power law violation of the area law in quantum spin chains

Power law violation of the area law in quantum spin chains Ramis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Power law violation of the area law in quantum spin chains Ramis Movassagh and Peter W. Shor Northeastern / M.I.T. QIP, Sydney, Jan. 2015 Ramis Movassagh

  1. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Power law violation of the area law in quantum spin chains Ramis Movassagh and Peter W. Shor Northeastern / M.I.T. QIP, Sydney, Jan. 2015 Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  2. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Quantifying entanglement: SVD (Schmidt Decomposition, aka SVD) Suppose | ψ AB � is the pure state of a composite system, AB. Then there exists orthonormal states | Φ α A � for A and orthonormal states | θ α B � for B | ψ AB � = ∑ λ α | Φ α A �⊗| θ α B � α where λ α ’s satisfy ∑ α | λ α | 2 = 1 known as Schmidt numbers. The number of non-zero Schmidt numbers is called the Schmidt rank, χ , of the state (a quantification of entanglement) . Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  3. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Quantifying entanglement: Entropy Another measure of entanglement is entanglement entropy . Recall we had | ψ AB � = ∑ λ α | Φ α A �⊗| θ α B � α where λ α ’s satisfy ∑ α | λ α | 2 = 1. The entanglement entropy is: | λ α | 2 log | λ α | 2 S ≡ − ∑ α where | λ α | 2 = p α are the probabilities. Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  4. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Area laws Area Laws Picture from Eisert, Cramer, Plenio, Rev. Mod. Phys. 82 (2010) Area law: Suppose you have a Hamiltonian with only local interactions, and a quantum system is in the ground state of the Hamiltonian. Then the entropy of entanglement between two subsystems of a quantum system is proportional to the area of the boundary between them. Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  5. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Area law and implications for simulability 1D gapped local systems obey an area law. [M.B. Hastings (2007)] This makes them easy to simulate on a classical comuter. Matrix Product States, DMRG, PEP, etc. work very well for 1D systems with an area law. Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  6. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap higher dimensions It is believed that higher-dimensional gapped systems obey an area law (open). For critical systems, it is believed the area law contains an extra log factor. In D spatial dimensions one expects: L D − 1 ∼ : Gapped S L D − 1 log ( L ) : S ∼ Critical Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  7. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Phase transitions For 1-dimensional spin chains at critical points, the continuous limit is generally a conformal field theory: Entropy of entanglement: O ( log n ) , Spectral gap: O ( 1 / n ) . Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  8. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Basic idea that started our research Simulating 1D spin chains with local Hamiltonians is BQP-complete. (Gottesman, Irani). 1D spin chains with low entanglement are classically simulable. Therefore: there must be 1D spin chains with high entanglement. Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  9. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap arxiv:1001.1006 Movassagh, Farhi, Goldstone, Nagaj, Osborne, Shor (2010) We investigated spin chains with qudits of dimenision d , interaction is a projection dimension r . The ground state is frustration-free but entangled when d ≤ r ≤ d 2 / 4. we could compute the Schmidt ranks, We could not obtain definitive results on the spectral gap or the entanglement entropy. Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  10. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap arXiv:0901.1107 Irani (2010) There are Hamiltonians whose ground states have: spectral gap O ( 1 / n c ) , entanglement entropy O ( n ) , complicated Hamiltonians, high-dimensional spins. Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  11. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Bravyi et al 2012 Bravyi, Caha, Movassagh, Nagaj, Shor (2012) There are Hamiltonians whose ground states have spectral gap O ( 1 / n c ) , have entanglement entropy O ( log n ) , are frustration free, have spins of dimension 3. Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  12. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap New result Movassagh, Shor (2014) There are Hamiltonians whose ground states have spectral gap O ( 1 / n c ) , c ≥ 2 have entanglement entropy O ( √ n ) , are frustration free, have spins of dimension 2 s + 1, s > 1. Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  13. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Another new result Movassagh, Shor (2014) There are Hamiltonians whose ground states numerically have spectral gap O ( 1 / n c ) , c ≥ 2 have entanglement entropy O ( √ n ) , are unique, are not frustration free, have spins of dimension 2 s + 1, s > 1. These properties do not depend on the boundary conditions. Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  14. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Summary of the new result The ’Motzkin state’ , | M 2 n , s � is the unique ground state of the local Hamiltonian Entanglement entropy violates the area law: c 1 ( s ) log 2 ( s ) √ n + 1 S ( n ) = 2 log ( n )+ c 2 ( s ) s n + 1 − 1 = . χ s − 1 n − 2 � � The gap upper bound: O . Brownian excursion and universality of Brownian motion. The gap lower bound: Ω(( n − c ) , c ≫ 1. Fractional matching and statistics of random walks Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  15. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap States: d = 2 s + 1 s = 1 ℓ 1 ( 0 0 d = 3 r 1 ) Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  16. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap States s = 1 ℓ 1 ( 0 0 d = 3 r 1 ) Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  17. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap s ≥ 1 s = 2 ℓ 1 ( ℓ 2 [ 0 0 d = 5 r 1 ) r 2 ] Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  18. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Ground states Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  19. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap How to quantify entanglement Entanglement of Motzkin States is due to the mutual information between halves k l a w n i k z t o M A B ( ( 0 ( ( 0 ) ) ) ) Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  20. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap How to quantify entanglement Entanglement of Motzkin States is due to the mutual information between halves k l a w n i k z t o M m A B ( ( 0 ( ( 0 ) ) ) ) Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  21. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap More than one type of ’parenthesis’ e.g., s = 2 Suppose there are two types ( and { to match { ( 0 { ( 0 } ) } ) Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  22. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap More than one type of ’parenthesis’ e.g., s = 2 Entanglement of Colored Motzkin States is due to the mutual information between halves k l a w n i k z t o M { ( 0 { ( 0 } ) } ) Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  23. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Subtlety for s > 1 Suppose there are two types ( and { to match O.K. ( 0 { 0 } ) Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  24. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap Matching that does NOT work Suppose there are two types ( and { to match ( 0 { 0 ) } Not O.K. ! O.K. ( 0 { 0 } ) Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  25. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap The ground state s = 1 1 | p th Motzkin walk � √ M 2 n ∑ | M 2 n , s � = p e.g., 2 n = { 2 , 4 } 1 | M 2 � = 2 { | 00 � + | ℓ r �} 1 | M 4 � = 9 { | 0000 � + | 00 ℓ r � + | 0 ℓ 0 r � + | ℓ 00 r � + | 0 ℓ 0 r � + | ℓ 0 r 0 � + | ℓ r 00 � + | ℓ r ℓ r � + | ℓℓ rr �} Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]

  26. Quantifying entanglement, area laws and simulability The Local Hamiltonian and Gap The ground state s ≥ 1 1 | p th s-colored Motzkin walk � √ M 2 n ∑ M 2 n , s � = p e.g., 2 n = 2 � � s | ℓ k r k � ∑ M 2 , s � ∼ | 00 � + k = 1 Ramis Movassagh Movassagh and Shor: arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]


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