pov over erty ty in in sea seattle ttle

Pov over erty ty in in Sea Seattle: ttle: What the 2014 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pov over erty ty in in Sea Seattle: ttle: What the 2014 American Community Survey Data T ells Us Gene e Balk alk The e Seat attle le Times mes Prep epared ed for WCPCs Cs 2015 Pover erty y Summit mmit Univ iver ersity

  1. Pov over erty ty in in Sea Seattle: ttle: What the 2014 American Community Survey Data T ells Us Gene e Balk alk The e Seat attle le Times mes Prep epared ed for WCPCs Cs 2015 Pover erty y Summit mmit Univ iver ersity ity of Washin hington on Octo tober er 29, 2015

  2. New New Pov over erty ty Da Data For ta For 20 2014 14 14.4% of Seattle residents are below poverty level • 47,203 women and 46,402 men 8.3% of families are below poverty level • 11,415 families

  3. New New Pov over erty ty Da Data For ta For 20 2014 14 16.5% of children under 18 are below poverty level • 16,169 children 12.4% of seniors 65+ are below poverty level • 9,806 seniors

  4. Population below poverty level keeping pace with Seattle’s overall population increase Seattle Population Below Poverty Level 100,000 700,000 90,000 600,000 80,000 TOTAL POPULATION BELOW POVERTY 500,000 70,000 60,000 400,000 50,000 300,000 40,000 30,000 200,000 20,000 100,000 10,000 0 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total Population Below Poverty

  5. Poverty Rate in Seattle Lower Than Most Big Cities 50 Most Populous US Cities - Percent Below Poverty Level in 2014 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 14.4% 15% 10% 5% 0%

  6. Pover verty ty Rate te By Census nsus Tract, ct, 2009-2013 13 Highest concentrations of poverty in: PowerPoint University District • Rainier Valley and Beacon Hill • 2013 Central District and First Hill • International District and Pioneer • Square High Point (West Seattle) • Pockets of poverty found in many parts of Seattle

  7. AGE BREAKDOWN OF SEATTLE POPULATION BELOW POVERTY IN 2014 75 yrs + Under 5 65 to 74 18-24 year olds are largest age group • 5% 5% yrs 6% 5 - 17 yrs below poverty level in Seattle: 22,788 55 to 64 12% yrs people 10% iii 54% Increase between 2013 and 2014 • 45 to 54 yrs in men age 25-34 below poverty 8% 18 to 24 yrs 51% Increase between 2013 and 2014 • 24% 35 to 44 yrs in women age 35-44 below poverty 12% 25 to 34 yrs 18%

  8. Poverty Rate Higher Among Foreign-Born 100% 90% 80% 79,437 70% 432,508 60% 50% 40% 10,621 30% 62,749 20% 28,195 65,410 10% 0% Native-Born Foreign-Born Below Poverty 100%--149% of Poverty 150% or Above Poverty

  9. RACE/ETHNIC RACE/ETHNIC BREAKDOWN of SEATTLE BREAKDOWN of SEATTLE POPULATION BELOW TOTAL POPULATION in POVERTY in 2014 2014 Other Race 1% Latino [CATEGORY Latino NAME] Other Race 5% [CATEGORY Asian White NAME] iii 14% 40% Black Asian 7% White 21% 66% Black 17%

  10. RACE/ETHNIC BREAKDOWN of SEATTLE POPULATION BELOW POVERTY in 2014 Latino Other Race Asians are now 2 nd largest group below • 5% poverty level in Seattle: 20,116 people [CATEGORY White NAME] 30% Increase between 2013 and 2014 in iii • 40% the number of Asians below poverty Number of Latinos below poverty declined • Asian by 23% between 2013 and 2014 21% Black 17%

  11. As Asia ian n Pov over erty ty in in Seat Seattle tle in in 20 2014 14 26.7% are college-age men and women • 5,381 Asian men & women 18-24 53% increase among women 25-54 since 2013 • 5,005 Asian women age 25-54

  12. Poverty Rate for Asians in Seattle Ranks Among Highest 25 US Cities with Largest Asian Populations - Percent Below Poverty Level in 2014 35% 30% 25% 22.2% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

  13. Two Charts Illustrating Income Inequality in Seattle Median Household Shares of Aggregate Income By Race Household Income by Quintile $90,000 $80,000 3% $70,000 $60,000 8% $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 15% $20,000 $10,000 51% $0 24% Median Household Income in 2014 Lowest Second Third Fourth Highest

  14. Questions? Ideas for a Column? Please let me know! Gene Balk phone: 206-515-5052 email: gbalk@seattletimes.com twitter: @genebalk


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