Police & Crime Commissioner Police & Crime Commissioner Transition Transition Briefing Briefing Shelley Bosson, Chief Executive Gwent Police Authority
Outline of Presentation Outline of Presentation • The role of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) • Transition arrangements in Gwent • Partnership working
PCC Role PCC Role
Overview of the PRSR Act Overview of the PRSR Act 2011 2011 � Elected Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) will replace Police Authorities in England and Wales. The election is on November 15 th . � The PCC’s main statutory duty is to secure and maintain an efficient and effective policing service. � They will do this by supporting and scrutinising the delivery of the police service through the delivery of the Police and Crime plan � Set the strategic direction and objectives of the force via a 5 year Police and Crime Plan (P&CP). � The PCC will set local precept levels and force budget.
Overview of the PRSR Act Overview of the PRSR Act 2011 2011 � The PCC will appoint (and if necessary dismiss) the Chief Constable (the panel have a power of veto). � The PCC will be supported and challenged by a Police and Crime Panel. • PCCs will have a statutory duty to collaborate with other forces, criminal justice agencies and victims and will be expected to play a leading role in community safety and crime reduction in the force area. • The PCC will consult with the community and, in particular, seek the views of victims
Overview of the PRSR Act 2011 •Have regard to the Strategic Policing requirement •Report to the Panel on delivery and provide an Annual report against the Police and Crime plan •Publish appropriate information to enable the public in Gwent to assess the delivery and performance of the Commissioner •Monitor satisfaction with the quality of the policing service by scrutinising complaints and the overall feedback about the police •Manage complaints against the Chief Constable
Transition in Gwent Transition in Gwent � All Wales Transition Board including representatives from a range of key partners (ACPO Cymru, WLGA, WAPACHE, Welsh Government, Wales Office) � Gwent Transition Board in place to progress requirements for transition on a Gwent basis. � Other partners are represented on the Gwent Board .
Transition in Gwent Transition in Gwent Work Areas include; • Governance, Police & Crime Panels & Risk • Engagement, communication & consultation strategies • Service continuity, staffing, finance & contractual Issues • Partnership Working • The Commissioning Framework • The Election process
Transition in Gwent Transition in Gwent � Briefing events and meetings have taken place with Gwent candidates as part of the transition process. � The current Gwent Police Authority Secretariat continue to support the transition process. � Provide public information on the transition process.
Budget Figures based on 2012/13 Financial Year Expenditure Area £ ‘000s Comments Police Officers 67,302 1,434 wte Police Staff 31,057 741 wte HO and Partner CSOs 4,799 139 wte WG CSOs 2,905 101 wte Other Employee 2,155 Related Non-Pay 21,061 129,279 Gross Revenue Expenditure Total
Budget Figures based on 2012/13 Financial Year Funding Source £’000s Comments General Police Grant 44,676 Formula Grant – Home Office Revenue Support Grant 16,202 WG National Non-Domestic 16,756 Business Rates – WG Rates Council Tax Precept 39,816 Gwent Homeowners Total 117,453 Net Revenue Expenditure Income 4,004 Seconded, Interest, SCEU, WITS etc Specific Grants (HO) 3,457 CSO, CTSA, DIP & Capital Specific Grants (WG) 4,365 CSO, AWSL,& PFI Total 129,279 Gross Revenue Expenditure
PCC & Partners PCC & Partners
PCC & Partners PCC & Partners � PCC has the freedom to commission services from other bodies. � PCC will take a Gwent overview across local partnerships, seeking ways to coordinate services that are needed. � PCCs have been tasked with working together with local authorities, community safety, justice, health and Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS) partners to ensure the needs of the public are met
PCC & Partners PCC & Partners � PCCs will look for opportunities to work together and commission services on the common priorities of the PCC, other partners and 3 rd sector organisations. � Local knowledge and understanding will be of value to the PCC in producing their plan and deciding how to allocate their budget to achieve their objectives.
Police & Crime Plans Police & Crime Plans Will show: •The PCC’s police and crime priorities for the area and therefore the policing which the Chief Constable is to provide; •The financial and other resources which the PCC is to provide to the Chief Constable to achieve this; •The means by which the Chief Constable will report to the PCC on the service provided by policing and how the Chief Constable‘s performance will be measured; and •The crime and disorder reduction grants which the PCC is to make, and the conditions (if any) for those grants
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Further information www.gwentpa.police.uk The latest bulletin published by the Home Office provides a useful synopsis of recent developments and can be accessed via the attached link: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publications/p olice/police-crime-comms-bulletin/
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