ppr monitoring and assessment tool

**** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool A Companion Tool of the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dr Giancarlo Ferrari (FAO) Dr Nadge Leboucq (OIE) Members of the GFTADs PPR Working Group **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool A Companion Tool of the Global Strategy for the PPR MONITORING and

  1. Dr Giancarlo Ferrari (FAO) Dr Nadège Leboucq (OIE) Members of the GF‐TADs PPR Working Group **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool

  2. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool • A Companion Tool of the Global Strategy for the PPR MONITORING and Control and Eradication of Assessment TOOL (PMAT) PPR to monitor its proper A Companion Tool of the implementation and assess progress • (Can be used as a standalone Tool) 3

  3. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool • 3 components  PPR control and eradication  Reinforcement of VS  Combined control of other TADs PMAT focus • 3 levels of intervention  National  Regional  Global 4

  4. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool • is based on four different stages identified in the PPR Global Strategy The Stages correspond to a combination of decreasing levels of epidemiological risk and increasing levels of prevention and control 5

  5. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool • is based on five technical elements identified in the PPR Global Strategy Prevention Legal Stakeholder Diagnostic Surveillance and control framework involvement 6

  6. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool • is based on the Enabling Environment concept, whereby efficient VS are indispensable for the successful and sustainable implementation of PPR (and other major TADs) prevention and control activities Therefore, VS capacity must be reinforced as the country moves along the PPR Stages (‘progressive institutionalisation of PPR prevention and control’) 7

  7. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool Each Stage is described by the following aspects: Epidemio- logical situation Enabling environment Focus of the and Stage (objective Prevention & and expected control of results specific to this stage) other SR PPR diseases Stage Specific Tools objectives (focused use in the specific linked to the 5 context of the technical stage) elements PPR Outcomes a nd Activities 8

  8. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool Each Stage is described by the following aspects: Epidemio- logical situation Enabling environment Focus of the and Stage (objective Prevention & and expected control of results specific to this stage) other SR PPR diseases Stage Specific Tools objectives (focused use in the specific linked to the 5 context of the technical stage) elements PPR Outcomes a nd Activities 9

  9. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool Each Stage is described by the following aspects: — Relates the five main elements (diagnostic, surveillance, prevention and control, legislation, stakeholders’ Epidemio- logical involvement) situation Enabling — Activities in a given Stage are environment Focus of the appropriate to mitigate the risk in and Stage (objective Prevention & and expected accordance with the evidence provided in control of results specific to this stage) other SR the preceding Stage diseases PPR — Activities and their impacts are measurable in each Stage Stage — The implementation of ALL activities Tools should enable countries to achieve the Specific (focused use in objectives the specific progressive decrease in the incidence of context of the (main features) stage) PPR to the point at which the disease can PPR Outcomes be eliminated from the domestic animal a nd Activities populations (and wildlife if relevant). linked to the 5 technical elements 10

  10. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool Each Stage is described by the following aspects: Epidemio- logical situation Enabling environment Focus of the and Stage (objective Prevention & and expected Outcomes Activities control of results specific to this stage) other SR diseases PPR Stage Tools Specific (focused use in objectives the specific context of the (main features) stage) PPR Outcomes a nd Activities linked to the 5 technical elements 11

  11. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool Each Stage is described by the following aspects: Critical competencies (for effective performance and good Epidemio- logical governance of situation Enabling national VS) environment Focus of the and Stage (objective Prevention & and expected control of results specific to this stage) other SR PPR diseases 33 are of particular Stage relevance to the control and eradication of PPR Tools Specific (focused use in objectives the specific context of the (main features) However, they are also stage) PPR relevant according to Outcomes the focus of the stage a nd Activities linked to the 5 technical elements 12

