posters you can count on

POSTERS YOU CAN COUNT ON How to manage 25 individual research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

POSTERS YOU CAN COUNT ON How to manage 25 individual research projects simultaneously Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College Mathematics WHAT IS COMBINATORICS? The material Better ways to count Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens

  1. POSTERS YOU CAN COUNT ON How to manage 25 individual research projects simultaneously Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College Mathematics

  2. WHAT IS COMBINATORICS? „ The material „ Better ways to count Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  3. WHAT IS COMBINATORICS? „ The material „ Better ways to count Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  4. WHAT IS COMBINATORICS? „ The material „ Better ways to count Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  5. WHAT IS COMBINATORICS? „ The material „ Better ways to count Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  6. WHAT IS COMBINATORICS? „ The material „ Better ways to count Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  7. WHAT IS COMBINATORICS? „ The material „ Better ways to count „ The course (Math 636) „ 25 students „ Active learning „ Individual Research & Poster Presentation Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  8. ACTIVE LEARNING „ Engaging, inviting classroom Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  9. ACTIVE LEARNING „ Engaging, inviting classroom „ Think Pair Share, Groupwork Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  10. ACTIVE LEARNING „ Engaging, inviting classroom „ Think Pair Share, Groupwork „ High expectations Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  11. ACTIVE LEARNING „ Engaging, inviting classroom „ Think Pair Share, Groupwork „ High expectations (Join our Experiential Learning Group!) Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  12. TERM-LONG PROJECT THE PROJECT Research a combinatorial question of your choosing and present your findings through a poster. Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  13. TERM-LONG PROJECT THE PROJECT IDEA Research a combinatorial question of „ Apply topics learned throughout your choosing and present your semester findings through a poster. Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  14. TERM-LONG PROJECT THE PROJECT IDEA Research a combinatorial question of „ Apply topics learned throughout your choosing and present your semester findings through a poster. „ Taste of research Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  15. TERM-LONG PROJECT THE PROJECT IDEA Research a combinatorial question of „ Apply topics learned throughout your choosing and present your semester findings through a poster. „ Taste of research „ Hands On = Active learning Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  16. TERM-LONG PROJECT THE PROJECT IDEA Research a combinatorial question of „ Apply topics learned throughout your choosing and present your semester findings through a poster. „ Taste of research „ Hands On = Active learning „ Experience and appreciate the diversity of our students Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  17. TERM-LONG PROJECT THE PROJECT IDEA Research a combinatorial question of „ Apply topics learned throughout your choosing and present your semester findings through a poster. „ Taste of research „ Hands On = Active learning DELIVERABLES „ Experience and appreciate the „ Poster diversity of our students „ Writeup „ Checkpoints Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  18. CHOOSING A TOPIC RECENT TOPICS „ Goals: „ Student engagement „ Running in Central Park „ Diversity of topics „ Guitar chords „ Korean Drama plotlines „ Android lock codes „ World Cup Soccer Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  19. CHOOSING A TOPIC RECENT TOPICS „ Goals: „ Student engagement „ Running in Central Park „ Diversity of topics „ Guitar chords „ Complete freedom in topic „ Intimidating! „ Korean Drama plotlines „ Interests outside school „ Android lock codes „ World Cup Soccer Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  20. CHOOSING A TOPIC RECENT TOPICS „ Goals: „ Student engagement „ Running in Central Park „ Diversity of topics „ Guitar chords „ Complete freedom in topic „ Intimidating! „ Korean Drama plotlines „ Interests outside school „ Android lock codes „ Then hone the scope! „ Grain of an idea „ World Cup Soccer „ Experience as a researcher Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  21. ENSURING SUCCESS „ Students invested in topic „ Be available. Be flexible. Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  22. ENSURING SUCCESS „ Students invested in topic „ Be available. Be flexible. „ Provide structure, timeline „ Week 7: Topic „ Week 9: Outline „ Week 14: Poster work day Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  23. ENSURING SUCCESS „ Students invested in topic „ Be available. Be flexible. „ Provide structure, timeline „ Week 7: Topic „ Week 9: Outline „ Week 14: Poster work day „ Poster Session during Finals Week Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  24. SUCCESS! Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  25. SELF REFLECTION „ Amazing culmination of semester short_answers_headscratch.png Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  26. SELF REFLECTION „ Amazing culmination of semester „ Is there more? „ Wider audience? „ Research article? short_answers_headscratch.png Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  27. SELF REFLECTION „ Amazing culmination of semester „ Is there more? „ Wider audience? „ Research article? „ Should there be more? „ Open to your thoughts …. short_answers_headscratch.png Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

  28. THANK YOU! > Course Archive � > Talks � Plenty of Posters Slides Available „ Binghamton University Center for Learning and Teaching „ Institute for Student-Centered Learning Conference. „ My students, who amaze and inspire, EVERY TIME! Christopher R. H. Hanusa Queens College, CUNY Teaching Innovation Carnivale May 9, 2014

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