pei pre se ntation awards

PEI Pre se ntation Awards I n autumn 2003 the Pan-Europe an I - PDF document

PEI Pre se ntation Awards I n autumn 2003 the Pan-Europe an I nstitute starte d a tradition of granting Pre se ntation Awards to distinguishe d visiting le cture rs. The award is give n in re cognition of e xpe rtise and a

  1. PEI Pre se ntation Awards I n autumn 2003 the Pan-Europe an I nstitute starte d a tradition of granting Pre se ntation Awards to distinguishe d visiting le cture rs. The award is give n in re cognition of e xpe rtise and a high-quality pre se ntation. The Pre se ntation Award has be e n grante d to following speake rs.

  2. 1 Octobe r 2020: Saila Turtiaine Saila Turtiaine n n, Se nior Advis e r, EU and Trade Policy, Confe de ration of Finnish industrie s 29 S e ptembe r 2020: Tuomas Tap Tuomas Tapio, Ambas sador, Pe rmane nt Re pre se ntative of Finland to the OECD 24 S e ptembe r 2020: Jussi Hä Jussi Hätöne töne n n, Profe ssor of Practice , I nte rnational Busine ss, Unive rsity of Turku 28 January 2020: Jussi Konttine Jussi Konttine n n, Journalist, He lsingin Sanomat 23 January 2020: Nina Vasku Nina Vaskunl nlahti ahti, Unde r-S e cre tary of State , Ministry for Fore ign Affairs of Finland 21 January 2020: Grigory Roz Grigory Rozhkov kov, Dire ctor, Russian-Finnish Life Scie nces Ce nte r, St. Pe te rsburg State Che mical Pharmace utical Unive rsity 14 Nove mbe r 2019: Tomi Taip Tomi Taipale ale, Honorary Consul of Lithuania 12 Nove mbe r 2019: Christian We Christian We ckman ckman, Country Manage r, Bus ine ss Swe de n in He lsinki, Finland 7 Nove mbe r 2019: Tom Dodd Tom Dodd, Ambas sador, The British Embassy in He lsinki, Finland 5 Nove mbe r 2019: Pe Pe t te e r J r Johan Ple ohan Ple sne sne r r, De puty He ad of Royal Danish Embassy in He lsinki, Finland 28 Octobe r 2019: I an P. Campbe I an P. Campbe ll ll, De puty Chie f of Mission, U.S. Embassy in He lsinki, Finland 28 Octobe r 2019: Se Se rge rge y Sine y Sine lniko lnikov, Acting trade re pre s e ntative of the Russian Fe de ration in Finland 11 April 2019: Pe Pe kka H kka Hirv irvone one n, Te n am Leade r, Unit of Russia, Ministry for Fore ign Affairs of Finland 15 January 2019: Ale Alekse kse i Sa i Samosue mosue v v, Ambassador of Belarus to Finland 11 January 2019: Ale Alexe xe y K y Kuzne uzne tsov tsov, Profe ssor, Institute of World Economy and I nte rnational re lations (IMEMO) 27 Nove mbe r 2018: Jaros Jaros ł aw aw Suchop Suchople le s s, Ambas sador, Embassy of Poland in He lsinki 27 Nove mbe r 2018: Tomasz Or Tomasz Or ł ow owicz icz, He ad, Fore ign Trade Office in He lsinki, Polish Age ncy of Trade and Inve stme nt 6 Nove mbe r 2018: Ande Ande rs rs Ahnlid Ahnlid, Ambassador, Embassy