Evaluation/ judging a presentation: Pr Presenta ntation p on preparation on Intr Introd oduction on Bo Body Concl onclusion on Pr Presenta ntation a on and nd delivery Qu Quest stion an and an answ swer
Pr Presenta ntation p on preparation on ___ Detailed outline with specific purpose, central idea, and transition statements ___ Questionnaire ___ Evidence of substantial research/bibliography ___ Audience factor
Intr Introd oduction on ___ Captured audience’s attention ___ Revealed topic ___ Clear informative central idea ___ Purpose made clear ___ Prepared audience for the rest of the presentation
Bo Body ___ Main points clearly identified ___ Each main point developed with appropriate details ___ Clear progression of ideas ___ Transitions used effectively ___ Unfamiliar language or concepts, if used, are defined ___ Effective use of persuasive appeals (ethical, logical, emotional) ___ Appropriate support used ___ Appropriate use of visual aid ___ Relation to and inclusion of audience ___ New ideas or information shared
Concl onclusion on ___ Reinforced central idea ___ Prepared audience for end ___ Vivid ending used
Pr Presenta ntation a on and nd delivery ___ Extemporaneous delivery ___ Enthusiasm for subject ___ Eye contact ___ Pronunciation/appropriate word choice ___ Vocal variety (pauses, pitch, tone, volume) is effective ___ Filler words (“ums” and “uhs”) are limited ___ Distractive mannerisms under control (gestures, movements, facial expressions)
Qu Quest stion an and an answ swer ___ Listening and understanding the questions effectively ___ Friendliness to the audience ___ Answering mode (Discussion or vindictive mode) ___ Poise is maintained during difficult or vindictive questions ___ Effective answering (to the point answer and supporting evidence citation)
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