powell sabin spline based multilevel preconditioners for

PowellSabin spline based multilevel preconditioners for 4th order - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction PowellSabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References PowellSabin spline based multilevel preconditioners for 4th order elliptic equations on the sphere Jan Maes, Adhemar Bultheel Department of Computer

  1. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Powell–Sabin spline based multilevel preconditioners for 4th order elliptic equations on the sphere Jan Maes, Adhemar Bultheel Department of Computer Science Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Bremen, November 9, 2006

  2. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Outline Introduction 1 Powell–Sabin splines 2 The space of Powell–Sabin splines Spherical Powell–Sabin splines Multiresolution analysis Numerical simulation with PS splines 3 The biharmonic equation in the plane The hierarchical basis preconditioner Optimal multilevel preconditioners The biharmonic equation on the sphere References 4

  3. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Introduction

  4. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References The biharmonic equation: plate bending problems � ∂ 2 � � ∂ 2 � ∂ x 2 + ∂ 2 ∂ x 2 + ∂ 2 ∇ 4 u ( x , y ) = u ( x , y ) = f ( x , y ) ∂ y 2 ∂ y 2 u ( x , y ) is the vertical displacement due to an external force. boundary conditions u = 0 ∂ u ∂ n = 0

  5. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Design of car windscreens

  6. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Design of aircrafts Courtesy of University of Bath

  7. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Comparison with a classical method Error × 1000 � �� � Classical method Optimal PS spline based multilevel preconditioner

  8. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Plate bending in a spherical geometry Physical geodesy Oceanography Meteorology Earth dynamics

  9. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References The pole problem Spherical coordinates give rise to the “pole problem” Therefore we will explore a different approach based on homogeneous polynomials in R 3 .

  10. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Powell–Sabin splines

  11. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Splines as mathematical building blocks                                             

  12. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Bernstein–Bézier representation = ⇒ Pierre Étienne Bézier (1910-1999)

  13. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Stitching together Bézier triangles = ⇒ No C 1 continuity at the red curve

  14. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References C 1 continuity with Powell–Sabin splines Conformal triangulation ∆ PS 6-split ∆ PS S 1 2 (∆ PS ) = space of PS splines M.J.D. Powell M.A. Sabin

  15. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References C 1 continuity with Powell–Sabin splines Conformal triangulation ∆ PS 6-split ∆ PS S 1 2 (∆ PS ) = space of PS splines M.J.D. Powell M.A. Sabin

  16. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References C 1 continuity with Powell–Sabin splines Conformal triangulation ∆ PS 6-split ∆ PS S 1 2 (∆ PS ) = space of PS splines M.J.D. Powell M.A. Sabin

  17. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References The dimension of S 1 2 (∆ PS ) ? There is exactly one solution s ∈ S 1 2 (∆ PS ) to the Hermite interpolation problem s ( V i ) = α i , ∀ V i ∈ ∆ , i = 1 , . . . , N . D x s ( V i ) = β i , D y s ( V i ) = γ i , The dimension of S 1 2 (∆ PS ) is 3 N . Therefore we need 3 N basis functions.

  18. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References The dimension of S 1 2 (∆ PS ) ? There is exactly one solution s ∈ S 1 2 (∆ PS ) to the Hermite interpolation problem s ( V i ) = α i , ∀ V i ∈ ∆ , i = 1 , . . . , N . D x s ( V i ) = β i , D y s ( V i ) = γ i , The dimension of S 1 2 (∆ PS ) is 3 N . Therefore we need 3 N basis functions.

  19. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Powell–Sabin B-splines with control triangles 3 N � � s ( x , y ) = c ij B ij ( x , y ) i = 1 j = 1 B ij is the unique solution to [ B ij ( V k ) , D x B ij ( V k ) , D y B ij ( V k )] = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] for all k � = i [ B ij ( V i ) , D x B ij ( V i ) , D y B ij ( V i )] = [ α ij , β ij , γ ij ] for j = 1 , 2 , 3 Partition of unity: � 3 � N j = 1 B ij ( x , y ) = 1, i = 1 B ij ( x , y ) ≥ 0 (Paul Dierckx, 1997)