of Swe de n in He lsinki 30 Octobe r 2018: Shawn Waddo Shawn Waddoups ps, He ad, Political-Economic Affairs Se ction, U.S. Embassy in He lsinki 6 Fe bruary 2018: Dmitr Dmitry Ch y Chuiko uikov, First Se cre tary, Embas sy of Be larus in Finland 6 Fe bruary 2018: Evge Evge ny Le ny Le be be de de v v, Attaché, Embas sy of Be larus in Finland 24 January 2018: I gor Gurkov I gor Gurkov, Profe ssor, Highe r S chool of Economics, Moscow, Russia 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Minna Arve Minna Arve , Mayor, City of Turku, Finland 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Kai Mykkä Kai Mykkäne ne n n, Ministe r for Fore ign Trade and De ve lopme nt, Finland 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Je Je ns D. Mülle ns D. Mülle r r, De puty Communications Dire ctor, Nord Stre am 2 AG, Switze rland 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Vygaudas Ušackas Vygaudas Ušackas, Dire ctor, Europe an Institute , Kaunas Te chnological Unive rsity, Lithuania 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Ve Ve ijo Hyvöne ijo Hyvöne n n, Journalist, Turun S anomat, Finland 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Andre Andre i V. Be i V. Be lyi lyi, Associate Profe ssor, Unive rsity of Easte rn Finland, Finland 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Vladimir Ge Vladimir Ge lm lman an, Profe ssor, Europe an Unive rsity at Saint Pe te rsburg, Rus sia 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Pe Pe t te e r W r W. Schulz . Schulze, Profe ssor, Unive rsity of Goe ttinge n, Ge rmany 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Hanna Smith Hanna Smith, Dire ctor of Strate gic Planning and Re sponse s at the Europe an Ce ntre of Excelle nce for Counte ring Hybrid Thre ats and Ale ksante ri Fe llow at the Unive rsity of He lsinki, Finland 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Juha Väätäne Juha Väätäne n n, Profe ssor, Lappe e nranta Unive rsity of Te chnology, Finland 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Jussi Nie Jussi Nie me meläine läine n, Journalist, He n lsingin Sanomat, Finland 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Dmitr Dmitry Gudim y Gudime e nko nko, C EO, Capital De ve lopme nt Group, Finland 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Juha Palokangas Juha Palokangas, Manage r, Russia Affairs, Finnish Fore st I ndustrie s, Finland 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Ots Otso To o Torniaine rniaine n n, C FO, Fennovoima, Finland 21 Nove mbe r 2017: Kimmo Lundé Kimmo Lundé n n, Journalist, Maase udun Tule vaisuus, Finland 15 Nove mbe r 2017: Jan Fe Jan Fe lle lle r r, De puty Managing Dire ctor, Ge rman-Finnish Chambe r of Comme rce

