Preliminary Match-up of AIRS to ARM CART Soundings and AVN Grids Eric Fetzer AIRS Science Team Meeting June, 2001 Pasadena E. Fetzer 1 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
ARM CART Matchup Procedure • Match Dave Tobin’s ARM CART best estimate to AIRS simulated retrievals. • Explain the synoptic picture E. Fetzer 2 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
AIRS-ARM CART Matchup Granule 82, 817Z, T and T dewpoint E. Fetzer 3 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
AIRS-ARM CART Matchup Difference Granule 82 (green =T, blue = T dewpoint ) E. Fetzer 4 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
Granule 82 Truth Clouds E. Fetzer 5 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
ARM CART Conclusions • Hope for clear, calm, conditions during ARM CART overpasses. • Supplemental information about the synoptic state (e. g, satellite imagery, model analyses) is needed to identify these desirable conditions. E. Fetzer 6 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
ARM CART Future Needs • Stability of Dave Tobin’s best estimate algorithm – Handles 12 data streams (!) • A regular subscription of twice daily data from Wisconsin to JPL. • The associated synoptic information (GOES, model analyses, etc.). E. Fetzer 7 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
Preliminary AVN Matchups • Match AIRS retrievals to all AVN grid points within a ~25 km / 1 hr window. • Look at global and regional temperature statistics E. Fetzer 8 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
AVN Matchup Locations for Dec 15, 12Z E. Fetzer 9 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
Global Results for AVN / AIRS Matchups, 12 Z E. Fetzer 10 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
AVN / AIRS Matchups 12 Z, Europe Only: 15E- 45W by 30-65N E. Fetzer 11 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
Conclusions from Matchups with AVN • Statistics are similar to Granule 401 results • This matchup procedure can be applied to ANY gridded synoptic field. • Supplemental to other Golden Day analyses. E. Fetzer 12 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
Further work on AVN Matchups • Generate statistics by retrieval type, cloud flags, day/night, ocean/land, etc. • Look in more detail at the other four model time steps on December 15. • Prepare for other gridded fields – ECMWF – DAO E. Fetzer 13 AVN / ARM Match-ups June, 2001
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