preparing to do

Preparing to Do Solar System Science with LSST Henry Hsieh - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Preparing to Do Solar System Science with LSST Henry Hsieh Discovery is just the beginning! Community software and infrastructure development General software considerations Moving forward Discovery is

 Preparing to Do 
 Solar System Science with LSST 
 Henry Hsieh • Discovery is just the beginning! • Community software and infrastructure development • General software considerations • Moving forward

 Discovery is just the beginning! • Things that LSST/MOPS will provide: 
 - astrometry, photometry, basic morphology 
 - orbital elements 
 - best-fit H,G 12 phase function parameters 
 - orbital/observing geometry parameters (hopefully) 
 - multi-aperture photometry (hopefully) • Things that the SSSC or individual users will need to measure/derive/produce: 
 - best-fit parameters for other phase function models 
 - colors and taxonomic classifications 
 - rotation rates, shape parameters, pole orientations 
 - proper elements, family associations, resonant object identification 
 - advanced activity detection parameters 
 - activity characterization parameters 
 - forced photometry for solar system objects 
 - tools for debiasing survey results 
 - ...and many others!

  3. Community Software and Infrastructure Development

  4. General Software Considerations • Goal is to minimize redundant efforts 
 - By combining efforts, can investigate more interesting problems 
 - Producing higher-order data products will also lower barriers to data use 
 (e.g., NEOWISE albedos) • Desired time-scale for processing 
 - Highly time-sensitive (immediate/daily): e.g., activity detection 
 - Moderately time-sensitive (monthly): e.g., phase function determination 
 - Low time-sensitivity (yearly): e.g., family association identification • Is image data required? 
 - Ideally would determine common image needs and run multiple analyses on 
 single retrieved images • How to prioritize? 
 - Probably best to use combination of importance to high-priority science goals 
 and consideration of inter-dependencies of different software tools

  5. General Software Considerations • Need ability to derive data products from time-constrained data sets to study changes in physical/dynamical properties 
 - e.g., studying color changes after disruption events 
 - e.g., studying rotation rate changes in comets during perihelion passages • Determining properties for objects with sub-optimal data sets 
 - e.g., "single-filter" phase functions by assuming colors 
 - e.g., color determination from linear phase functions 
 - e.g., somehow incorporating data from follow-up observations • For alerts to account for user-generated products, SSSC will (probably) need its own alert system

  6. Moving Forward • Software development white papers 
 - Software development task roadmap/prioritization -- M. Schwamb 
 - Detailed discussion of software development tasks -- H. Hsieh 
 - Contact authors to get involved • Funding proposals 
 - Belfast group has been funded for LSST work for a number of years now 
 - NSF is obvious target, but could also pursue NASA funding 
 - Deadline for "no-deadline" SPG NSF proposals at end of September; 
 otherwise all proposals will revert to Nov 15 deadline this year 
 - Many scientists need salary support; also travel support to attend PCWs 
 - Discussion at Solar System Sprint included pushing for NASA support at 
 upcoming SBAG meeting 
 - Plans to also lay groundwork by publishing software/cadence white papers • Many test data sets currently available 
 - e.g., ZTF, ATLAS, DECam

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