preliminary budget recommendation

Preliminary Budget Recommendation FY 2016-17 Budget Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Preliminary Budget Recommendation FY 2016-17 Budget Development November December Community Engagement Public meetings Online thought exchange December Governors budget proposal Board approves pro

  1. Preliminary Budget Recommendation FY 2016-17

  2. Budget Development  November – December  Community Engagement  Public meetings  Online thought exchange  December Governor’s budget proposal   Board approves pro forma guidance  Preliminary budget gap estimated at $10.9 million  January  Meet with principals & key staff

  3. Budget Development  Increase support to Special Education and English Language Learners  Increase supplies for facility maintenance  Reduce central administration costs  Reduce assistant principals  Reduce departmental supplies

  4. Municipal Upper Limit Summary Approved FY 17 Prelim vs ($ in millions) Actual [1] Estimated [1] Budget Preliminary FY 16 Budget Individual Funds FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 $ % General Fund $ 541.301 $ 547.368 $ 569.093 $ 562.382 $ (6.711) -1.2% Transportation Fund 22.328 22.441 23.192 23.192 - 0.0% Grants Fund 44.500 46.165 57.441 58.090 0.649 1.1% Debt Service Fund 84.703 86.763 87.161 84.634 (2.527) -2.9% Capital Projects Fund 17.862 1.376 7.000 10.000 3.000 42.9% Food Service Fund 20.455 22.850 22.261 22.484 0.223 1.0% Student Activities Fund 7.643 7.726 7.189 7.900 0.711 9.9% ASD Managed Total 738.792 734.689 773.337 768.682 (4.655) -0.6% SOA PERS/TRS On-behalf 120.288 721.619 [2] 47.347 46.000 (1.347) -0.2% Total All Funds $ 859.080 $ 1,456.308 $ 820.684 $ 814.682 $ (6.002) -0.4% [1] GAAP basis expenditures with on-behalf pension payments removed from individual funds [2] PERS and TRS on-behalf has been updated for FY 2014-15 due to SB 119 appropriations of $3B into PERS/TRS

  5. General Fund Budgeted Revenue Revised FY 17 Prelim vs FY Actual Actual Budget Prelim Line # 16 Budget Individual Funds FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 $ % Local Revenue 1 Property taxes $ 192.466 $ 200.213 $ 200.603 $ 205.679 $ 5.076 2.5% Fund balance 7.000 1.621 18.000 - (18.000) -100.0% 2 E-rate 2.040 1.924 1.500 1.355 (0.145) -9.7% 3 Interest earnings 1.664 0.443 1.000 1.000 - 0.0% 4 Facility rentals 0.827 0.677 0.725 0.725 - 0.0% 5 User fees 1.470 1.530 1.404 1.404 - 0.0% 6 Other local 0.474 0.655 0.397 0.390 (0.007) -1.8% 7 8 Total local revenue 205.941 207.063 223.629 210.553 (13.076) -5.8% State revenue Foundation funding 317.473 326.610 326.487 332.379 5.892 1.8% 9 Operating grants outside BSA 7.473 12.661 - - - 0.0% 10 Quality School Grant 1.188 1.187 1.183 1.196 0.013 1.1% 11 State tuition reimbursement 0.408 0.408 0.405 0.405 - 0.0% 13 Total state revenue 326.542 340.866 328.075 333.980 5.905 1.8% 14 Federal revenue 14 Federal Impact Aid 18.142 21.484 16.274 16.589 0.315 1.9% 15 JROTC instructor reimbursement 0.763 0.848 0.615 0.760 0.145 23.6% 16 Medicaid reimbursement 0.689 0.489 0.500 0.500 - 0.0% Total federal revenue 19.594 22.821 17.389 17.849 0.460 2.6% 17 General Fund Budgeted Revenue $ 552.077 $ 570.750 $ 569.093 $ 562.382 $ (6.711) -1.2% 18 *excludes PERS and TRS on-behalf payments for comparability purposes

  6. Closing the Budget Gap 14.0 12.0 1.55 3.95 10.0 8.0 6.0 10.88 8.00 4.0 2.0 0.30 0.45 0.33 - FY 2016-17 Initial Instructional Changes in Cost PTR Increase Ancillary Support Building Crental Budget Gap Support Estimates Services Administration Administration

  7. -1% -0.7% -0.3% +1.2% -2%

  8. Budget Adjustments Central Support Services Instructional Support Services $210,000 1.49 FTE   Library Services $87,000 1 FTE  Professional Learning $41,000 CAO  CTE $25,000  Student Activities $13,000  Assessment & Evaluation $74,000 COO Safety and Security $150,000 1 FTE   Human Resources $73,000 CHRO Risk Management $16,000   Purchasing/Warehouse $75,000 CFO  Information T echnology $8,000 1 FTE Comms  Communications $25,000 1 FTE

  9. Budget Adjustments Building Leadership & Administration  Assistant Principals $450,000 3 FTE

  10. Budget Adjustments Ancillary Services & Building Support  Maintenance Carpenters $200,000 2 FTE  Facility Maintenance Supplies $500,000

  11. Budget Adjustments Instructional Support  Special Education $1.3 million 15.5 FTE  English Language Learners $363,000 5.4 FTE  Gifted – IGNITE Teacher $102,000 1 FTE

  12. Budget Adjustments Direct Classroom Instruction  1 PTR increase $8 million 80 FTE  Enrollment adjustment (pro forma) 27 FTE

  13. Transportation Review  9% budget gap for Transportation Fund  Top priority: student safety  Review various options  Reduce services  Adjust schedules  Generate revenue

  14. Budget Recommendation Summary  Balanced proposal  Focuses on students and Destination 2020  Incorporates best practices, community feedback  Further review of transportation options  Advocacy for public education


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