power production

Power Production: Cultural Resources Quarter 1 Commission Update - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Power Production: Cultural Resources Quarter 1 Commission Update 03/12/19 Powering our way of life. 2019 Q1 Business Review Major Projects & Work Activities Safety performance We continued our consultation effort with the

  1. Power Production: Cultural Resources Quarter 1 Commission Update 03/12/19 Powering our way of life.

  2. 2019 Q1 Business Review  Major Projects & Work Activities • Safety performance • We continued our consultation effort with the Wanapum regarding potential effects of the PR right bank project on the Wanapum Indian Village. • Wanapum are completing their project-wide Traditional Cultural Property review.

  3. 2018 Q4 Budget Data 2018 Budget Actuals - 12/31 2018 Q4-YE CAP $ 90,000 $0 $ - O&M $ 1,147,065 $1,097,138 $1,097,138 Labor $ 1,914,797 $1,609,454 $1,609,454 OT $ 41,200 $39,896 $39,896 2018 Labor Budget Actuals - 12/31 2018 Q4-YE Regular $ 1,155,590 $1,048,662 $1,048,662 Other $ 718,007 $520,896 $520,896 OT $ 41,200 $39,896 $39,896

  4. 2019 Q1 Budget Data 2019 Budget Actuals - 1/31 Q1 - YEP CAP $ 90,000 $0 $ 90,000 O&M $ 1,106,961 $8,043 $1,206,961 Labor $ 1,673,405 $106,170 $1,673,405 OT $ 36,217 $417 $36,217 2019 Labor Budget Actuals - 1/31 Q1 - YEP Regular $ 1,019,831 $70,024 $1,019,831 Other $ 617,357 $35,730 $617,357 OT $ 36,217 $417 $36,217

  5. 2018 Q4 Work Completed • The District Historic Properties Management Plan stipulates that we consider project effects on Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs). • The Wanapum have identified and documented 28 TCPs within the project boundary. • Each of the TCPs is undergoing an assessment of potential project-related effects. • The effects assessment will be followed by a mitigation plan to be completed by March 31, 2020. • Completion of geodatabase for archaeological site data collection.

  6. 2019 Q1-2 Forecast • Continuation of TCP delineation and effects mitigation plan in consultation with our Tribal, Federal and State stakeholders • Continuation of Priest Rapids Right Embankment work • Ongoing “Town-hall” style meetings with Wanapum regarding effects of project on Wanapum village • Task 6 resource monitoring implementation

  7. 2019 Forecast  Use of Allocated Resources • Staffing – We’re re-allocating staff time from the Wanapum repository to the archaeology program on a short-term basis in order to assist with PR right-bank work and to help initiate our mitigation and monitoring program • We have a returning Master’s student intern to assist with repository work for a temporary three month period.

  8. 2019 Forecast  Potential Management Challenges • We’ve initiated discussions with Tribal groups, state and federal agencies regarding mitigation of project-related adverse effects to Archaeological Sites and Traditional Cultural Places (Task 6 of the Programmatic Agreement for Cultural Resources). • Consultation on PR Right Bank effects to historic resources, including the configuration of the earth fill and the Milwaukee railroad bed continue. • We’re bringing Wanapum people in to refurbish and rebuild the large tule-mat house.

  9. Questions ?? 9

  10. Fish and Wildlife Quarterly Business Report Grant PUD Commission Meeting March 12, 2019 Operate Responsibly by Attaining Environmental, Cultural Resource and Regulatory Compliance Powering our way of life.

  11. Business Unit Purpose & Goal The Fish and Wildlife Business Unit uses technology, innovation, strategic thinking, good stakeholder relations and skilled negotiations to ensure we are achieving compliance with our Natural Resources regulatory requirements in a safe, cost efficient and biologically sound manner while helping to maintain the long-term financial health of the District.

  12. 2019 Safety Review  Safety  No Recordable Incidents to Date;  A total of 24 Job Briefs (as of 2/12/2019);  A total of 7 Job Site Reviews (as of 2/12/2019);  Goal =10%. Currently at 29.1%;  Overall Safety Meeting Attendance = 100%;  Completed review and update of 5 Job Hazard Assessments (JHAs) for critical tasks during 2019;  Completed review and update of Boat Guidance Document for Environmental Affairs.

