EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Preliminary Estimates - 2006
Assumptions 2005 2006 Working weeks 41 40 Sessions 12 12 Flat-rate abatement 7 % 7 % Staff salaries + 0,7 % +2,3% Member allowances + 2,3 % + 2.5 %
Assumptions Not included Credits for : � – new non-enlargement posts 2006 Included Credits for: � – 732 members – 53 observers – 135 RO and BG contractual agents – promotions 2006 – European political parties ( included in the 20%)
Preliminary Estimates 2006 € 1,341.6 mio INCLUDING: € 14 mio for 2007 enlargement � € 8,6 mio for political parties � € 79 mio margin �
Financial Perspectives - Category 5 Current prices 2004 2005 2006 Category V 6,157 6,360 6,708 initial EP 1,231 1,272 1,342 Budget EP % 20 % 20 % 20%
Financial Perspectives - Category 5 Current prices 2004 2005 2006 Category V 6,157 6,360 6,708 initial Budget 1,231 1,272 1,342 EP % 20 % 20 % 20% without reserve 18,83% (79 mil)
Evolution of EP Budget since 1994 1.400 1.200 1.000 800 M € 600 400 200 - 94 95 96 97 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Budget BRS
Main changes vis-à-vis 2005 million € 2005 2006 Total credits 1,272 1,342 � buildings reserve - 54 0 � margin 20% 0 -79 � contingency reserve -12 -13 � Basic budget 1,206 1,250 � Basic budget Increase +3.7 %
ENLARGEMENT Observers as from?? � Enlargement as from?? � Establishment plan (113 + 22) � Included in 2006: � � Observers 3 mill. � Staff 9 mill. � Other expenditure 2 mill.
Main changes vis-à-vis 2005 million € Budget 2005 1,272 Translation and Official journal - 5 Buildings - 3 Credits for members 3 - + Credits for staff 33 Information + 7 Furniture/car service + 5 IT / Telecom + 4 Expertise + 3 Interpretation + 2 Reserves + 27 Total 2006 1,342
Credits by Cost Centres Others Reserve 4% Dit Information 7% 6% 5% Groups/Parties Members 4% 21% Buildings 9% Staff 44%
Members million € 2005 2006 Var. % Parliamentary assist. 132.4 136.2 +3 Travel + per diem 75.1 73.2 -3 Transitional allowance 8.9 0.4 -96 Others 66.1 68.6 +4 Total 282.5 278.4 -1
Members 300 250 200 M€ 150 100 50 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Other credits Members statute
Staff million € 2005 2006 Var. % Salaries 441.5 459.7 4 Auxiliary/contract 14.4 27.4 89 staff Missions 19.2 21.8 14 Entering/leaving 8.5 8.8 4 the service
Staff Credits End of service Others Missions 2% 3% Auxiliaries 4% /Contractuals 5% Salaries /allowances 86%
Establishment plan 5597 5732 6000 5320 5500 4881 5000 4091 4092 4120 4185 4259 4500 4000 3500 3000 96 98 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Staff credits 600 500 400 300 M€ 200 100 0 96 97 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Buildings million € 2005 2006 Var. % Rent and annual lease 34.8 35.6 +2.3 Acquisitions 0 0 0 Fitting out 18 16 -11 Maintenance 32.8 29 -11 Building reserve 54.8 0 -100
Building costs Other Reserve 5% Water etc. 0% 11% Rent 38% Upkeep 30% Fitting out 16%
IT and Telecom million € 2005 2006 Var. % IT + telecom equipment 65.1 68.8 +4 telecommunications 7.4 7.6 +2 TOTAL 71 75.4 +6
Information million € 2005 2006 Var. % Information/publications 11.6 14.8 +27 Visitors 17.5 18.9 +8 Audio-visual 13.7 16.1 +18 External offices 12.3 13.3 +8 Total 55.1 63.1 +15
INFORMATIONS Credits Visitors External offices 28% 20% Documentation 5% Publications / seminars Audiovisuel 23% 24%
Raising the game/expertise million € 2005 2006 Var. % INPO 1 4 +300 Impact assessment 0 0.5 +100 STOA 0.55 0.55 0 Monetary and financial 0.2 0.2 0 EXPO 0.3 0.6 +100 Other 1.07 0.75 -30 Total 3.1 6.6 +113
NEW NOMENCLATURE Update � More consistent � More inter-institutional � Other institutions agree �
CALENDAR Next steps 14/03/05 COBU: Exchange of views � 11/04/05 Bureau: Preliminary Draft Estimates � 13-14/04 Possible COBU/BUREAU conciliation � 20/04/05 COBU: Draft Estimates � 12/05/05 Plenary: Adoption of Estimates � 05/09/05 Bureau: Consideration of Draft � Budget
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