Pokemon Breaker Rui Chen, rc3205 Dajing Xu, dx2178 Shao-Fu Wu, sw3385 Bingyao Shi, bs3119
Content System Architecture Hardware - Graphic Display - Audio Sound Software - Inputs - Game logic
Take a Glance
Graphic Display - Memory Budget 353 Kbits used out of 4,450 Kbits of embedded memory
Graphic Display - Processing Use Matlab code to preprocess .png images into .mif files ● Use MegaWizard to configure single-port ROM memory blocks for ● every sprite .mif files contain 24-bit color information for each pixel, 8 bits each ● for R, G & B
Graphic Display - Architecture & Layers
Audio Architecture
Audio Effect Design When ball hits on brick or wall, only in a single loop the audio_choose is set, in the next loop it goes back to 0. In our design, a loop is roughly 1.2ms, which is much shorter than the sound effects which are around 0.3s. Solve this from hardware side: Use a flag to mark whether the sound effect is over.
Audio Effects Memory Budget
Audio Effects Summary 1. Audio effects includes sound effect of hitting on wall and on bricks, sampling rate is 8kHz. 2. Controlled by a audio_choose signal, sending from user space. 3. Audio effects don’t disturb the background music, just add sound effects on top of it.
Inputs USB mouse - libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid dev_handle = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(ctx, 16700, 12314); //open mouse rr = libusb_interrupt_transfer(dev_handle, 0x81, datain, 0x0004, &size, 0); The mouse will return four bytes of data. In this project only second and the last were used.
Inputs USB keyboard left and right
Core Parameters - Ball location (x,y) (2*10 bits) - Paddle location (10 bits) - Brick status {brick_exists, brick_gone} (1*6*10 bits) - Score (3*4 bits) - Lives (2 bits) - Game status {normal, won, lost} (2 bits) - Audio control {normal, hit_wall, hit_brick} (2 bits)
General Game Logic - 1. Programmable brick layout - 2. Several Levels(difficulty) of games, 2 levels currently for faster demonstration - 3. Press “ENTER” to start - 4. Random initial direction, fixed absolute value of speed - 5. 3 lives in total, shown on the top right corner - 6. Score system: 2pts for green bricks, 1pt for blue brick - 7. Reset after 3 lives are gone / player has passed all levels
Bouncing Models - hit Hit on brick Ball center falling into the blue region means the ball is hitting on the brick. Hit on paddle Similarly to determine whether the ball is hitting on the brick or not.
Bouncing Models - bounce Hit on brick - 1. Top, bottom - 2. Right, left - 3. Hit on corners, consider the corner as a circle with r=0. The radial speed vr = -vr, lateral speed vl = vl. - Do some maths, it gives
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