  13. 2019 Safety Review  Tracking Safety Concerns  Priest Rapids Hatchery Safety measures;  Ladders to enter/exit fishways;  Fish counting vaults (confined space);  Air monitoring within collection channel;  Snag Tree - Job Hazard Assessment;  Badge Scanner at FW Shop;

  14. 2019 Compliance Review NMFS 2008  File 22 annual reports and plans with various agencies; Biological Opinion  Progress & Implementation Report (8 Combined)  Aquatic Invasive Species Control & Prevention Priest Rapids  Bull trout report and 10 year review Salmon and WADOE  White Sturgeon annual report Steelhead 401 Settlement Certification  Pacific Lamprey annual report Agreement Priest Rapids  Northern Wormwood Conservation Plan Project  Gas Abatement Plan FERC License  Transmission Line Collision Protection  Bald Eagle Perching/Roosting Protection Plan  Wildlife Habitat Monitoring, Info & education  Native Resident Fish  Fish Spill and total dissolved gas report Hanford USFWS  USFWS Annual Recovery report Reach Fall 2008 Chinook  USFWS Annual – Special Use Permit Biological Protection Opinion Program  File 12 reports related to mitigation sites;  File Boundary Adjustment for Nason Creek Acclimation Facility with FERC;

  15. 2019 LEAN Initiative  Fish & Wildlife Business Unit: LEAN Initiative  As part of its regulatory requirements, Grant PUD is required to implement 3 separate funding accounts (No-Net-Impact, Priest Rapids Conservation and Biological Opinion).  Over 100 habitat projects have been implemented to date.  Fish and Wildlife staff provides contact management and oversight, invoice review, individual project tracking and reporting.  Goal: Organize the No-Net-Impact and habitat information so retrieval of information for annual reporting is more efficient and accurate.  Developed consistent process;  Standard location and organization;  Develop expectations for FW staff;  Identified “gatekeeper”;  Improve reporting accuracy;  Reduce search time.

  16. 2019 Budget Review Fish & Wildlife Business Unit - Allocated Resources  Fish & Wildlife Staff 15 Full-Time Regulars (FTRs) Labor = 13.8% 11.06 Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs)  Fish and Wildlife Manager (1 FTR) Cap = 2.4%  0.6 FTEs  Hatchery & Habitat (6 FTRs)  5.0 FTEs  Anadromous & Resident Fish (5 FTRs)  3.0 FTEs  Wildlife/Botanical (3 FTRs)  3.0 FTEs  Budget  Operation & Maintenance = $12,807,101  Capital = $ 365,000 Operations and Maintenance = 83.8%  Labor = $ 2,108,471 2019 Total Budget $15,280,572

  17. 2019 Budget Review – Allocated Budget Actuals ($) Year-End Year-End For Month Ending Category Budget Projection Projection (1/31/2019) ($) (%) O&M $12,807,101 $42,137 $12,294,816 96% Capital $365,000 $0 $365,000 100% Labor $2,108,471 $110,995 $2,108,471 100% Total $15,280,572 $153,132 $14,768,287 96.6%

  18. 2019 Business Activities  Complete engineering alternatives analysis and develop the necessary permit level designs to address Carlton Acclimation Facility Intake Structure issues.  Summer Chinook Acclimation Facility – Methow River.  ~182K summer Chinook are acclimated overwinter at this facility  River channel is migrating away from facility intake.

  19. 2019 Business Activities  Tumwater Dam  Tumwater Dam Fish Weir (Owned by Chelan PUD)  Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (ICA) in place that allows GPUD to utilize the Tumwater weir to collect adult broodstock for GPUD hatchery programs in the Wenatchee River Basin (summer Chinook, Nason Creek spring Chinook).  The ICA specifically defines the specific cost allocations to each PUD depending on the type of activity and/or reactive repair.  Chelan PUD staff has identified erosion and undercutting of the lowermost section of the fishway adjacent to Tumwater dam.  CPUD has reported that preliminary estimated could be between $500,000 and $750,000. However a final engineering estimate is not available.  GPUD’s contractual obligations to support reactive maintenance repairs is 36% ($270,000).

  20. 2019 Business Activities  Evaluate Priest Rapids Hatchery well field and develop a recommendation/plan on next steps (rehabilitate existing wells or new wells).  Fall Chinook Facility – 5.6 million for the District and 1.7 for US Army Corps of Engineers  Three of the eight wells were inoperable during a majority of the timeframe when the Priest Rapids reservoir was operated at lower elevations for Priest Rapids Spillway work/evaluation.

  21. 2019 Business Activities  Develop financial analysis and strength, weakness, opportunities and threat analyst (SWOT) for the operation of the Priest Rapids Hatchery.  Draft financial analysis completed by April 26, 2019;  Draft SWOT Analysis completed by July 26, 2019;  Recommendation to Managing Director of PP, COO and CEO/GM by October 31, 2019

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