Mount Vernon Planning Board December 3, 2014 Pr Proposed oposed South Four South F urth A th Avenue- enue- Eas East Third Stree Third Street Urban R Urban Rene newal Plan & wal Plan & Zoning Amendments Zoning Amendments B y F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
Plan Objectiv Plan Objectives South F Sou Four urth Avenue-East Av Third Street Third Stree This proposed Urban Renewal Urban Rene ban Renewal l Plan has been designed to Pla Plan implement the City’s planning and economic development goals to: Increase the commercial amenities and offerings for residents and stakeholders Increase the number of employment opportunities for residents Presentation to the Mount Vernon Stabilize the City's tax base Planning Board December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
Conf Conformity with Comprehensiv ormity with Comprehensive e South F Sou Four urth Avenue-East Av Plan and Other Local Objectives Plan and Other Local Objectiv Third Street Third Stree Urban Rene ban Renewal l Pla Plan The City’s Draft 2011 Comprehensive Plan identifies E. 3 rd St and S. 4 th Ave as a “ Hi Highe gher Intensity Int nsity Planning lanning Area rea ”, appropriate for mixed- use high density development in conformance with the following objectives: Redevelopment of area in Improvement/upgrade existing • • comprehensive manner buildings Elimination/improvement of Improvement of streetscape • • substandard/deteriorated/ obsolete Creation of jobs • structures and buildings Removal of impediments to land • Mixed-use development to create assemblage • attractive environment Fosters preservation of culturally • Provide new multi-family ownership significant structures. • Presentation to the and rental housing near transit Mount Vernon New public and semi-public facilities • Planning Board Create strong commercial corridor • December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
Suitability of Area f Suitability of Area for r Sou South F Four urth Av Avenue-East Urban Rene Urban R newal Third Stree Third Street Urban Rene ban Renewal l Pla Plan In accordance with Article 15 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, the Plan has been prepared to promote and regulate development within the Urban Renewal Area. It is based, in part, on the findings of the October 2012 Mount Mount Vernon ernon Eas ast Third hird Stree Street-South -South Four urth th Avenue enue Blight Blight De Determination rmination Study tudy, which found that 58% 58% of of the the proper perties ies within ithin the he Presentation to the Mount Vernon urban rene urban enewal al area area are are blight lighted ed . Planning Board December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
Sou South F Four urth Av Avenue-East Third Stree Third Street Urban Rene ban Renewal l Pla Plan Encompasses a 10 10.85 a acre area consisting of 64 properties: 64 proper ties: 17 City/IDA owned and 47 Privately owned Presentation to the Mount Vernon Planning Board December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
Proposed Land Acquisition, Proposed Land A quisition, Sou South F Four urth Av Avenue-East Demolition & Remo Demolition & R moval of Structures l of Structures Third Stree Third Street Urban Rene ban Renewal l Pla Plan 48 of the 64 properties within the Urban Renewal Area are targeted for acquisition. Another 5 properties are targeted for rehabilitation. Properties will be acquired through: private purchase, negotiation by City or URA, or property swap. Eminent domain is method of last resort. Based on preliminary assessment – 36 households and 14 business located within the Urban Renewal Area may need to be relocated per the Federal Uniform Acquisition and Relocation Presentation to the Act. All relocation activities will be overseen by Mount Vernon the City, but funded by private developer(s) Planning Board December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
Proposed Public, Semi-Public or Proposed Public, Semi-Public or South F Sou Four urth Avenue-East Av Community Facilities Community F cilities Third Street Third Stree Urban Rene ban Renewal l Pla Plan The City will oversee and install, or cause the private developer(s) to install, necessary public facilities such as, but not limited to, water, storm and sanitary sewer lines and execute street widening, if determined to be necessary. Utilities are required to be Presentation to the underground. Mount Vernon Planning Board December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
Proposed Time Pr oposed Timetable f table for Ef r Effectuation ctuation South F Sou Four urth Av Avenue-East Third Stree Third Street Effectuation of the Urban Renewal Urban Rene ban Renewal l Pla Plan Plan will start immediately upon adoption of the Plan and Zoning Code Amendments by the City Council. To prevent speculation, redeveloper(s) will be required to begin and complete the building of all proposed improvements within a reasonable time following acquisition of land. Redeveloper(s) will also be required to submit a redevelopment schedule Presentation to the satisfactory to the Urban Renewal Mount Vernon Agency as part of the Designated Planning Board Developer process. December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
Revie view & Application Process & Application Process Sou South F Four urth Av Avenue-East Third Stree Third Street Urban Rene ban Renewal l Plan Pla Following Designated Developer(s) determination by the Urban Renewal Agency (and approval by the City Council), project approval shall follow a 2-phased review process: 1. Preliminary Development Concept Plan Approval by City Council 2. Site Plan Approval by the Planning Board and Certificate of Appropriateness from the Architectural Review Board Presentation to the Mount Vernon Planning Board December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
South F Sou Four urth Av Avenue-East Third Stree Third Street Urban Rene ban Renewal l Plan Pla IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPOSED SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE- EAST THIRD STREET URBAN RENEWAL PLAN Presentation to the Mount Vernon Planning Board December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
Implementation of Implementation of the the South F Sou Four urth Avenue-East Av Proposed Urban R Pr oposed Urban Rene newal Plan l Plan Third Street Third Stree Urban Rene ban Renewal l Implementation of the proposed Plan Pla Plan would consist of the eventual development (i.e. phased) of mixed- market rate and affordable housing, commercial and office facilities, open space and off-street parking on South Fourth Avenue. Two new zoning districts are proposed to effectuate the Plan: South Fourth Avenue-East Third Street Urban Renewal Planned Unit Development Overlay Zone (UR-PUD- Presentation to the S4) Mount Vernon Townhouse Preservation Sub-District Planning Board (UR-PUD-S4-TP) December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
Proposed Urban Renewal Plan Zoning Sou South F Four urth Av Avenue-East Third Stree Third Street Urban Rene ban Renewal l Pla Plan Presentation to the Mount Vernon Planning Board December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
UR UR-PUD-S4 Zone -PUD-S4 Zone South F Sou Four urth Avenue-East Av Third Street Third Stree Urban Rene ban Renewal l The purpose of the proposed UR-PUD-S4 Plan Pla Overlay Zone is to preserve the special character of architecturally and culturally significant structures while fostering the development of high-rise mixed use buildings. The proposed zone would permit: Mixed residential, commercial and office uses. Building heights up to 11 stories (120 feet). Parking space minimum of 1.0 spaces per dwelling unit, unless shared parking Presentation to the is proven to be feasible and approved by Mount Vernon the City Council on a site-specific basis. Planning Board December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
UR-PUD-S4- UR -PUD-S4-TP Zone P Zone Sou South F Four urth Av Avenue-East Third Stree Third Street Urban Rene ban Renewal l The purpose of the proposed Townhouse Pla Plan Preservation Sub-District is to preserve the “Modern Flats” on South Third Avenue. Redeveloper(s) or property owner(s) shall be required to make every effort to preserve, maintain and restore these structures. However, i f f a a structure s e is i destroyed destr or damaged amaged beyond be nd 75% 75% of replacement replacement cost ost, two options: 1. Construct new 3-family multi-family building in existing footprint Presentation to the 2. Merge parcel(s) into overall UR-PUD- Mount Vernon S4 Zone. Planning Board December 3, 2014 F e r r a n d i n o & A s s o c i a t e s I n c .
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