preschool Teacher Ms. Accardi, Occupational Therapist & Preschool Child Study Team Member Mr. Brandon, Director of Special Services Mr. Estrada, Chief Technology Officer Ms. Malyska, Assistant Superintendent

  3. Question and Answer Information

  4. PROGRAMS ▪ AGES: 3 – 5 YEARS OLD ▪ October 1 st is the cut off (2017) ▪ HOURS: ▪ Half – Day: ▪ Morning Session: 8:35 a.m. – 11:05 a.m. ▪ Afternoon Session: 12:35 p.m. – 2:55 p.m. ▪ Full Day ▪ 8:35 – 2:55 p.m.

  5. Program Staff Assistant Superintendent Director of Special Services General Education Teachers Special Education Teachers Physical Education & Special Area Teachers Paraprofessionals School Nurse Child Study Team School Principal School Secretary

  6. Full Day Schedules

  7. Half Day Schedules ▪ Table toys ▪ Circle Time / Opening ▪ Small Group / Large Group ▪ Snack ▪ Play Planning / Play Centers ▪ Clean Up/Closing/Dismissal

  8. Curriculum Tools of the Mind ▪ Developed in 1993 by Dr. Elena Bodrova and Dr. Deborah Leong. ▪ Developed utilizing the theory of psychologist Dr. Lev Vygotsky. ▪ “Tools of the Mind” comes from Vygotsky who believed that just as physical tools extend our physical abilities, mental tools extend our mental abilities.

  9. Curriculum Tools of the Mind ▪ Assists in the development of cognitive skills such as self-regulation, deliberate memory, and focused attention ▪ Being able to think ahead, plan and follow directions ▪ Pay attention during stories and other activities ▪ Remember things that are told to children (e.g. directions, information, and facts)

  10. Curriculum Tools of the Mind ▪ Build foundation for later academic learning through specific skill development. ▪ Symbolic thinking - Early Literacy - Numeracy ▪ Knowing the letters of the alphabet and sounds they represent. ▪ Being able to write your name. ▪ Being able to recognize familiar words. ▪ Knowing that numbers stand for quantities, what geometric shapes are, and sorting different dimensions.

  11. A Peek Inside the Classroom

  12. A Peek Inside the Classroom

  13. A Peek Inside the Classroom

  14. A Peek Inside the Classroom

  15. A Peek Inside the Classroom

  16. A Peek Inside the Classroom

  17. A Peek Inside the Computer Room

  18. A Peek Inside the Library

  19. A Peek Inside Physical Education

  20. A Peek Inside Physical Education

  21. A Peek Inside Physical Education

  22. Therapeutic Services for Special Education Students ▪ Occupational Therapy ▪ Speech Therapy ▪ Physical Therapy ▪ Behavioral Interventions

  23. PTO & Parent Volunteers ▪ There is an active Parent – Teacher – Organization at each elementary school that plans events for children as well as spearheads fundraising ▪ PTOs purchase items for classrooms and supplement class trips ▪ Classroom teachers invite families to share or visit depending upon the unit they are teaching (Fall Festival / Field Trips).

  24. Child Find The South Plainfield Public Schools are seeking to locate resident children with disabilities. This also includes mobile migrant and homeless children, who may need but are not receiving special education services. Any parent/guardian who has concerns about the development of a preschool child attaining age 3 within the next year, a child between the ages of 3 and 5, or a school age child between the ages of 6 and 21, please contact: Please note: The child can be experiencing physical sensory, emotional communication, cognitive, or social difficulties.

  25. Tuition Half Day Full Day ❖ $4,325 ❖ $8445 ❖ $432.50 per month ❖ $844.50 per month ❖ $24 per day ❖ $47 per day

  26. Contact Info Main Number: (908) – 754 – 4620 Enrollment: ➢ Kathy Hajduk ext. 8202 ➢ Program Directors ➢ Andrew Brandon ext. 8240 ➢ ➢ Mary Malyska ext. 8210 ➢

  27. 2020 – 2021 Registration Registration is currently available online at


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