  20. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Powell–Sabin B-splines with control triangles 3 N � � s ( x , y ) = c ij B ij ( x , y ) i = 1 j = 1 B ij is the unique solution to [ B ij ( V k ) , D x B ij ( V k ) , D y B ij ( V k )] = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] for all k � = i [ B ij ( V i ) , D x B ij ( V i ) , D y B ij ( V i )] = [ α ij , β ij , γ ij ] for j = 1 , 2 , 3 Partition of unity: � 3 � N j = 1 B ij ( x , y ) = 1, i = 1 B ij ( x , y ) ≥ 0 (Paul Dierckx, 1997)

  21. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Powell–Sabin B-splines with control triangles 3 N � � s ( x , y ) = c ij B ij ( x , y ) i = 1 j = 1 B ij is the unique solution to [ B ij ( V k ) , D x B ij ( V k ) , D y B ij ( V k )] = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] for all k � = i [ B ij ( V i ) , D x B ij ( V i ) , D y B ij ( V i )] = [ α ij , β ij , γ ij ] for j = 1 , 2 , 3 Partition of unity: � 3 � N j = 1 B ij ( x , y ) = 1, i = 1 B ij ( x , y ) ≥ 0 (Paul Dierckx, 1997)

  22. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Powell–Sabin B-splines with control triangles Three locally supported basis functions per vertex

  23. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Powell–Sabin B-splines with control triangles The control triangle is tangent to the PS spline surface.

  24. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Powell–Sabin B-splines with control triangles It ‘controls’ the local shape of the spline surface.

  25. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Spherical spline spaces P . Alfeld, M. Neamtu, and L. L. Schumaker (1996) Homogeneous of degree d : f ( α v ) = α d f ( v ) H d := space of trivariate polynomials of degree d that are homogeneous of degree d Restriction of H d to a plane in R 3 \ { 0 } ⇒ we recover the space of bivariate polynomials ∆ := conforming spherical triangulation of the unit sphere S S r d (∆) := { s ∈ C r ( S ) | s | τ ∈ H d ( τ ) , τ ∈ ∆ }

  26. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Spherical Powell–Sabin splines s ( v i ) = f i , D g i s ( v i ) = f gi , D h i s ( v i ) = f hi , ∀ v i ∈ ∆ has a unique solution in S 1 2 (∆ PS )

  27. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References 1 − 1 connection with bivariate PS splines ⇒ | v | 2 B ij ( v | v | ) ⇒ ← − Spherical PS B- piecewise trivari- Restriction to the spline B ij ( v ) ate polynomial of plane tangent to degree 2 that is S at v i ∈ ∆ homogeneous of degree 2

  28. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References 1 − 1 connection with bivariate PS splines Let T i be the plane tangent to S at vertex v i Radial projection: R i v := v := v | v | ∈ S , v ∈ T i ⊂ ∆ PS be its Define ∆ i as the star of v i in ∆ , and let ∆ PS i PS 6-split. Theorem Let s ∈ S 1 ) . Let s be the restriction of | v | 2 s ( v / | v | ) to T i . 2 (∆ PS i 2 ( R − 1 Then s is in S 1 ) and ∆ PS i i s ( v i ) = s ( v i ) , D g i s ( v i ) = D g i s ( v i ) , D h i s ( v i ) = D h i s ( v i ) .

  29. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References 1 − 1 connection with bivariate PS splines Let T i be the plane tangent to S at vertex v i Radial projection: R i v := v := v | v | ∈ S , v ∈ T i ⊂ ∆ PS be its Define ∆ i as the star of v i in ∆ , and let ∆ PS i PS 6-split. Theorem Let s ∈ S 1 ) . Let s be the restriction of | v | 2 s ( v / | v | ) to T i . 2 (∆ PS i 2 ( R − 1 Then s is in S 1 ) and ∆ PS i i s ( v i ) = s ( v i ) , D g i s ( v i ) = D g i s ( v i ) , D h i s ( v i ) = D h i s ( v i ) .

  30. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Spherical B-splines with control triangles

  31. Introduction Powell–Sabin splines Numerical simulation with PS splines References Applications on a spherical domain Approximation of a mesh: consider the triangles of the original triangular mesh as control triangles of a PS spline.


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