portfolio optimization in short time horizon rohini kumar

Portfolio optimization in short time horizon Rohini Kumar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Goal Model Approximating the Value function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Portfolio optimization in short time horizon Rohini Kumar Mathematics Dept., Wayne State University (Joint work with H. Nasralah)

  1. Goal Model Approximating the Value function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Portfolio optimization in short time horizon Rohini Kumar Mathematics Dept., Wayne State University (Joint work with H. Nasralah) WCMF 2017 March 24, 2017 Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  2. Goal Model Approximating the Value function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Goal 1 Model 2 Incomplete market - Stochastic volatility model Utility function Approximating the Value function 3 Approximating the optimal investment strategy 4 Example and Numerics 5 Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  3. Goal Model Approximating the Value function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Objective Portfolio optimization in a time horizon [ t , T ] where τ := T − t → 0. We want to choose an investment strategy that will maximize the expected utility of terminal wealth. We assume a general strictly increasing, concave terminal utility function of wealth U T ( x ). Obtain closed-form approximating formulas as τ → 0 of the maximal expected utility and optimal portfolio. Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  4. Goal Model Approximating the Value function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Literature review Some recent work where closed-form formulas are obtained in the incomplete market case. [LS16] “Portfolio Optimization under Local-Stochastic Volatility: Coefficient Taylor Series Approximations & Implied Sharpe Ratio” by Lorig and Sircar in 2016 [FSZ13] “Portfolio optimization & stochastic volatility asymptotics” by Fouque, Sircar and Zariphopoulou. Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  5. Goal Model Incomplete market - Stochastic volatility model Approximating the Value function Utility function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics We work under the assumptions on the market model and utility function in the 2013 paper “An approximation scheme for solution to the optimal investment problem in incomplete markets” by Zariphopoulou and Nadtochiy [NZ13]. Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  6. Goal Model Incomplete market - Stochastic volatility model Approximating the Value function Utility function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Stochastic volatility model for risky asset price The market consists of one risky asset and one riskless bond. The risky asset price, S t satisfies dS t = µ ( Y t ) S t dt + σ ( Y t ) S t dW (1) 1 t � dY t = b ( Y t ) dt + a ( Y t )( ρ dW (1) 1 − ρ 2 dW (2) + ) . t t where W (1) and W (2) are independent standard brownian motions, − 1 < ρ < 1. Define λ ( y ) := µ ( y ) − r where r is the risk-free interest rate. σ ( y ) Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  7. Goal Model Incomplete market - Stochastic volatility model Approximating the Value function Utility function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Assumptions on stochastic volatility model Bounded continuous coefficients, volatilities bounded away from zero and | a ′ | , | a ′′ | , | b ′ | , | λ | , | λ ′ | , | λ ′′ | are bounded. Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  8. Goal Model Incomplete market - Stochastic volatility model Approximating the Value function Utility function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Let π s and π 0 s denote the discounted amount of wealth invested in the risky asset and risk-free asset at time s . If x denotes the initial wealth at time t , then the wealth at time s is X t , x ,π := π s + π 0 s , which evolves as s = σ ( Y s ) π s ( λ ( Y s ) ds + dW 1 X t , x ,π dX t , x ,π s ) , = x , s t assuming self-financing strategies ( π s , π 0 s ). Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  9. Goal Model Incomplete market - Stochastic volatility model Approximating the Value function Utility function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Optimization problem We wish to maximize the expected terminal utility at time T where the terminal utility function is given by U T . We define the value function J ( t , x ) as the optimal expected terminal utility: E [ U T ( X t , x ,π J ( t , x , Y t ) = ess sup ) |F t ] , T π ∈A where A is the set of admissible trading strategies. � T t π 2 s σ 2 ( Y s ) ds ] < ∞ , A = {F t -adapted processes π such that E [ � T ( X t , x ,π t ( X t , x ,π ) − p (1 + π 2 ) s ∈ [ t , T ] is strictly positive and E [ s ) ds ] < ∞ , s s for every p ≥ 0 } . Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  10. Goal Model Incomplete market - Stochastic volatility model Approximating the Value function Utility function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Utility function Assumption 1: The terminal utility function U T ( x ) is a strictly increasing, concave function of wealth, x , and U T ∈ C 5 ( R ). Assumption 2: U T ( x ) behaves asymptotically as x → 0 and x → ∞ as an affine transformation of some power function x 1 − γ , where γ � = 1. x − γ − 1 = O (1) , ... U (5) ( U ′ x − γ = O (1) , U ′′ T ( x ) T ( x ) T ( x ) x − γ − 4 = O (1), as x → 0 , ∞ .) Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  11. Goal Model Incomplete market - Stochastic volatility model Approximating the Value function Utility function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics HJB equation The associated HJB equation for this optimization problem is: � 1 2 σ 2 ( y ) π 2 U xx + π ( σ ( y ) λ ( y ) U x U t + max π + 1 � 2 a 2 ( y ) U yy + b ( y ) U y = 0; + ρσ ( y ) a ( y ) U xy ) U ( T , x , y ) = U T ( x ) . The maximum is achieved at π ( t , x , y ) = − λ ( y ) U x − ρ a ( y ) U xy . σ ( y ) U xx Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  12. Goal Model Incomplete market - Stochastic volatility model Approximating the Value function Utility function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics marginal HJB equation If U ( t , x , y ) is a solution to the HJB equation, then V = U x satisfies the following marginal HJB equation V t + H ( y , V , V x , V y , V xx , V xy , V yy ) = 0 , (3) where � λ ( y ) V + ρ a ( y ) V y � 2 H :=1 V xx − λ ( y ) V + ρ a ( y ) V y ρ a ( y ) V xy 2 V x V x + 1 2 a 2 ( y ) V yy − λ 2 ( y ) V + ( b ( y ) − λ ( y ) ρ a ( y )) V y Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  13. Goal Model Approximating the Value function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Key results from [NZ13] THEOREM (Nadtochiy&Zariphopoulou [NZ13]) The marginal HJB equation has a unique continuous viscosity solution V in the class D (Where, informally, D can be described as the class of continuous c x − γ ≤ f ( t , x , y ) ≤ cx − γ .) functions f ( t , x , y ) such that 0 < 1 THEOREM (Nadtochiy&Zariphopoulou [NZ13]) Let V be the unique viscosity solution of the marginal HJB equation in previous theorem. Define � � x U T (0 + ) + 0 V ( t , z , y ) dz , if γ ∈ (0 , 1) U ( t , x , y ) := � ∞ U T ( ∞ ) − V ( t , z , y ) dz , if γ > 1 . x Then the value function J ( t , x , y ) = U ( t , x , y ) . Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  14. Goal Model Approximating the Value function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Approximating V - solution to the marginal HJB Approximating V : STEP 1: We construct classical sub- and super-solutions to the marginal HJB equation. Plug in the following formal expansion into the marginal HJB equations: V ( t , x , y ) = V 0 ( x , y ) + ( T − t ) V 1 ( x , y ) + ( T − t ) 2 V 2 ( x , y ) + · · · . Comparing coefficients of powers of ( T − t ), we obtain the following expressions for V 0 and V 1 : V 0 ( x , y ) = u ( x ) := U ′ T ( x ) , V 1 ( x , y ) = K ( x , y ); where K ( x , y ) := λ 2 ( y ) R ( x ) and u 2 ( x ) u ′′ ( x ) R ( x ) := 1 − u ( x ) . 2 ( u ′ ( x )) 2 Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon

  15. Goal Model Approximating the Value function Approximating the optimal investment strategy Example and Numerics Define V ( t , x , y ) = u ( x ) + ( T − t ) K ( x , y ) − Cx − γ ( T − t ) 2 and V ( t , x , y ) = u ( x ) + ( T − t ) K ( x , y ) + Cx − γ ( T − t ) 2 , which for an appropriate choice of C > 0 are sub- and super-solutions, respectively, of the marginal HJB equation, i.e. ∂ t V + H ( V ) ≥ 0 and ∂ t V + H ( V ) ≤ 0 . Rohini Kumar Portfolio optimization in short time horizon


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