preliminary budget information assumptions


PRELIMINARY BUDGET INFORMATION & ASSUMPTIONS JANUARY 15, 2019 INFORMATION & ASSUMPTIONS Tax Levy Limit Retirement System Costs Salary Increases Workers Compensation Insurance Premiums Health Insurance Costs


  2. INFORMATION & ASSUMPTIONS ● Tax Levy Limit ● Retirement System Costs ● Salary Increases ● Workers’ Compensation Insurance Premiums ● Health Insurance Costs ● Utility Costs ● Debt Service ● Proposed Transportation Purchases

  3. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF TAX LEVY LIMIT 2019-2020 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 EST. Prior Year Tax Levy $2,503,639 $2,503,639 $2,415,879 $2,415,879 Tax Base Growth Factor X 1.0002 1.0084 1.0016 1.0057 = $2,504,140 $2,524,670 $2,419,744 $2,429,650 Prior Year PILOT + $12,625 $12,132 $11,824 $12,178 = $2,516,765 $2,536,802 $2,431,568 $2,441,828 Prior Year Exclusions (Capital Levy, Court Orders, etc.) - $0 $0 $0 $0 Adjusted Prior Year Levy = $2,516,765 $2,536,802 $2,431,568 $2,441,828 Allowable Growth Factor X 1.0012 1.0012 1.02 1.02 = $2,519,785 $2,539,846 $2,480,200 $2,490,664 PILOTS for Coming Year - $12,257 $12,257 $12,178 $12,178 Tax Levy Limit without Exclusions = $2,507,528 $2,527,589 $2,468,022 $2,478,486

  4. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF TAX LEVY LIMIT 2019-2020 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 EST. Tax Levy Limit without Exclusions = $2,507,528 $2,527,589 $2,468,022 $2,478,486 Available Carryover + $38,926 $37,613 $37,914 $37,020 Tax Levy Limit with Carryover = $2,546,454 $2,565,202 $2,505,936 $2,515,506 Coming School Year Exclusions + $0 $0 $0 $0 Maximum Allowable Levy = $2,546,454 $2,565,202 $2,505,936 $2,515,506 Difference Over Prior Year's Levy $42,815 $61,563 $90,057 $99,627 Maximum % Change Over Prior Year's Levy 1.71% 2.46% 3.73% 4.12% Actual Tax Levy $2,503,639 $2,415,879 $2,415,879 TBD Allowable Carryover $37,613 $37,914 $37,020 TBD

  5. ERS & TRS EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION RATES 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 ERS 18.80% 16% 16% 16% 15.80% TRS 13.26% 11.72% 9.80% 10.62% 8.5%-9.5%

  6. SALARY INCREASES 2019-2020 Salary Group Increase ATA 3.40% CSEA $.30 per hour AAA 2.75% C-M TBD

  7. WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSURANCE PREMIUMS Total Premium % Change 2017-2018 $56,239 -16.97% 2018-2019 $61,685 9.68% 2019-2020 $89,985 45.88%

  8. HEALTH INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION RATES 2019-2020 District Group Contribution Rate ATA 84.75% CSEA 85% AAA 85% C-M 85%

  9. HEALTH INSURANCE COSTS ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 C/M & ADM $86,739 $71,547 $77,954 $77,765 CSEA $390,143 $354,059 $377,113 $372,728 ATA $563,968 $628,404 $667,172 $667,172 RETIREE $403,269 $418,174 $271,473 $179,280 TOTAL PREMIUMS $1,444,119 $1,472,184 $1,393,712 $1,296,945 BUYOUTS $48,500 $28,607 $26,474 $27,683 EXPENSES (Premiums + Buyouts) $1,492,619 $1,500,791 $1,420,186 $1,324,628 BUDGET $1,521,819 $1,521,819 $1,521,819 $1,521,819 EXPENSES (Premiums + Buyouts) $1,492,619 $1,500,791 $1,420,186 $1,324,628 EXPENSES (Misc.) $15,203 $15,963 $16,362 $16,362 EXCESS (DEFICIT) IN GENERAL FUND $13,997 $5,065 $85,271 $180,829

  10. UTILITY AND DIESEL FUEL COSTS EMPIRE/NATIO- Year Total Budget NYSEG NAL FUEL GRIFFITH TOTAL EXPENSED 2012-2013 $275,000 $84,300 $35,170 $74,450 $193,920 2013-2014 $265,000 $94,483 $44,675 $76,279 $215,437 2014-2015 $255,000 $80,943 $27,037 $65,042 $173,022 2015-2016 $255,000 $68,555 $12,673 $39,442 $120,670 2016-2017 $235,000 $68,001 $21,669 $41,245 $130,915 2017-2018 $205,000 $77,494 $25,288 $51,502 $154,284 2018-2019 $195,000 $35,342 $6,989 $28,214 $70,545 2019-2020 $195,000

  11. DEBT SERVICE BUDGET 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 APPROPRIATIONS A 9711.600-01 Bond Construct Principal $1,840,000 $1,915,000 $1,225,000 A 9711.700-01 Bond Construct Interest $454,212 $385,563 $312,250 A 9950.900-01 Capital Outlay Excep. $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 A 9731.700-01 BAN Construction Interest $0 $0 $313,933 Total Debt Service Appropriations $2,394,212 $2,400,563 $1,951,183 REVENUE A 3101.005 State Building Aid $2,484,416 $2,394,415 $1,824,248 A 3101.005 Capital Outlay Excep. $0 $90,000 $90,000 Interfund Tranf. to Debt A 5050 Service $0 $0 $40,000 Total Debt Service Revenue $2,484,416 $2,484,415 $1,954,248 Excess Revenue $90,204 $83,852 $3,065

  12. PROPOSED TRANSPORTATION PURCHASES We are scheduled to purchase one new bus and two new vans. Our trades and estimated trade values are listed below: ○ Bus 105-$28,000 est. trade value ○ C9-to be auctioned ○ A15-to be auctioned

  13. TASKS TO COMPLETE Determine Retirements/Vacancies (February 1 st Deadline for ATA). ● Project Class and Grade Level Enrollments. ● Finalize Boces Service Requests. ● ○ Erie I BOCES ○ GST BOCES Analyze Revenue Projections. ● ○ State Aid ■ Governor’s runs have not yet been received. ■ We will attend Questar State Aid Planning workshop in early February. ○ Other Revenue

  14. Questions?


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