  12. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool Risk analysis Stage 1 focus • CC I.2.A • CC I.1.A • CC II.2 • CC II.4 • CC II.12.A • CC II.6 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ • CC I.3 • CC I.1.B • CC I.9 • CC II.1.A • CC I.2.B To gain a better • CC IV.6 • CC II.1.B • CC I.6.A Active epidemiological • CC II.3 • CC I.6.B surveillance understanding of • CC. II.5.B • CC I.7 • CC III.2 • CC I. 8 the presence of Consultation • CC III.3 • CC I.11 PPR • CCIII.4 • CC. II.5.A with • CCIII.5.A • CC II.7 stakeholders • CCIII.5.B • CC II.8.B • CC IV.1 CC III. 1 • Preparation of • CC III.6 legislation and • CC IV.2 regulations • CC IV.7 13

  13. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool • Objective of the PMAT [ assessment  To qualify countries at the appropriate stage along the step‐wise approach for the control and eradication of PPR tool ] Where? How? [ monitoring  To monitor progress within a given Stage and provide an tool] indicative list of activities to implement in the year to come (annual PPR Roadmap) 14

  14. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool • ‘Organisation’ of the PMAT Description part Questionnaire part ‘Way forward’ part

  15. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool • ‘Organisation’ of the PMAT (descriptive part)  ‘Logical framework approach’ PMAT GCES Means of Outcome X Activity 1 Indicator 1 Target verification Activity 2 Indicator 2.1 Target Indicator 2.2 / Activity n 16

  16. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool  Train veterinary officers A5 from central and peripheral level on value chain and risk analysis  Number of Veterinarians I5 at central, regional (Province, Directorate, district….) level involved in value chain and risk analysis trained ( target : 75% of the staff has received training before 12 months after entering into Stage 1, 100% before 2 years ) 17

  17. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool • ‘Organisation’ of the PMAT (questionnaire part) GCES Outcome X Activity 1 Indicator 1 Target Activity 2 Indicator 2.1 Indicator 2.2 PMAT Activity n Questions 18

  18. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool Questionnaire List of questions: ‐ ‘white’ = PPR specific ‐ ‘yellow’ = VS specific Each question relate to a list of activities (and indicators) Level of achievement ‐ Fully ‐ Partially ‐ Not ‐ (not applicable) 19

  19. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool  Value chains and risk analysis Q2 studies have provided a good understanding of hotspots and transmission pathways to an extent that those can be specifically targeted and mitigated (basis for implementing a Risk based strategic plan to move to stage 2) [ A5 – I5; A6 – I6 ]  The VS compile and maintain Q7 data and have the capability to carry out risk analysis. The majority of risk management measures are based on risk assessment [CC II.3 level 3] 20

  20. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool Partially achieved Not applicable Fully achieved Not achieved Comments x  Value chains and risk analysis studies Q2 A5 and A6 achieved (targets) have provided a good understanding of x hotspots and transmission pathways to an A5 not achieved (target) or extent that those can be specifically A6 not achieved (target) or targeted and mitigated (basis for implementing a Risk based strategic plan to Neither A5 nor A6 achieved move to stage 2) [ A5 – I5; A6 – I6 ] A5  Train veterinary officers from central and I5  Number of Veterinarians at central, regional A6  (VS) Identify risks hotspots and I6  Number of meetings organized by the peripheral level on value chain and risk (Province, Directorate, district….) level involved analysis transmission pathways using the value in value chain and risk analysis trained ( target : Veterinary Services to identify and involve chains and risk analysis principles 75% of the staff has received training before 12 stakeholders along the value chain. Evidence months after entering into Stage 1, 100% before 2 of meetings should be available through years ) minutes of the meetings ( target : at least one meeting per year at national level and if possible one meeting during the first two years at each regional level)Number of 21 hotspots identified (no specific targets)

  21. **** PPR Monitoring and Assessment Tool Partially achieved Not applicable Fully achieved Not achieved Comments  The VS compile and maintain data and Q7 If level  3  Fully achieved have the capability to carry out risk x If level < 3  partially analysis. The majority of risk management achieved measures are based on risk assessment [CC II.3 level 3] ‐ Addressing PVS results confidentiality issue ‐ No PVS Assessment or Assessment older than 3 years  request for a PVS Assessment mission

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