  3. 7 Nove mbe r 2017: Me Mee e li lis Kitsing s Kitsing, Associate d Profe s sor, Estonian Busine ss School, Estonia 3 Octobe r 2017: Arim Arimo K o Källi älli, Chie f Supe rinte nde nt, FSI S, Finland 20 March 2017: Aki Pulli, Aki Pulli, Chairman, Suomi-Ukraina –silta ry (Finland – Ukraine Association) 17 Fe bruary 2017: Pe Pe t tri Vuo ri Vuorio rio, Dire ctor, Confe de ration of Finnish Industrie s EK, Finland 15 Fe bruary 2017: Pia K Pia Kinnasla nnaslampi mpi, S e nior Manage r, Ernst & Young, Finland 15 Fe bruary 2017: He He li Pe li Pe llikka llikka, Dire ctor, Russia De sk Leade r, Erns t & Young, Finland 10 Fe bruary 2017: Jarm Jarmo Lindh o Lindholm olm, Exe cutive Vice Pre side nt, Atria plc, Finland 3 Fe bruary 2017: Ari Kurvi, Ari Kurvi, Data Ce nte r Manage r, Yande x, Finland 23 January 2017: Mika Koskine Mika Koskine n n, Exe cutive Vice -Pre side nt, Valio, Finland 20 January 2017: Lauri Ve Lauri Ve ija ijalaine lainen, n, CEO, Stockmann Group, Finland 10 January 2017: Joni Ha Joni Hauto utojärvi, järvi, Managing Dire ctor, Norilsk Nicke l Harjavalta, Finland 30 Nove mbe r 2016: Tapani Mylly Tapani Mylly, Communications Manage r, M e ye r Turku, Finland 17 Nove mbe r 2016: Kyösti Järne Kyösti Järne fe fe lt lt, S e nior Advisor, Finpro, Finland 16 Nove mbe r 2016: Micae Micael Blo l Bloms mste e r r, Managing Dire ctor, M Blomste r Consulting Oy, Finland 10 Nove mbe r 2016: Maarit Ke Maarit Ke itane itane n n, Consul, Consulate Ge ne ral of Finland in St. Pe te rsburg 9 Nove mbe r 2016: Minna Su Minna Sunde de lin lin, Stake holde r Re lations Manage r Finland and Estonia, Nord S tream 2 AG 3 Nove mbe r 2016: Gle Glenn Gas nn Gas se se n, He n ad of Marke t Entry and Busine ss De ve lopme nt, German-Finnish Chambe r of Comme rce 2 Nove mbe r 2016: Aki Kangasha Aki Kangasharju rju, Chie f Economist, Norde a 27 Octobe r 2016: Jonas We Jonas We nde nde l, Ministe l r Counse llor, De puty He ad of Mission, Embassy of Swe de n in He lsinki 15 March 2016: Andre Andre y Kle y Kle trov trov, Inde pe nde nt Expe rt on the Arctic I ndustrie s, Russia 8 March 2016: I lona Me I lona Me tt ttiäine iäine n n, Rese arche r, Arctic Centre , Unive rsity of Lapland, Finland 9 Fe bruary 2016: Tapio Pe Tapio Pe kkola kkola, Communications Manage r EU Nordic Policie s, Nord S tream AG 28 January 2016: Olha Bas Olha Bas, Third se cre tary, Embassy of Ukraine in Finland 26 January 2016: Pe Pe kka Puolakk kka Puo akka, Managing Partne r, Law Firm Soraine n 21 January 2016: Se Se rge rge y I lyukh y I lyukhin in, He ad of Long Te rm Analysis, Fortum Corporation, Finland 12 January 2016: I lkka Salone I lkka Salone n, n, Me mbe r of Board of Dire ctors of various companie s 1 De ce mbe r 2015: Viktorija Coh Viktorija Cohe e n n, Le cture r, Vilnius Unive rsity, Lithuania 26 Nove mbe r 2015: Alise Alise Barvika Barvika, He ad of the Repre sentative Office of Inve stme nt and De ve lopme nt Age ncy of Latvia in Finland 26 Nove mbe r 2015: U ģ is Bambe is Bambe, Ambassador of the Embassy of Latvia in Finland 5 Nove mbe r 2015: Pave Pave l Ve l Ve tre tre nko nko, Associate Profe ssor, St. Pe te rsburg State Unive rsity of Economics, Russia 9 April 2015: I lkka Kane I lkka Kane rva rva, MP and Pre side nt of the Parliame ntary Asse mbly of the OSCE, Finland 9 April 2015: Olavi Ala-Nissilä Olavi Ala-Nissilä, Forme r MP and Me mbe r of the Europe an Court of Auditors, Finland 10 March 2015: Andrii Ole Andrii Ole firov firov, Ambas sador of Ukraine in Finland 6 Fe bruary 2015: Jadwiga Rogo Jadwiga Rogo ż a, Se nior Fe llow, Ce ntre for Easte rn Studie s, Poland 3 Fe bruary 2015: Elisa Markula Elisa Markula, Managing Dire ctor, Paulig Coffe e Division, Finland 29 January 2015: Maisa Romanain Maisa Romanaine e n n, S e nior Vice Pre sident, Passe nge r Se rvice s, VR, Finland 27 January 2015: Jussi So Jussi Soini ini, De puty He ad of Mission, Embassy of Finland in Ukraine 22 January 2015: Timur Uzbja Timur Uzbjakov ov, Country Manage r, Sormat Oy, Finland


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